Saturday 25 June 2011

Consideration of these principles provides ...

The principle of advanced training - start early preventive education, at least three years before it becomes necessary to make problematic decisions. Consideration of these principles provides a modern methodological and technological level of such training programs, their undoubted effectiveness. Thus, this article identifies some problems setting anti-drug educational preventive work, formulated the basic methodological principles of targeted training programs. The approbation of such a program was carried out over three years in a number of educational institutions in Moscow. Article published in zhurnaleLechaschy doctor

Friday 24 June 2011

The principle of personalization - if possible ...

They live in this particular community and not isolated from the adult world. Preventive work is not limited to the transfer of knowledge and clarification. The concept of prevention involves: the formation of an adequate attitude to a significant social phenomenon (a drunken, drug addict - it's unpleasant, painful for others, it is dangerous for the individual, etc.), training skills to overcome the external pressure, conformity (to know how to confront a stranger-pressed to say no ", to be independent) of the child's specific personal qualities (self-esteem, awareness of its uniqueness, the ability to speak about their difficulties and ask for help, etc.). Our curriculum prevention program based on the following methodological basis, responding to modern approaches to learning and education. These are: the dialogical communication, ie, the interaction of teacher and student as equal partners, without excessive authoritarianism on the part of teachers, the democratic style of teaching, based on sincerity, trust, openness, equal partnership. Based on the analysis and synthesis of international and domestic experience in the implementation technologies of psycho-hygiene-oriented training programs we have identified the following principles of their construction. Systematic approach - taking into account the totality of personal and social factors that determine children's readiness for the implementation of a safe conduct and risky behavior, deviant - in their relationship and interaction. Partial - anti-drug education as part of the overall sustainability of the educational process to the formation of psycho-hygiene behavior-based, providing the stability of risk factors. Subject adequacy - the maximum reflection in the program content to real life issues that are relevant to specific age groups and are directly related to the possible attached to the SAC (including in this city, district, school). Cognitive adequacy - that the content of teaching materials and techniques intellectual development of children. Socio-cultural relevance - Accounting peculiar to our culture, social values, behavior, communication, leisure activities, including rituals of consumption of the surfactant. Drug adequacy - the account of our "native" Drug culture - typical for Russia and Moscow's use of various forms of surfactant, the mechanisms involving in this consumption, especially the "People's attitude to the misuse of surfactants - a drunken, drug addicts. Using the phenomenon of mass consciousness, mass culture (including their age aspect) - as mentioned above. The principle of personalization - if possible, provide a direct impact on children as their favorite characters, and "winners blemish" - former patients who have a special right to speak about the need to reject the SAW, thus achieving genuine impact. The principle of mandatory alternative payoff - "I'm not going to smoke and drink more so, because I want to be strong, smart, beautiful."

This result can also be interpreted ...

This program is inculcated in several Moscow schools (№ 1256, 76) and the boarding school № 29. During the three academic years, beginning with the first class, they were special weekly lessons on raising skills of healthy and safe behaviors and lifestyles. Once children learn in an accessible form with information on substances hazardous to life and health, and in the form of a game taught the rules of careful handling, we were going to go to information about drugs. It was decided to determine the readiness of junior schoolchildren to accept this information. Before proceeding to the next level of prevention, we conducted a survey in two classes at school number 1256. Here are the results of the survey 58 children (38 girls and 20 boys). Children answer the following questions: What are the psychoactive substances do you know? Which of them often say adults? What kind of psychoactive substances you happened to hear from friends? Which drugs have you heard? Do you think that any psychoactive substances are the most dangerous to humans? What kind of psychoactive substances you learned from TV? The term "psychoactive substance" was already familiar to children from the material of the previous studies. Responses of the children enrolled at the last stage of primary school (third grade), showed that the majority of children referred to them are already familiar psychoactive substances: first of all - alcohol, in second place - nicotine - the third drug, and in fourth place - "Tablets" (drug). Children's responses also showed that the drugs are not a topic of conversation among them: friends, classmates, they hear most often about smoking (tobacco, cigarettes) of alcohol (vodka, alcohol, etc.) on drugs (small number of references, only in summary form - tablet). It is notable for a large share of responses "do not know" - so said 24 people, nearly half of those surveyed. This result can also be interpreted in favor of the thesis that there is no mass interest in drugs. We are aware that the set of surveyed primary school children can not be called a representative (representative): the results of this poll can not be judged on knowledge of drugs in this age group, even by Moscow as a whole. Nevertheless, the survey clearly revealed some trends in this subject area. Students surveyed were significantly different from their peers that they were engaged in according to our prevention program. They are already familiar with the phrase "psychoactive substance", although not all of them formed a clear understanding of the boundaries of this notion. They distinguish between "drugs" and "medicine", although encountered in the responses and the definition of "medical drugs". The answers of the respondents in their trends reflect the pattern of mass child consciousness: junior schoolchildren in Moscow mostly know about cigarettes and alcohol drug they know far less, and only in aggregated form. Specific names of drugs were able to specify only a few students. We feel justified the idea that you should not tell children about drugs.

Thursday 23 June 2011

All other funds if they ...

But how in the world and in domestic medical practice, the use of the term "drugs" sharply limited. One or another biologically active substance only if the drug is called when "simultaneously" it meets three criteria - medical, social and legal. Medical criterion is that the substance has a special specific effects on the central nervous system, psyche - an aphrodisiac, stimulant, depressant, hallucinogenic, etc., which is the reason for his non-medical use. Social criterion means that the non-medical use of this substance has assumed such proportions that has become a social, a nation-wide importance and require special responses. Legal criterion requires that country-specific relevant government department in charge of the state, its legislature has recognized this tool Narcotic and turned it into a special official list of drugs (in the Russian Federation, as before - in the Soviet Union, this institution - the Ministry of Health). Morbid dependency on drugs is called drug addiction. All other funds if they can be subject to abuse and dependence are known for abuse control (toxicants), a disease caused by reliance on them - substance abuse. By a circle of psychoactive substances include nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, theine (contained in tea), some drugs, a number of alkaloids and other substances contained in plants, fungi and their products, as well as synthesized in the laboratories of chemicals (including household products Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry - glues, solvents, etc.) Currently, there are scientific positions, an understanding which is crucial for effective prevention of various addiction: substance users occupy a place in popular culture (traditions, customs), they satisfy some psychological factors (physiological) needs of man (causing looseness, disinhibition, increasing sociability, creating a good, happy mood, etc.), and at the same time, they are undesirable for society as hazardous that are outside of medicine. Therefore the question of prevention of drug abuse may get a different and far from a definite answer in an adult (think about your parents and independent young people) or among teenagers. In the United States and some Western European countries already have practical experience of implementation of preventive anti-drug programs in kindergartens, elementary schools. Not too soon? Such a question arose, and in front of us in the work of our author's program "Fundamentals psychohygienic parenting skills of safe conduct (in relation to alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances) in children of primary school age." For simplicity, her perception of the school teachers and children learned this program was called "Rusty's healthy, take care of themselves."

The third part of Prejudice: "Knowledge ...

Early prevention of drug addiction - the involvement of children in the consumption of psychoactive (drugs, for abuse) of substances - a growing problem not only on Addictions, and pedagogy, psychology and sociology. How to prevent the initiation of children to psychoactive substances, to exclude them even single test? After all, drugs and other surfactants today - it's not just some poisons, danger which clearly appreciated by all, and children as well. Their consumption - it is an integral part of the lifestyle of young people. How to resist the expansion of drug-oriented culture in our youth-podrostkovo environment? Prevention of drug addiction today is dealing with many unresolved questions. That is why it appears to be linked with a number of preconceptions - preconceptions, logic errors, which are characterized by solid principles based on faith, not knowledge. The first is a widespread bias: if the child is thoroughly and convincingly tell you about the dangers of surfactants, drugs, scare him once and for all ", he is unlikely to be using them. However, parents of adolescents who are already partaking in drugs, are well aware that such bullying is not effective or even useless. Children have not yet formed orientation towards the future, especially - in the distant future, healthy, little bolevshie children do not know what the disease is not afraid of it. Finally, the main idea: "I just try, and when it becomes dangerous - stop, we just need to find out all the better." So the first thing is quite common prejudice regarding surfactant based on the opinion: "intimidate" means "to convince of the need to avoid." The second mass bias: "know" about the dangers of surfactants, including drugs, means "to be able to avoid them." A simple example of real action such sophistry: We all know about the dangers of alcohol, that alcoholism is an illness - and yet do not always want us to refrain from drinking. The third part of Prejudice: "knowledge stirs interest kindles curiosity." From this conclusion: better, communicating or working with children, remain silent about drugs, then harm will be less. Here you can apply to the practice of sex education: Silence is never prevents and solves problems, it merely shifts the responsibility for the child and provides the circumstances, the case of complete freedom of action. Next prejudice associated with the view that drugs have an irresistible, rock strength and capable of permanently subjugate anyone, absolutely no resistance. This bias as it closes a vicious circle: we are afraid of drug when administered fear of increasing their destructive effect, signs of destruction caused a feeling of impending doom, the additional fear that veiled her eyes, hiding the existing opportunity to exit from the disease, seeking real help. Our lack of knowledge about drugs leads to another bias: drugs - is the most terrible evil. Indeed, according to the classification of the World Health Organization, drugs (drugs) are all substances that cause changes in mental status, and with prolonged use - addiction, addiction, the need for continuous use, mental and physical dependence.

Pr J Addict, 1991; 86: 1415-1424.

Alcoholics - not a homogeneous group, although attempts to classify these patients, Jellinek undertaken in the 50 years, doctors did not leave, and to this day. It must be remembered that for such patients should be treated without bias, avoiding the possibility of stereotyping. Success after adequate detoxification is highly dependent on the living conditions of the patient. Isolation - not the best way, but be aware that alcoholics frequently marry alcoholics. Employers often go towards trying to cure an alcoholic, a policy of tolerance toward drinking. Attractive model for alcoholics is controlled drinking. If this is possible, it is only after a period of abstinence, when the patient is able to assess the impact of drinking bouts. For those who drink a long time, years and whose brain is struck by the influence of alcohol, just as it is described Korsakov, abstinence is an absolute requirement. There is evidence that cognitive impairment caused by alcohol, may to some extent offset by a period of abstinence, especially if it lasts more than two years. References 1. Latcham R. W. Gamma GT and MCV: their usefulness in the assessment of in-patient alcoholics. Br J Psychiatry, 1986, 149: 353-356. 2. Lamy J., Baglin M-C, Aron E, Weill J. Diminution de la gamma GT serique des cirrhotiques a las suit de sevrage. Clinica Chimica acta, 1975, 60: 97-101. 3. McCrady B. S, Stout R., Noel N., et al. Effects of three types of spuose-involved behavioural alcoholism treatment. Pr J Addict, 1991; 86: 1415-1424. 4. Mattick R. P., Heather N. Developments in cognitive and behavioural approaches to substance misuse. Curr Opin Psychiatry 1993; 6: 424-429. 5. Orford J, Edwards G. Alcoholism. Maudesley Monographs no 26. London: Oxford University Press, 1977.

The principal questions of the anti-drug prevention among children

M. Vedischeva, Ph.D., LN Rybakov, MD, MG Tsetlin, MD, Ph.D. Institute of Addictions Ministry of Health, Moscow Vposlednie 10-15 years in the Russian Federation is rapidly growing number of consumers of alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances (PAS). In this case, there is a clear trend towards the rejuvenation of the contingent addicted patients, to an increasing reduction in the age of first samples. In the sample of surfactants, "experiments" with them involved children 8-10 years (and even younger). By the age of 12 know the taste of alcohol for more than 50% of children, and to 14 years about 15% of teenagers have tried any drugs or substances for abuse. Among the newly diagnosed, primary patient drug treatment service with a diagnosis of "substance abuse" children and adolescents make up about half the total. There is every reason to believe that this situation will continue, at least in the near future. It should be borne in mind that children and teenagers is particularly high risk probability of a rapid transition from a random, episodic, "search" to re-use of surfactants, and then systematically receive them, and the danger of the formation of clinical drug treatment patterns of diseases, malignant course of disease with early personal degradation, increasing desotsializitsiey often disability of patients with high early of their mortality.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Antialcoholic agent disulfiram ...

Poor absorption in such patients requires intramuscular injection of drugs. Need to constantly cheer patients, and to spend with them advocacy. Only a small proportion of heavy alcohol bind morning anxiety or irritability, depressed mood, night sweats and diarrhea, decrease in vitality with alcohol. However, if the patient is convinced that the cause of all trouble is alcohol, it becomes a powerful incentive for abstinence. When the general practitioner encounters a patient does not consent to treatment, then it turns into a difficult situation. Under the "Act on Mental Health" subject alcoholics with psychosis, alcohol dependence, according to this document is not in itself a mental disorder. Detoxification patients in some district hospitals conducted in the general wards, and in others - in mental health. And the hospital staff and primary care teams may consider re-introduction of drugs meaningless, but if the quality of life of the alcoholic improved at least in the short term, such treatment can be justified. In addition, many patients are ashamed of their drinking and drinking to get rid of feelings of guilt, staff should try not to exacerbate this condition. After detoxification the patient receives various forms of assistance that allows him to engage in the healing process and watching him. The atmosphere of Alcoholics Anonymous is not for everyone, but some get it the necessary support to successfully get rid of the addiction. Other alcoholics suitable alternative voluntary organizations, some of these societies, such as Alanon, support family members of alcoholics. Many voluntary organizations work together with government agencies. In the anti-alcohol team includes psychologists, who help patients solve their problems by using special techniques such as cognitive therapy of individual patients [3, 4]. Work in groups with a discussion of alternative approaches to receive alcohol, an explanation of how alcohol acts on the body, training, helping patients cope with anxiety and anger - all of these functions take on a variety of services, sometimes in conjunction with the local psychiatric ward. Antialcoholic agent disulfiram may be effective in the right mood, but impulsive drunks, relatives who helped introduce the medicine. Akamprozat relatively new GABA agonist, will remove the urge to drink from the drinker constantly, but small doses, but is ineffective against those who drink a lot in a short period of time. Investigation of Orford and Edwards shows that the results in the group of heavy alcohol, within six weeks of receiving treatment in Modesli, did not differ from that of a similar group, where only one was carried out corresponding to the conversation. While it is necessary to point out that for each individual patient treatment must be selected individually [5].

Preferable to carry out detoxification ...

If the survey turns out that the doctor has to deal with impulsive man without dependence, that is, those who are getting drunk from time to time, does not behave better, the doctor must decide whether the case is within its competence. Ask the patient to consult with a local psychiatrist or alcohol service. But if the survey you've come to the conclusion that it is a syndrome of alcohol dependence, therefore, need to act. Community-based substance abuse and alco-teams must respond quickly to requests for assistance. However, they should be communicated in all patients: studies show that the conversation with the doctor, and a set of educational measures can reduce the number of drinkers. Typically, a general practitioner, it is easier to inform the patient about finding his alarming symptoms than the clinical department of alcohol on the basis of a psychiatric hospital. The doctor can collect the medical history, examine patients, perform blood tests, explain to the patient, as alcohol affects the body, what are the social consequences of drinking, as in patients with alcoholism change sleep and mood. The physician should assess the amount and type of alcohol consumed, which tended to identify patients who drink only beer or wine, and give them some useful tips. GP may ask the patient to keep a diary of drinking and come to the following method with a close relative, to discuss the period of abstinence. Although general practitioners have enough time to make the most detoxification, better do it, with the support of the local anti-alcohol brigade to the direction for further treatment can be discussed together. The ban on drinking alcohol - this is usually the first step. Patient dependency, wanting only "a little cut" method of alcohol, must be persuaded to stop drinking altogether, at least for a few months. Withdrawal symptoms may occur at a high level of alcohol in the blood because of the tolerance that develops as a result of induction of hepatic enzymes. My colleague told me about a patient who developed abstinenty syndrome at the level of alcohol in the blood, twice the allowable driving. Whatever it was difficult to predict the severity of withdrawal syndrome. Preferable to carry out detoxification of the house as a hospital patient is behaving rather passive, but in cases of severe dependence or a history of seizures at the abolition of alcohol that is not possible. Better if the detoxification at home is a general practitioner and alcohol team. Benzodiazepines, namely, chlordiazepoxide, ousted hlormetiazol. The latter was used for the treatment of alcoholism, but it often occurred dependence on the drug. Receiving chlordiazepoxide begin with 30 mg per day, for five - seven days the dose was reduced to zero. During the treatment should be prescribed vitamins, particularly B1, whose level is lowered in alcoholics due to flattening of the villi of the small intestine and malnutrition.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

I can quit whenever I want. "


Lying is tailored out of something ... Parallels between the art of weaving and telling tales, on the other hand the use of hemp as a narcotic plants dissolve the reality speaks of how much drugs affect the language of the soul (T. McKenna, "Food of the Gods"). Devastating effect on the mind, as a consequence - deadweight loss of mental resources, teen, values ??superseded, remains the mud of cynicism, the poison of evil. Very difficult it is to return the spark of God, and through it, the purity of light and goodness. ("Rainbow", 4-2002, Tallinn)

Alcohol: the management of critically ill patients

Richard Latcham, MD, a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists honorary member of the Secretariat of the State Advisory Board for Psychiatry Detection and treatment of patients who abuse alcohol - a common problem, directly linked with the general practitioner. Surprising how often the alcoholic goes unnoticed; symptoms are detected only when the storm has broken out and the treatment is less effective. Patients usually do not attach importance to such factors caused by craving for alcohol, a loss of jobs, the growth of tension in the family, irritability, depression, break a close relationship, as well as all sorts of ailments, such as night sweats, diarrhea, vomiting in the mornings, slight tension, which vanishes after the first drink. Doctor should certainly alert the statements like: "I have never tremble. I have not touched alcohol. I can quit whenever I want. " To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to estimate the amount of alcohol consumed. Most patients typically say that last week they drank a lot of strange coincidence, but these "strange circumstances" is proving to be quite common, so the number of drunk alcohol in the past seven days may be considered an indicator of average alcohol consumption. It is important to assess the degree of alcohol dependence - here can help determine the level of gamma-glutamattransferazy (GGT) and mean cell volume (SD), increased as a result of direct toxic effects of alcohol on the bone marrow. I must say that only 65% ??of alcoholic patients to modify one of these parameters [1]. If these rates above the norm, should explain to the patient what it means. Later a similar diagnosis should be carried out to test the effectiveness of treatment. GGT level more accurately reflects the use of alcohol in the past few days. At very high numbers required weeks to reduce it, although he bounces back faster than standard deviation. On the latter can be judged on the duration of drinking, as in the blood taken for analysis, the average lifetime of erythrocytes is 60 days, respectively, can reveal the amount of alcohol consumed during the past few weeks. Systematically drinkers are usually heavily underestimate the amount of alcohol consumed and remain silent about the consequences, so it is important to interview their relatives.

Wade in the test after a while ...

After the death of a patient during a post-mortem autopsy was found damaged area of ??the brain - the motor "Speech Center." This "Speech Center" in honor of recognition of the doctor-called Broca's area. Broca's area performs a motor, motor speech software, a program of coordination of the speech apparatus. This is a special area in the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere adjacent to the motor cortex, from which nerve fibers, forming an arched bunch, go to the other upper-rear portion of the left temporal lobe. This is another "speech center" that provides an understanding speech, reading, writing, articulation of speech sounds, the construction of comprehension of speech, its form and content. Clinic defeat this brain region in 1874, Carl Wernicke described. This Speech Center was named Zone Wernicke. When the affected area Wernicke's a person not just drop these funkutsii, but still not recognized, the grammar of the construction of phrases is preserved, but they lose all meaning. Thus the person becomes a "vegetable" and does not understand what happened and what he became. It can be assumed that the area of ??Wernicke - Abode of the Soul. " Anesthesia, AS self-destructive behavior Dr. Wade in order to establish the localization of "speech centers" asked patients to raise their hands vertically, when they lay on his back and asked out loud to keep score, while the right carotid artery was injected with sodium amytal (narcotizing matter), after a few seconds after administration of the drug left hand fell motionless and immediately stopped it. In these cases, it could be argued that the "speech centers" were controlled by the left hemisphere. Dr. Wada test solves the problem of diagnosis, and if we pay attention to the impact of drug-paralyzed arm, speech. (A doctor in the Wada test, after a while his patients speech and movement in his hand restored). Anesthesia among adolescents should be understood as self-destructive behavior such as slow suicide. And it's suicide begins with Wernicke's area, so the first narkodoz so quickly mutates it in content and form. The soul is the "charisma". When the narcotic evil captures the soul, swiftly unwind the spring of evil, which include self-destruct program, teenage drug addict, that itself is not fully aware of all available means slow or fast killing himself. VOCABULARY OF THE LANGUAGE AND DRUGS Cocaine, heroin, LSD and other drugs acting directly on organelles located in Broca's and Wernicke zones ", where nerve impulses are generated speech, speech, symbols, images, radically alter the language. In the jungles of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and North-West of Brazil, where since ancient times tribes of Indians used coca leaves as a dietary supplement. In these populations, residents of the jungle is very common special type of dementia with speech disorders. Another drug, hashish produced from cannabis. The dual use of this plant on the one hand the potion, but on the other hand, raw materials for weaving and rope has thirty thousandth of history and the mutual influence of ingrained in the vocabulary of the language (the first mention of Cannabis cultivation dates back to the 28 th century to a new era in the annals of the Chinese emperor Shen Nunya ). "The dictionary reflects the commonality of the ancient link between the plant medium-intoxicating hemp, weaving technologies and those intellectual processes associated with the vocabulary of language - the story intertwine the incident to dismantle, to catch the thread of the story and follow it.

Monday 20 June 2011

One soul is enslaved ...

Now understand the phenomenon of reaction-paradoksaonoy manifestations of distorted consciousness of adolescents. In these groups, preventive conversations naturally will cause a painful excitement, prevention is needed to 1-2-grade, and 5-6 classes are already required measures liberation of consciousness from pronarkoticheskoy pre-programmed - in other words to have rehabilitation programs for at risk groups. If we talk about prevention in schools, kids need the truth about the terrible consequences of drug use, their mystery, how hard then to get rid of drug addiction. The kids need to help create the mood to live without drugs, the mood on moral and cultural values, creativity, sports, the desire of all to pursue their head and their hands, disposition to kindness, justice and responsibility. The kids need social skills, skills out of difficult situations in life, out of the conflict. Necessary to teach the proper selection of methods of self-affirmation and good decision-making. But in difficult situations, students need information where to look for help, whom to contact. Our school is similar to the prevention of new ground, overgrown with weeds of ignorance, thistles false statements. IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD ... In 1989, the debate about the sensational movie "Easy to Be Young" Valentin Rasputin spoke about youth issues, "... how we will apply to them, depends too much in our future." As a treat then goes bad . How is today - ten times worse. When Rasputin arrived in late October 2001 in Tallinn on Days Dostoevsky's roundtable on the sidelines and in private conversations, writers, critics, journalists were told not only about the crisis in literature, but also about the lack of spirituality, social ills - youth crime, prostitution, addiction. "In the beginning was the word ..." What is it now, because the word reflects the ecology of the soul. What is the ecology of the soul addicts. Glossary of jargon junkies: stick, Kumari, STONED, shirnutsya, razbodyazhit, tryahalovo, dope, Shala, Schmal ... and the like. The soul is poisoned, it hosts the drug - the quintessence of evil. Even a teenager, never tried drugs, but only begin to communicate with drug addicts, very quickly began to use a dictionary narkozhargona. External influence on the worldview of young narkosredy like poisonous vapors. One soul is enslaved, followed by the second, third, among many other "crippled souls" is formed - a monster, "the collective unconscious of a narcotic" with a lot of nasty tentacles of a giant octopus. All began with the capture of the first drug of a nerve cell, tenth, one-hundredth, thousandth, and then as a chain reaction. "THE SANCTUARY OF THE SOUL" areas of the brain controlling speech are called "speech center". Little-known French physician Marc Dax in 1836 described the clinic defeat "speech center". In 1866 Paul Broca presented the anatomical society in Paris, the patient's motor acts in violation of the spoken word, in violation of the management of facial muscles, tongue, jaw, pharynx, the muscles of lips, but the people understood the meaning and essence of the speech.

The subject was sluduyuschee job ...

The experiment took place in the same room and was recorded on video. No one knew in advance which task will be to perform, and nobody knew what would happen in the first part of the experiment and in the second. It is the same as giving "the blind": "Guys, take off an airplane in an unknown direction, and get a job during the flight." It so happened in this experiment. In the first part of the experiment, a volunteer in a hypnotic state was building a wall of bricks with imaginary imaginary cement mortar (the subject was inspired by hypnosis, which he builds a wall). The subject is really built the wall, out with bricks, mortar holds them together. Of course, no real solution, not the bricks were not. When a "work" was completed, the volunteer was instructed to palpate a "wall" and it was done. Then the volunteer was removed from a state of hypnosis. What kind of work he performed, and what tasks he had to perform, the volunteer could not remember because it was a deep state of hypnosis. This part of the experiment was recorded on video. After that, the subject and the person who conducted the hypnosis left the room through the emergency entrance with a view to the participants of the second part of the experiment did not see them. SECOND PART OF THE EXPERIMENT ENNA Parva In the second part of the experiment the other volunteer in the same room in a state of hypnosis (I was invited to participate in the experiment, so I loaded up a volunteer in a state of hypnosis, which I did) got the task to go through the room and the volunteer has successfully done it. The subject was sluduyuschee task: "find an insurmountable obstacle, and grope with his hands." Not only is the volunteer found an obstacle in the same place, but he felt it was a wall (on the hand movements was evident that the subject feels no valves, no barbed wire and sandbags, and the wall). The subject is in hypnosis inspire some action: "in front of an invisible barrier, to find him and find his hands in front of an invisible and insurmountable obstacle, find arms to try to overcome it." How many volunteer or trying to overcome the "wall", he could not do it. Just as the first volunteer, the second after the exit of hypnosis did not remember anything. His hypnotic state in line with third-degree dive. Interestingly, the Estonian scholar during his lifetime assumed, as it later became clear that that's how it happens: one volunteer in a state of hypnosis to build a wall, then another, as in the hypnotic sleep detect the wall in the same place. For this reason we impose the condition: no one should know in advance which tasks will execute. Random, fragmentary information about drugs, often with a touch of psevdoromanticheskim, repeated implicitly in many episodes of film characters Thriller, Action, replicated in numerous music videos youth mass culture, and from this sum pronarkoticheskaya pre-programmed, it influences people, and the orientation of adolescents at risk.

In addition, at teenagers acute ...


Narkooschuscheniya grab, "high" on its intensity exceeds normal thousandfold. In some of adolescent attitude to drugs will be negative (negative examples from the life, tragic cases with someone of his friends, etc.). PRONARKOTICHESKAYA programmed formation of a definite attitude to drugs starts in early childhood and consists of thousands of episodes, semantic units, or with a plus sign (benevolent attitude) or a minus (negative attitude) or neutral (unspecified ratio). semantic units are added and can form a pre-programmed pronarkoticheskuyu consciousness is by 10-11 years, a teenager, sooner or too late to try drugs, submitting to the program. Everything depends on the close environment, and stressful situations. How is the pre-programmed pronarkoticheskaya? Under the influence of external factors: the words and actions of peers and older kids, friends, imitating their idols of rock-pop-rap culture, movies, songs with texts clearly advertises the content (song Kincheva "In the city festival, children brought horse of cocaine) or dvusmyslennastyami (the song of" Arctic Monkeys "" Fellini-hero on heroin "), psychedelic music, actively lured children into schools narkodillerami and discos. in the brains of teenagers are formed pronarkoticheskie program behavior, allowing the opportunity to try a particular drug. And in addition, external factors shape adolescent and mood to the drug, and the decision to try it, and the belief that it is not dangerous and that he something in the relationship will not get that now he would be "cool", confident that he can easily give up marijuana, when he wants it more, weaklings. All of this eliminates doubts about his choice, creates the justification for the justification of this choice, and even the need for a form of self-affirmation. Besides, teenagers are acute problems of recognition of their own, taking into their circle. try drugs becomes a kind of a pass in the company - if you tried drugs, we'll accept and acknowledge her, if not - you'll be an outcast. Based on this we can build their prevention programs. With the help of open discussions, debates, psychological games, art - theater, film, art, contests, promotions, production of school newspapers, school performances agit-theaters, hobby groups can systematically bring other forms of self-affirmation, need to live without drugs, the confidence to live a free, interesting, creative lives. Upbringing active rejection of narcotic and narcotic forms of existence values, which excludes the possibility of admitting any trial or experiment with drugs. It is important when the adolescents themselves actively participate in shaping a healthy environment and healthy interest among peers. But this kind of work, unfortunately, are not ready the teacher nor the school administration. Enna Parva experiment I participated in the experiment Enn Parve with information - the phantom energy "The Wall" (1989).

Sunday 19 June 2011

A total of 132 teams participated in the game ...


There is already a problem and space debris. And what about the ecology of the soul? A contamination of the human soul with anger, lies, stupid and ignorant thoughts of hate? For over 27 years I worked as a doctor - a psychiatrist and clinical psychologist and a thousand times agree with J. Lammetri, suggesting a "Treatise on the soul," this thought: "The whole purpose and whole mystery of healing art comes down to, to excite the brain stronger representation, which would eliminate the absurd idea. " Segodneshnee time requires new understanding of the dangers of drug abuse. Professionals preventive programs against drug abuse in schools and other educational institutions have long understood that a single, terrifying action not profit. Prevention is needed where the children's souls are pure and innocent, that is, it must begin with the first class, and when they come with such action for the first time in 6 th or 7 th class, then come actually at risk at this time consciousness students is distorted by false information about drugs so that the fit to begin an emergency psychological care, and five or six students need already and substance abuse treatment. Here is an example: during the 2001-2002 school Narva, Kohtla-Jarve, Tallinn, for grades 7-9 conducted a psychological game, "Shipwreck." Each team of 5-6 people were asked to choose a name. A total of 132 teams participated in the game, and it is typical that "narkoorientirovannye" names chosen by 17.43% of all involved: namely, "Anashisty" -4 "Cannabis" -10 "Canape" -3, "Grass" -2 "Syringe" -1, "Burik" -1 "Cones" -1. This indirectly suggests that prevails in the minds of teenagers interested in psychoactive substances stupefying action, a lot of misinformation about "romanticism" of drug use. A AS IN EUROPE? In the European Union's long-accumulated vast experience in preventive work against the proliferation of drugs in the school environment. Rather boring and uninteresting didactic lessons are interesting gaming activities under the state program "Life skills". Prepared for this school professionals, published excellent modern textbooks on prevention. In 2001-2002, I visited Poland, Germany, Luxembourg, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Italy, where he studied wealth of European experience on the topic. We in Estonia in this respect - virgin nepahannaya. Indeed, long before the young man to get up first choice - try a drug or refuse, the teenager has already formed a positive attitude - and why not try? ". On this more weight a little bit will outweigh - curiosity, interest, youth fashion, a way of self-affirmation, a way of acceptance, recognition by peers. And on the other side of a Blur - amorphous ratio. But we must beat everyone. And then the most likely outweigh the bowl, most likely will take a sample. The first dose is taken, there will be the second and third.

Body - the house where the soul lives.

And secondly, the treatment cost is expensive: packing, calculated on the month, will cost $ 50-60. In addition, there is a rubber and a number of contraindications. The fact that the lion's share of the nicotine is absorbed into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes of the mouth. But a small part of this material, getting together with saliva into the stomach, is an irritant to its mucosa. Therefore, the gum can not recommend the "lady's finger, and people suffering from gastritis. Nicotine inhalers are not widely used because of high prices. For example, "Nicorette" consists of a mouthpiece and a nicotine-liner. The day is spent between 6 and 10 sacks, and they are sold in packs of 6 or 18 pieces. It should be noted that the course is designed for at least 6 months, and therefore the cost of treatment "will fly a lot of money." But such therapy has very good results: 56% of smokers, "held out" the first 10 days of treatment, get rid of his addiction. So in this case the target is fully justifies the means. Specialists advise smokers not to place high expectations on existing medicines. After all, they are exempt only from the physical habits. At the same psychological dependence will not affect either the patch or chewing gum. Obligatory condition of "healing" is a solid and informed decision to quit smoking. Namely, it is considered key to future success. Without this desire, no one drug will not bring the expected results: in fact it is only a supplement to the human will. Article published on saytehttp: / /

What brought the horse? (Drug prevention in schools)

Vladimir Kukk psychiatrist, psychologist, social activist dr.kukk @ Today's times require a new understand the dangers of drug abuse. Professionals preventive programs against drug abuse in schools and other educational institutions have long understood that a single, terrifying action not profit. Prevention is needed where the children's souls are pure and innocent, that is, it must begin with the first class, and when they come with such action for the first time in 6 th or 7 th class, then come actually at risk at this time consciousness students is distorted by false information about drugs so that the fit to begin an emergency psychological care, and five or six students need already and substance abuse treatment. ("Rainbow", 4-2002, Tallinn), the Soul What distinguishes the wood from the logs? Living tree, a log - no. Body - the house where the soul lives. Body turns into something else when he leaves the shower. And what is the soul? Soul, spirit and our body is a house of our selves, our "I" - the emotions, feelings, desires, intellect, ideas, principles, and character. Soul - this is not a metaphysical concept, and multi-dimensional, diverse and unknowable is something great and infinite cosmos is within us. In an era of space exploration scientists are seriously discussing treatment project near-Earth space.

Saturday 18 June 2011

In another group together all ...

Based on anabasine were created with the same name pill, which is very good showing in practice. In addition, this substance is part of the specialty films that are a smoker paste on your gums or cheek. In contact with saliva soluble polymer, and fixed doses of drugs are gradually beginning to enter the bloodstream. Relatively recently in Germany was a presentation of a new drug "Ciba» (Zyban). Just a few months after his birth, he became one of the most popular antikuritelnyh drugs in the world. Manufacturers of these pills claim that today they consume 8, 5 million people. In another group together all the products containing pure nicotine. Scientists have estimated that cigarette smoke is more than 200 toxic compounds and carcinogens. Most of them are much more toxic than nicotine itself. The question then arises: why is this substance has come to enjoy such a notorious? The answer is quite simple: it is nicotine causes a physical addiction to tobacco. It is embedded in the molecular processes of our body and becomes a familiar component of many biochemical reactions. Therefore, the absence of this substance causes painful "withdrawal syndrome", and the body is deprived of its particles, is announcing this strike. After learning all this, scientists have invented a replacement therapy, and to replace tobacco nicotine come its synthetic counterpart. This compromise bears fruit: a smoker, receiving only nicotine, avoiding penetration into the body pitches, nitrosamines, benzopyrene and other "poisons". Alternative sources of nicotine is now a great many. Were invented patches, chewing gum, inhalers and even candy. During the use of these funds is strictly prohibited person to smoke, as very high risk of nicotine poisoning. The biggest demand is for patches that are sounding name "transdermal systems. Nicotine is absorbed by the skin for several hours impairs the tobacco famine. In order for this substance could freely enter the body, the patch should stick to a relatively hairless area of ??the body. It is best suited for this "soft place" just below the sacrum and the inner side of the shoulder or hip. With glue Velcro can cause skin allergies, so the insertion every time should be changed. Emplastic therapy is conducted in a specific pattern, designed for several months. During this time the body gets used to the gradually decreasing amounts of nicotine. Manufacturers claim that 46% of people who did not smoke during the first two weeks of treatment, will continue to do without cigarettes. And the remaining losers they are advised to undergo repeated antikuritelny course. Chewing gum copes with its task properly and supply the body with nicotine tabakomana. However, the gum has several disadvantages. First, they differ in a very specific taste, which discourages many smokers, especially women.

More than half of "converts" ...


This way of getting rid of dependence has been described in the article "Lost hope you can return," published in the journal Zemsky Gazette, № 3, 2000 We believe that this approach to drug addiction will solve the problem of drug abuse in the country. Vladimir Ivanov Institute of Conduct

smoking will save a drop of nicotine?

Irina Semenova only smokers know through what anguish they must pass in order to quit smoking. Twenty years ago they could only rely on his strength of will. Now developed lots of ways to help tabakomanam get rid of their habit. About them told us pulmonologist, K. M. Mr. Eugene V. Hotenko. Official medicine has created for the treatment of tabakomanii an arsenal of tools. Smokers treated with hypnosis, they do psychotherapists, producing results and acupuncture. However, worldwide the most popular variety of medications designed specifically for smoking renegades. Statistics gives interesting figures. Annually, 40% of smokers decide to get rid of their habit, and only 3.5% successfully copes with this task. More than half of "converts" enlists the aid of various homeopathic remedies. This is not surprising: after all, nicotine withdrawal syndrome is very similar to breaking a drug addict. Headache, aggression, anxiety, depression, insomnia, constant irritability - these are just a small part of his clinical picture. Without medical support can only do very few. Therefore, for the "weak" most developed different pharmacological adaptogens. Drugs of this kind can be divided into several groups. One of the first appeared pills for smokers. Chemical compounds contained in these tablets, its structure is strongly reminiscent of nicotine. Imbibing in blood, they act in certain nerve centers. These substances bind to nicotinic receptors, blocking them and create the effect of tobacco being. At the same time dramatically reduces the need for smoking: for the brain, full cure, "thinks" that he had received another batch of cigarette smoke. In addition, such tablets strongly reduce feelings of hunger, so they are particularly recommended for people with overweight. However, lean smokers also often use them to prevent "non-nicotine obesity. After all, most people give up smoking, markedly put on weight. So the pill help to deal with this scourge. If a person decided to resort to such means, it should drastically reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. Completely same stop smoking should be no later than the 10th day of therapy. Otherwise, the smoker at risk of nicotine overdose, manifested by the rise of pressure, rapid pulse and disgusting feeling. In our country most known drugs are medicines that contain anabasine. This plant alkaloid is very similar to nicotine, but does not have its toxic properties.

Friday 17 June 2011

Consequently, the outcome of treatment will also be stable.

According to the theory of conditioned reflex of Pavlov IP is unconscious stable behavior can be considered as a reflex, only a reflex in this case not form in the organic structures of the body and the psyche. When an addict trying to recover, it is also necessary to commit an act of thinking - decide not to use, in other words, the decision to change the habitual train of thought or elimination of drug behavior. These acts of thinking in the dominant scientific paradigm of today are not taken into account, but their participation in education, course and treatment of drug dependence is undeniable. Consequently, we can take a psychological component "disease" as the starting point for further discussion. Recognizing that acts without thinking of drug dependence are not formed and does not take place, we can conclude that this is the work of the mind is the essence, the basis of drug addiction. Consequently, the essence of addiction - the behavior of the source - acts of thinking. Conclusions: The Mind is the object to which should be directed to treatment and rehabilitation effects, for deliverance from drug addiction need to change the thinking, eliminate the acquired skills of drug behavior, eliminating the old skills of drug behavior, you need to train a person to move to the new ideas, new thinking skills providing him sober in all situations. Or, in the familiar language of cure; Since the behavior is characterized by stability, the new skills will have this property. Consequently, the outcome of treatment will also be stable. Thus, we obtain a new paradigm to explain the nature of addiction. But not enough to give a new explanation, we need empirical evidence. And then the new paradigm becomes not only a theoretical truth, but practical value. This approach is embodied in a new method of psychological rehabilitation. Since the object of rehabilitation in the new method is the psyche, and it is subject to the law of learning, then the rehabilitation work is based on scientific understanding and application of the law. Conscious application of the law always gives a high efficiency in any human activity. One example is the theory and practice sanogennykh thinking and behavioral approach doctor of psychological sciences, academician Orlova YM, long time head of the Department of General Psychology, Medical Academy of IM Sechenov in Moscow. Applying the law of learning, the addict is held extinction "traction" (a term the physiology of higher nervous activity) or otuchivanie from former drug behavior, ie psychological means, harmless to human health, quickly and completely eliminates the "pull" (craving) and the desire to use that arises in certain circumstances. Then conducted training in new skills drug-free thinking and behavior. The result - sustained relief from addiction.

Any committed and watch ...

And here we formulate the desired result of psychotherapy, but there is no answer to our question: what is the source of addiction? The resulting combined medical and psychological professionals result leads to conclusions about incurability addiction. Nevertheless, the work of mental considered an integral part of treatment. Past experience gives us the right to raise the question: Is it possible to explain addiction, based on a different paradigm. Try to do it. Consider the phenomenon of drug addiction as a purely psychological. Specialists diagnosed with drug dependence from the observed human behavior in the form of action on the acquisition and use of surfactants. Thus, physiological changes in the body addict follow human behavior and are the result of this behavior. Without committing conduct directed at drug use, people will not freak ever. Any committed and observed behavior, expressed in the actions of the acquisition and use of drugs, is a targeted and studied the physiology of higher nervous activity and scientific psychology. Listed gives us the scientific basis for a new paradigm to explain addiction not as a disease but as a specific human behavior. Any behavior has its own structure and constructed in accordance with the laws that are discovered and studied in the early twentieth century, great Russian physiologist IP academics Pavlov and PK Anokhin. Our behavior is accompanied and driven the work of the mind, which we call thinking. Faced with a drug, any of us start thinking about whether this occurs consciously or not, that ends up making a decision: to use or not use drugs. Depending on how the Deliberation and what was decided, human behavior can develop in two directions. FIRST: Shelf And he continues using drugs. II: THE COMPLETE FAILURE OF USE. Thus, the disease is drug addiction begins with the thinking process. Without the mental act of thinking - making decisions about drug use - "disease" that we call addiction, can not arise. With continued use of this mental act is repeated, with the action of the mind become habitual, do not realize why the man perceived as a "pull" (craving) to the drug. Every behavior has a purpose and is called the motive. By the time a decision people have accurately identifies and purpose, and motive of his conduct. Drug behavior also has its own goals and motives. Motive - these are wonderful experiences that can be obtained at the end of committed behavior. In a drug addict - a "high" or "arrival" (!!!). Goals are different, but mostly it's disposal, protection against unpleasant experiences, feelings and emotions such as anger, sorrow, failure, loneliness, etc. Thus, it defines the process of psyche drugs. As a result, we observe the behavior of the drug.

All of this suggests that the way ...

If the nature of the disease is not clear, AND ATTEMPTS TO ITS TREATMENT doomed to failure. The nature of addiction is so unclear that the NII Narcology admitted: "The specific feature of hospital substance abuse is a fundamental lack of recovery. These diseases are chronic, and in the process of overcoming them, including in the framework of rehabilitation work at any time, may resume manifestation of a pathological attraction to surfactant (psychoactive substances) and their associated affective and behavioral disorders, ie relapsed disease. ("Rehabilitation of the addicted patients: the concept, the program", Moscow, 2001., Publishers Anacharsis). This statement merely states the fact of failure of medical treatment. All of this suggests that the way to explain the paradigm by which science thinks the answer to questions at the beginning of this article does not give the questions. Such facts, when science can not give the correct answer to the pressing issues of practice in the history of science itself is not news. Just think of the unsuccessful attempts of physicists of the nineteenth century to explain the phenomenon of heat through the material substance - caloric. New understanding of the heat given molecular-kinetic theory of MV Lomonosov Moscow State University, who examined the phenomenon of heat as the behavior of matter particles themselves, which gave a precise understanding of the nature of heat. Paradigm shift has led to a breakthrough in the science and practice. Hence, accurate knowledge about the nature of addiction is the key to solving the problem. Thus, in addressing the drug problem facing science is objectively the question of a paradigm shift to explain the nature of addiction and dependency as a whole. People - the unity of the physiological and psychological. The dominant paradigm of thinking today comes from the fact that the source of addiction in the field of physiology - the human body, in a cell, an organic functional system (eg the brain) - or metabolic biochemical processes under the influence of the drug is irreversibly altered, and thus trigger a pathological attraction to drugs, which in turn leads a person to use the surfactant. In other words, drug addiction - a disease. Based on the understanding of addiction as a disease construct therapeutic activities aimed at the organic functionality of the system - the use of drugs, surgery and others recognize - this paradigm does not lead to the desired result. What is not taken into account when considering the merits of drug addiction? It remains the second component - the psychological. Can we find a solution here? In the above "Rehab addicted patients: the concept, the program is" psychological, psychotherapeutic system recommends the use of group techniques in 1915. As stated in the document, "the group is a model of life, provides for the receipt of direct life experience of learning and positive development. They are sent to the disclosure and the mobilization of resources individual patients, addressing their personal, family and social problems, build skills psychic (psycho-physical) self-regulation and appropriate behavior in a variety of problematic situations, including in situations of high involvement in anesthesia.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Addiction - a new phenomenon ...


However, the choice of friends is mediated family influences and the corresponding structure of personality. From the viewpoint of the existence of genetic correlations ENVIRONMENTAL coincidence of genetic and environmental factors in certain families is not random. If the genotype is unchanged, the intra-changeable Wednesday. Authors who have studied the risk and protective factors, emphasized the importance of their findings for the organization of family intervention and working with parents prior to the use of surfactants teenagers. Improving family relationships, which can be achieved in the process of psychotherapeutic work with families, should become an important area of ??primary prevention. The results of the studies considered in this paper to present in the table. Table. Major risk factors and protection of drinking and substance abuse teenagers filed studies. Risk factors

Drug abuse: perspectives on

Drug addiction - a new phenomenon in our lives, faced by the society at the beginning of democratic reforms. Its main feature - the rapid growth and prevalence among youth aged 18-24. Results narkotizatitsii population growth - mortality, the spread of HIV, the economic losses. "In the coming years, this situation will be complicated," - stated at the II Conference on anti-drug cooperation in Saratov in September 2001 (Informagenstvo Volga-Inform). It is a recognition that the state and society can not successfully overcome the problem, there is no effective treatment for drug addiction. Add - no effective system of prevention. If the existing treatments are ineffective, then whether we understand the essence of addiction? Do we have the answer to the questions: what is the source, the cause of drug addiction that causes the disease? The answers to these questions - the solution of the problem. Scientific Council of the Ministry of Health at its meeting considered the feasibility of new, including non-traditional methods of treatment of patients with drug dependence. 29.19.98, the reports were presented on the treatment of drug addicts using neurosurgical techniques. 03/11/1998, the meeting was held on the organization of prevention and treatment of drug addicts by R. Hubbard. 6/15/1999, was the report "The way relieve withdrawal symptoms and withdrawal of chemical dependency in drug addicts with controlled hyperthermia." (Addiction Issues № 3, 1999). This variety of methods indicates that the differences in the understanding of substance abuse and, as a consequence differences in methods of treatment. The variety of methods and indicates that the cause of the disease drug, its source, to which you want to work to heal it, not precisely defined. For example, when we talk about the flu, then we know that disease caused by influenza virus. And as soon as we find symptoms of influenza, we are making precisely such actions that lead to recovery, because these actions are directed to the source of the disease.

According to several researchers ...

It was reported that 53% of adults from the general population have noted in their families the presence of relative 1-st degree relatives, patients with alcoholism [9]. Studied the factors opposing the development. alcoholism in women. Take into account the effect of parental alcoholism and family environment were examined 3 times a national sample of 4,449 women over 10 years, which turned out to be 21% of women with alcoholism in parents. Studied spousal communication in these women marital cohesion, harmony, verbal agreement, differing positions and conflicts. Suggested that the cohesion in marital dyads may reduce the adverse effects of parental alcoholism in women. The results indicate that the adverse effects of parental alcoholism on subsequent alcohol dependence during their lifetime is significantly reduced as they grow older daughters, which is especially pronounced by the age of 37 years. The middle of the 4 th decade of women's lives - is a critical age of development of alcoholism in the presence of alcoholism in a parent. Important incremental risk factor (parent to alcoholism) is a sister of alcoholism. When combining these two risk factors for alcoholism in women increases dramatically. Positive interpersonal communication to effectively reduce the value of risk factors. Especially good cohesion in marital dyads, equitable division of burdens of the household, reducing conflicts over unresolved domestic problems. Improving cohesion in dyads to recommend to psychotherapy [13]. Thus, for women are important risk factors are the same as for men. In addition, they have a value following risk factors: a lack of close friends, sexual abuse history, depression and anxiety in history; high frequency of suicide attempts, early onset of puberty, which coincides with the early use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs [9]. Risk factors that appear in school among adolescents with the use of surfactants noted poor academic performance, poor cognitive functioning, conflicts in relationships, violence and other forms of dysfunctional behavior. According to some researchers, the risk factors for abuse of surfactants, which manifest themselves in school is: poor performance, aggressive behavior or excessive shyness in the classroom, striving to join the teenagers with deviant behavior, the expectation of praise for the use of surfactants in the school by their peers. Mention is also made frequent changes of schools and some teaching practices [28]. Risk factors associated with peers These include: Friendship with peers who use surfactants, awareness and approving attitude toward the facts of the use of other surfactants [II]. Thus, the major risk factors for the use of surfactants and abuse associated with the presence of biological parents, a sick addiction, and with relationships that are specific to families with the presence of dependence. As risk factors and protective factors are found primarily in the family. Important risk factor is the presence of friends with the use of surfactants and anti-social orientation behavior.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

The presence of a relative degree 1 ...

Protective factors include a system of positive family support, positive relationships within the family, a strong attachment, commitment to family values, high levels of parental education, religiosity. Similar risks were found protection in the study of adolescent illicit drug use. In non-clinical sample of 2,837 Colombian youths and their mothers interviewed, which take into account parenting style, use of family members of illegal drugs, personal characteristics of mother and child and adolescent use of illicit drugs. The results showed that violence, the availability of drugs, drug use by anyone in the family, distant relationship between parent and child and adolescent deviant behavior are risk factors for adolescent use of illicit drugs. Consumption may decrease the risk of protective child-rearing practices parent. For example, the intervention aimed at reducing factors such as delinquency, poor emotional control of mother and child can lead to a decrease in teen drug use [5]. Evaluation of family history (presence of alcoholism and drug addiction in parents), taking into account current and past psychopathology themselves have studied patients, the degree of abuse of alcohol and surfactant in the present and past, antisocial and criminal behavior was performed in 246 cocaine addicts (96% of They were smoking crack cocaine). In 75% of the patients in their self-report, there has been alcohol or drug addiction in parents. The presence of substance abuse at the father or the mother was associated with an increased risk drinking, alcohol abuse, treatment for alcoholism in the past, as well as with the previous or recent criminal behavior and often coincided with a diagnosis of antisocial personality and a series of antisocial behavior from parents on the other psychopathology the parent factor is not associated. Comparison of subgroups with and without substance abuse problems among mothers revealed stronger differences than the comparison of subgroups with and without substance abuse problems of their fathers or who have a parent. This indicates a more important role in influencing the mother's life for their children than the father's role. The results may indicate either the role of social learning and the importance of a biopsychosocial interpretation of the fact a family history and the dramatic impact of maternal history of von rosah abuse their children alcohol and drug abuse [7]. Most risk factors are equally important for both sexes. Women suffer the negative effects of family alcoholism to the same extent as men. The presence of relative 1-st degree relatives with alcoholism increases the risk of alcoholism in women is 2-4 times. The prevalence of alcoholism among women, children of alcoholics, is 5-14% compared 0,1-1,0% in the general population of women. Family alcoholism is widespread.

But never the influence of family is not eliminated completely.


Children were examined twice - in the 11-year-old and 12 years of age. Found that prosocial family processes, ie the presence of rules, monitoring, and attachment significantly affects the choice of reducing anti-social peers. The presence of a family of these three factors greatly reduces the initiation of the use of surfactants children, even in cases when they are adjacent to a group of anti-social peers. The authors indicate that the influence of family with the child's age is reduced, and peer influence increases. But never the influence of family is not eliminated completely. Selecting a group of deviant peers is still secondary, and the influence of the family is primary [20]. Other studies also showed that parental monitoring, compliance with a teenager "curfew" had been established as factors mitigating the use of surfactants teenagers. If a teenager in the family within prescribed limits, if it adheres to the "curfew" (return home no later than the specified time), if parents know where and who is their child (parental monitoring) and can influence its behavior, the probability of the use of surfactants teenager is reduced [22]. Tested the hypothesis that parental alcoholism and co-existing antisocial behavior indirectly linked with the problems of externalizing child behavior (aggression, delinquency, attention deficit disorder). Studied 125 families with a sick alcoholic father and 83 family matched control group. The survey was carried out twice with a 3-year intervals. In all families had biological children of 3-5 years at the beginning of a longitudinal study. The results showed that lack of control in a child is a mediator between parental alcoholism and externalizing behavior in later life son. Family conflict - an important mediator of the effects of anti-social behavior of mother and father [16 '. In one study attempted to determine whether to perform a predictor of the use of surfactants the presence or absence of support a mother, father or friends. It was found only low levels of perceived support from the father's drinking increases the chance of all types of surfactants - cigarettes, alcohol and drugs [21]. In one review [28] associated with family risk factors are summarized as follows. This conflict and domestic violence, adolescent behavior management problems, family disorganization, lack of family cohesion, increased stress levels, the use of surfactants by family members, the fuzzy rules and sanctions against the fickleness of surfactants and jealousy among siblings, poor supervision of the child, poor discipline, the level of education of parents, unrealistic expectations in their development. Family risk factors other authors formulated as follows [17, 18]. This is an adaptation to divorce, remarriage of parents expressed or deterioration of family relationships, distal, and impermanent malozabotlivoe parenthood, negative communication in a pair of parent-child relationship, poor monitoring by parents; unclear family rules, expectations and encouragement; use of surfactants parent or siblings; chaotic way of family life, particularly in cases where parents abuse surfactant or suffer mental illness, bad practices of child rearing, especially in cases with a difficult temperament of the child and his problematic behavior, lack of mutual affection and care, chronic intra-family tension and discord; lack of guidance from parents, permissiveness.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

According to our observations, the importance of protective ...

The analysis showed that family social support is associated with a decrease in alcohol consumption among the respondents. In the same vein are the factors of religion, school performance and behavior of their peers [17]. Mutual affection in a pair of parent-child. During childhood and adolescence associated with such personal characteristics as responsibility, expressed little rebellion, intolerance of deviant behavior. Tracked longitudinal end of the third decade of life the young man with similar characteristics were not inclined to the use of surfactants [4]. Proximity to the mother, even if she drinks alcohol, had a significant protective factor directed against the use of alcohol by young people 16-19 years. Adolescents whose mothers drank alcohol, showed a low degree of attachment to mothers and were themselves prone to alcohol abuse [29]. According to our observations, an important protective effect have harmonious relations not only in a pair of parent-child relationship, but it is no less important - in a pair of mother-father. If the relationship is positive, then a teenager feels comfortable in the family and may refuse the use of surfactants. Risk and protective factors are considered as discrete groups of factors, not as a continuum in which the presence of factor means higher risk, and the absence of risk factors means protection. The authors summarize the protective factors as follows: positive family relationships, low parental permissiveness and secure environment. In the presence of declining indicators such as the amount of surfactant, as used throughout life, age of initiation, the use of surfactants in the last month, the adoption of SAS, recently proposed. Sex is an important moderator of all factors. The results did not differ significantly among individuals of different ethnicity [18]. Attempts were made to establish the factors initiating the use of surfactants that can be set before the adolescent child. $ 3 family factor. 1. Rules. This existing requirement for a family bedtime child about homework, accuracy and clarity of the rules about parental consent rules, the presence of Rules of alcohol, the rules about watching television. 2. Monitoring. The child calls to parents regarding their delay returning home, children have the opportunity to be in contact with their parents. Parents know the whereabouts of their children, about whom and what do the kids after school. Parents know who befriends a child. 3. Attachment and commitment to family. Parents and children report that they share their thoughts and feelings. Kids talk about their closeness to his mother and father (or figures, replacing them) about wanting to be like a mother or father. Parents say that children are spontaneously, on its own initiative to help in the household and want to please her mother and ottsa. The study examined the effect of family factors and the influence of peer groups on initiation of alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana by students.

Important role to play in such a family ...


The authors concluded that genetic correlations ENVIRONMENTAL, in particular, moral and religious values ??at home, are important in the development of substance abuse [12]. Family structure was considered among the factors relating to the abuse of adolescents surfactant. Assumed that single-parent families, or mixed - the biological and adoptive mi - parents may predispose adolescents to the problems caused by the use of surfactants. The research results were contradictory. Some authors have found a similar relationship of family structure with the use and abuse of surfactant teenagers, while others - it is not therefore found that great importance is the type or quality of relationships between parents and teens in any family structure. It was found that the presence of a family of rigid rules, parental monitoring may substantially mitigate adolescent use of alcohol, marijuana and cocaine. These protective factors are important for adolescents of both sexes [22]. The recent divorce of parents can be a stressor for adolescents and therefore may influence alcohol consumption. Long-lived through the divorce of parents may be less a stressor. The question of how to use surfactants children long ago and recently divorced parents was studied in 24,599 in the 8 th grade (50.4% women) of 1052 schools. Experienced parental divorce than 4 years ago, 24.7% teachers and 14.4% experienced a divorce in the observation period, which lasted 4 years - up to grade 12. Take into account the frequency and intensity of alcohol consumption, the emergence of a school in a drunken state. Found that children whose parents divorced not long ago (within the 4-year period) were more likely to use alcohol at higher doses and more frequently appeared drunk in school than children of long-divorced parents and the children from intact families. The frequency of alcohol consumption kids a long time and recently divorced parents did not differ, but differ in frequency of use of higher doses of alcohol. Often in large doses drunk kids recently divorced parents. The results of the authors' opinion, may be due to the fact that children of divorced parents recently under stress or they model the behavior of their parents. It is possible that raziod was associated with increased alcohol consumption parent In addition, children who experience parents' divorce may be more psychologically vulnerable and therefore they are experiencing greater peer pressure [14]. Important role to play in such family characteristics as cohesion (cohesion) and hardness. (Hardiness). Under the cohesion understand the family's ability to work together, especially during times of stress. Hardness - a family's ability to use their strengths in coping for some time. Cohesiveness and hardness recognize the important characteristics of adolescents are protected from use and abuse of the surfactant. As authoritarian and relaxed style of education increases the likelihood of problems at the teenager in general and in connection with the use of surfactants in particular [22]. Within 2 years of four, 6-month intervals, examined 840 adolescents (443 boys and 397 girls).

By mail collected data for 85 pairs of ...


A child could distract other members from the stressful situation, switching attention to themselves. Behavioral features include homeostasis, merger and separation. Homeostasis refers to the state when the system is regulated by itself, remaining constant, and at the same time reacts to external forces. Merger or demerger reflect the level of attachment and alienation among family members. Families can use a third member (scapegoat) to ease a stressful situation. Family is important for the development of all its members at any stage of their life cycle, in accordance with the theory of seed systems, relationships and interactions between family members are critical components that affect the life of a teenager. Family members are models of behavior for a teenager and a source of reinforcement of behavior in adolescents. Disruption of the normal functioning of the family can reinforce the negative influence of other systems on the behavior of the teenager - such as peers, school, community. For example, conflict between parents and adolescents may lead to the fact that a teenager will join a group of drug users. Family systems theory recognizes that the use of surfactants teenager - it's not just a problem teenager, and the problem of the family. Consequently, the use of IIAB teenager can be regarded as a product of family relationships and interactions, as well as a symptom of dysfunction of the family, referring to the inability of the family in meeting the challenges posed by each stage of family life cycle. Thus, the teenager with the use of surfactants is not only a carrier of personal problems, but also support the family. In numerous studies, the main source of both risk factors and protective factors is called a family. Peers, school, community only complement the family. With family linked both genetic and environmental (intra-medium) factors. Moreover, genotype and environment may combine and interact with non-random manner. Hypothesized about genetically ENVIRONMENTAL correlation. Gene ENVIRONMENTAL correlation indicates how individuals are exposed to certain environmental factors. The choice of a medium as a function of genetic predisposition. These correlations are important in the study of psychopathology because they identify the environmental factors that may support the expression of genetic susceptibility to this disorder. In one of his works have studied the correlation between the genetic susceptibility to alcohol and drug abuse and the perception of social environment in the parental home and school. By mail collected data for 85 pairs of mono-and 77 pairs of dizygotic twins from the general population. The twins completed questionnaires regarding alcohol and drug abuse, family environment scale, the scale of classroom environment in schools and survey of traumatic events. Found that genetic susceptibility to substance abuse was associated with a decrease in perceived family moral-religious values, with a decrease in family cohesion, and with a decrease in orientation to the job in the classroom and with an increase in the perceived order and organization (strictness of discipline) in the classroom.

Monday 13 June 2011

Within 6 years 3 times examined 187 boys.


Kuperman et al. [15] describe 3 groups of risk factors for adolescents who can diagnose alcoholism in adulthood. These same factors, the authors consider the predictors. 1) Characteristics of the parental home (negative relationships in pairs of parent-child relationship) and environmental (school and personal problems). 2) Characteristics of child behavior (aggression, poor impulse control, anxiety and difficulty concentrating). 3) Early experimentation with alcohol and tobacco. Following data are presented. If young people start drinking alcohol before the age of 15, then aged 18-29 years, among them are 40% of patients with alcoholism. If young people start drinking alcohol after 19 years, only 10% of them become alcohol-dependent [15]. Within 6 years 3 times examined 187 boys. In 10-12 years, studied the functioning and difficulties in temperament, in 12-14 years - aggression and belonging to delinquent peers at 16 years, the use of surfactants. Results: The low level of functioning and a difficult temperament is associated with increased aggression and with belonging to delinquent groups. The latter factors are associated with increased use of surfactants. Relationship between difficult temperament and the use of surfactant was completely mediated through aggression and belonging to delinquent groups [10]. Thus, individual risk factors, according to some authors, include the following characteristics of adolescents [4-6, 15, 16, 23, 24, 27, 28]: hyperactivity and poor concentration of attention in childhood, fenced off or rebelliousness of puberty; antisocial behavior; clashes with the law enforcement agency mi, low level of reaction parameters alcohol (sequence no way to get drunk), anxiety and depression, early onset of use of surfactants, external locus of control; a favorable attitude toward drinking, lack of religious commitment, the search for new stimuli, high need for excitement. Delineation of risk factors for groups of probation. Family - this is an area where there are co-exist and interact with genetic, individual and environmental (within the meaning of intra-environment) factors. Factors associated with family recently in Addiction pay attention to family systems theory [22, 28]. System - a whole, supports the interaction of its parts. Family system is characterized by the structure and behavior. Structure are such subsystems, as parents, children, other family members. These subsystems continuously interact with each other. As a result, each family member takes on the meaning and significance. The earliest representation of a child currently provided by the interaction of members of the family system. Other elements of family structure are the boundaries and triangles. To understand the boundaries it is important to bear in mind that each subsystem plays a role. Role should be clearly defined in order to maintain a functioning family. Triangles (the most common - the parents and child) violate the border, adding a third member, usually a child.

There is evidence of a substantial ...

The remaining 40% is a socio-cultural influences and other life events [24]. Predisposing to the development of dependence genes remain to be identified. In this regard, candidate genes are alleles of DRD2 (dopamine receptor gene). As gene-protector (protection factor) is set to the gene responsible for a higher level of the first product of the splitting of alcohol - acetaldehyde. Relevant enzymes are variants of alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase. Protective genetic variants of enzymes are found only among the peoples of Asia, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans. In European populations, these genes protectors are not detected. The biological factors are also at risk of low amplitude wave RZOO evoked potentials, and low levels of serotonin in cerebrospinal fluid. Individual risk factors Risk factors, partly due to genetic influence, may include some individual characteristics that increase the likelihood of alcohol use, abuse and the development of dependence. This increased impulsivity, the desire to seek novelty, a syndrome of childhood hyperactivity, behavioral disorders in childhood (eksternalizo towels behavior), this complex is called "neural and behavioral disinhibition [24]. Low level of response to alcohol (the ability to not get drunk at the use of relatively high doses of alcohol) was found in almost half of adult children of alcoholics fathers. According to the 15-year longitudinal observation and repeated laboratory tests of the sons of alcoholics fathers, low response to alcohol in a 3-4 times increased risk of alcohol abuse or dependence on him in catamnesis [23]. Established that lack of control of their impulses from the sons of alcoholics Fathers manifested early, as early as 3 to 5 years of age and in later life is a mediator between parental alcoholism and antisotsialnm behavior [16]. Antisocial personality (according to the classification DSM-IV) can also be attributed to individual risk factors. There is evidence of a significant contribution of genetic factors in the formation of this personality disorder. Analyzes data on 324 monozygotic and 335 dizygotic pairs of twins found that personality traits are considered components of antisocial personality (grandiosity, attention seeking, incentives and innovation, the rejection of social norms and antisocial behavior in their youth) are influenced by genetic factors common to those, determining alcohol [II]. A linear relationship: the more severe manifestations of antisocial personality, the higher the frequency of alcohol dependence. Drug use is also associated with the severity of the manifestations of antisocial personality among both men and women [b]. Parental alcoholism is often co-exists with the antisocial behavior of both the parents and their children. Risk factors include behavior that leads to a clash with police. In the group with the presence of this factor is 18.8% of teens have used illegal drugs compared with 1.6% of those who had no difficulties with the police [27]. S.

Sunday 12 June 2011

From 70 to 98% of teenagers coming ...


Methodology UNP has an efficiency of not less than 99% (this is a unique result). Time to achieve results - 1 calendar month. Medications do not apply. A positive result is achieved exclusively psychological means. This unique result was made possible by different explanatory principle nature of the phenomenon of drug addiction and Varga. Drug addiction - a mental habit, not a disease. A person stops using drugs is not a result of treatment, and as a result of working with our specialist.

Biological, individual, family and-family risk and protective factors of substance abuse in adolescents

VD Moskalenko National Research Center on Addictions Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russia Substance (SAW) teens is growing and has already become a phenomenon of an epidemic. Most teenagers have resorted to the use of many surfactants. From 70 to 98% of teenagers coming for treatment are polydrug abuse [28). In the behavior with the use of surfactants can provide an initiation, abuse and the development of dependence. Start drinking does not always lead to dependence. Nevertheless, risk and protective factors for this behavior are similar both in terms of initiation of consumption and dependence. Conventionally, they can be divided into the following groups: biological, individual, family (intra-Wednesday)-family (school, peers) factors. Biological factors in this group include genetic and other physical characteristics of individuals who have contributed to the abuse of surfactants, often with the subsequent development of psychoactive substance dependence. The important role of genetic predisposition to the development of psychoactive substance dependence is proved in many studies of genealogy, twin methods and the study of adoptive children with their biological and adoptive parents, as well as study models, depending on the animals. The literature is analyzed in detail in reviews [1, 2J. The general conclusion of these studies: a variety of exposure to the development of psychoactive substance dependence genetic factors contribute significantly. The presence of biological kin, the patient is dependent on the surfactant is an important risk factor for development of a similar illness to other family members. The more patients dependent relatives in one family (density dependence), the higher the risk to healthy relatives. Specificity of the genetic predisposition to type surfactants, ie, predisposition to alcoholism or drug addiction was not detected. Different types of dependence found in the same family, and at the same individual during life. We can therefore say that alcoholism is a parent - this is an important risk factor for drug abuse son or daughter. Biological risk to offspring with the disease increased as the father and mother. According to some reports, the patient's mother makes a slightly greater risk for daughters than for sons. Believe that genetic factors, taken together, can explain 60% of the diversity of risk disorders caused by alcohol.

Treasures of the recall.

Therapy of creative expression. M., 1999. 364. 11.Vtorozakonie. 7:25, 26. 1 Corinthians 10:21. 12.Matfeya 17:24-20. 13. Matthew 17:24-20. 14/01 John 5:5. 15. Matthew 6:13. 15.Matfeya 4:3-10. 17.Pritchi 18:10. 18. Psalm 123:8. 144:18. 19.Dzhalal ad-Din Rumi. Treasures of the recall. Sufi poeziya. Ed. with English ..- M.: Sofia, Helios, 2002.-208 with. with illus. -C.20 / III, 3038. 20.Marka. 9:42-47. Published with permission.

The phenomenon Varga

"Varga phenomenon" - a unique phenomenon of human thought, when simple methods can achieve unique results. Simply put, having knowledge of the existence of this phenomenon and having skills in the use of this phenomenon in life you can learn to effectively manage your body. And if you learn to control his body, so you can learn and get rid of various incurable (as previously thought) diseases. Indeed, the majority of incurable diseases - it is nothing like a failure of functional activity of the organism. The human mind controls all functional systems of the body. Activity of human thinking and algorithmic understandable. On this basis, we can develop a system of techniques and practices for training their own thinking in order to achieve the desired results. The main criterion of applicability of the Phenomenon Varga - only their own human desire to achieve this. Not everyone is given. Features some people do not allow you to apply this effect in practice. After passing the test can reveal the person's ability to develop themselves or standing on the spot. The fate of a man in his own hands, nothing more. Varga phenomenon was discovered purely by Russian scientists several years ago. During this time, the phenomenon has received a number of practical applications. Investigation of several private institutions of hidden human capabilities and unique features of traditional healers identified the main research direction of the Institute of Conduct. In late 2004 the Centre was established at the Institute of Social Adaptation of Conduct. This new Center drug addicts, to teach their clients with psychological and biological knowledge to get rid of drug attachment, provided always wants and needs of the client. Using this knowledge and the phenomenon VARGA Center has the unique ability to deliver our clients a drug attachment. This unique technique. It allows drug users to the client by passing only psychological training course to get rid of drug addiction. Potential consumers of services on the project UNP are all narkozavismye (ie a person who regularly use narcotic substances), wishing to stop using drugs. No contraindications for the application procedure, there are no restrictions on gender, seniority and dosages of use, there are no restrictions on the types of used drugs. To achieve a positive result does not matter religion, drug addiction and his nationality.


Modern medicine can offer effective methods to retain sobriety. Although a thoughtful physician and a psychologist will make a contribution to the break the vicious circle (5). Greater success is achieved movement''Alcoholics Anonymous''(6),''12 Steps''program (7) and the so-called Minnesotovskaya program, developed by William Benitez and L. Ron Hubbard's in 1966 (8), which reaches far the best results (72%). Of the most effective psycho-cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (9) and Therapy creative self-expression (10). It is thanks to her abandoned alcohol and drugs Paulo Coelho, Ernest Hemingway, writer, domestic Kirill Vorobyev, known better under the pseudonym Bayan Shiryanov, artist Mikhail Shemyakin, and the famous Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov. Quite simple and reliable means we offer the Holy Scriptures and the New Testament. This is first of all to destroy everything associated with alcohol, a reminder of him, with alcoholic lifestyle, alcohol habits, things, relationships, old places spending time (11). Must be maintained in a shield of faith with which you can quench all the darts of the wicked (12). And the stronger your faith, the better you can resist the evil spirits (13). Must constantly keep these mental exercises and it will be a powerful protection from the temptations (14). It is very important to pray to God for protection (15) or talk to their temptations that Jesus said the devil:''Get thee behind me, Satan! ''(16), do not listen to the angry voices and pray out loud, pronouncing the name of God (17), so evil spirits will leave you alone (18). You must remember:''none the most advanced knowledge will not help you if you do not like the purity in itself and does not hate sin in itself:''Many people do not benefit from their knowledge: it is those who hold knowledge in memory, but not in love with him''- Rumi (19). We also firmly cut off his hand, tempt us (20). Literature. 1. Relapse Prevention Unit. The CENAPS Corporation. The Center for Applied Sciences. The Relapse dynamic. Hazel Crest. Illinois. A chemical dependency treatment program. Booklet.1990.pp.1-3. 2.Novy Zavet.1 Thessalonians., 4: 3. 3.Elizabeth Howell. Motivation therapy. American Society of Addiction Medicine 33rd Annual Meeting & Medical-Scientific Conference CME.2002. pp 303. 4. Marka.7 :21-23. 5. Obscheprakticheskaya and family medicine. Ed. Michael M.Kohena.Per with it. Minsk.Belarus.1997 city, s.393. 6. Anonymous Alkogoliki.44 questions and answers regarding the program of AA in recovery from alcoholism. Translated from English. New-York. Russian edition. Printed in SShA.1988g .- 41. 7.Dvenadat Steps and Twelve Traditions. Alcoholic Anonymous World Services, INC. Printed in the USA in Russian. New York, the .1989-213. 8. The Narconon drug rehabilitation program. Narconon first step workshop Guidebook. Los Angeles, 1995, pp.57. 9. Fedorov, AP Cognitive-behavioral psihoterapiya.-Petersburg: Peter, 2002.-352 c. .- (Series''Quick Start Guide). 10. Burno ME

Saturday 11 June 2011

It is true that alcoholics have to ...

Appear unrealistic plans, ordinary daily tasks or are ignored or not implemented. 12. Plans tend to be falling through 13. There is the desire to ignore the current circumstances, I want to drop everything and run away. 14. There is a sensation that does not work, though I do everything perfectly. 15. Growing periods of anxiety. 16. Growing apathy 17. The usual rhythm of sleep. 18. Can not or do not want to set myself the task for the day. 19. Intensified periods of more severe depression. 20. Fewer want to do and concentrate on his sobriety. 21. Relatives and friends feel that with you that something is not right, and you refuse their help. 22. Growing dissatisfaction with life. 23. Comes a feeling of hopelessness. 24. More and more you begin to feel sorry for yourself. 25. Increasingly, there are thoughts about the need to consume alcohol in some very appropriate situations, such as the wedding my brother. 26. Subconsciously prepare for the cause or a lie for the upcoming drinking. 27. Reduced self-confidence. Increasingly difficult to be confident in their own impending sobriety. 28. Amplified wanton outrage at the most minor of events. 29. Self-support their own sobriety through treatment, self-control or self-hypnosis becomes minimal. 30. Overflow occurs loneliness, anger, frustration or inner tension. 31. There is the idea of ??controlled drinking, ie, a little drink on a very important social need, and resist the repetitions. 32. There is loss of control. The ability of self-control is lost, start trying to moderate alcohol consumption, which quickly degenerated into a typical''alcohol consumption of alcohol,''ie, consumption becomes uncontrollable. Common cause of alcohol relapse is getting back into captivity for their dysfunctional emotions and''the age-old dream''of alcohol on the possibility of moderate and controlled drinking. Yes, stops drinking immediately and permanently, and have to fight for sobriety on a daily basis. Experts explain the offensive relyapsa general biological blunting the usual incentives or reduced motivation, just as eventually the usual medications help worse, as reduced primary joy of sobriety (3) It should be clearly understood that no external signs or circumstances may cause disruption. Only our inner''I''by the plant itself, and uncoiling itself is preparing itself to relyapsu (4). It is true that alcoholics need to drink large quantities and on a daily basis, although such and such a lot. Alcoholism is a sign of dependence on chemical substrate. Even if a person drinks very often, and not''getting drunk as a lord,''but uses alcohol as an emotional stabilizer and tool for other, non-alcoholic problems, he was addicted, just personal degradation occurs much later. You can drink very rarely, overtly or covertly, have relatively long periods of abstinence, but if you're addicted, and alcohol for you and chemical compensator, your dose will all grow and grow with each passing year.

They had the intention to stay sober (B).

Or, angrily said:''I want and drink. None of your business. Peel and drink will be. Brought me to the language of doctors, this is called relyapsom (relapse), when, after a strong abstinence, we again find ourselves at the peak of''alcohol''. And at first glance, it is incomprehensible to us, and it is surprising to us. ''It was all so good! ,''We say to ourselves. However, the Center for Prevention relyapsov Lakehurst, New Jersey, United States, warns that relyaps does not begin with the first drink. Even before the alcohol breakdown manifested behavioral signs relyapsa, it appears-a sense of emptiness and loneliness, increasing domestic tension, stress, subconscious controversy within us (1). Truly, -''The Kingdom of God within us''(2). Harbingers of this deviant behavior were identified in 1973 through a comprehensive clinical intervyuirovanie 118 alcoholics who meet the following criteria: They should refrain from alcohol 2-4 weeks or were any treatment program (A). They had the intention to stay sober (B). Ultimately, they wanted to maintain control over themselves, but returned to regular drinking (F). The results of this clinical study were systematized in symptoms, precursors relyapsa, through the control that can prevent himself relyaps. Common symptoms described as follows: 1. Presentiment of loss of wellbeing. Alcoholics noted that, as an initial feeling of fear and uncertainty. It felt as well as a lack of confidence in his ability to stay sober. These misgivings troubled short, and long. 2. Negativity, resistance to sober unconsciously growing. The patient raises the internal tension and anxiety. Resistance to these premonitions reduces own sense of dependence on alcohol, which again triggered the denial of alcohol dependence, making the drinker improvident, careless to the alcoholic situation that had developed a sad neglect of the past experience of alcohol. 3. Inflexible internal commitment to sobriety decrease. As if the devil tempts us:''Go and have a drink. Few can. Nothing terrible will happen.''4. Compulsive prodding to drink others, such as friends, family and wife. We like to invite them to a feast or provoking a drink, though they still do not drink. 5. Increased security and secrecy, when a man refuses to talk about their old alcohol problems. 6. Grows compulsive and aggressive behavior when the person starts gratuitously plant to another, to demand silence or to avoid the usual contacts. 7. The response to stress becomes excessive, inadequate 8. Show a desire to be alone 9. In any phenomenon of a person starts all over to see just what he wants, ignoring, for example, the positive aspects of the situation. 10. Appear small signs of depression as sleep disturbance, drowsiness, decrease or increase in appetite. 11. Loss of constructive planning.