Saturday 18 June 2011

More than half of "converts" ...


This way of getting rid of dependence has been described in the article "Lost hope you can return," published in the journal Zemsky Gazette, № 3, 2000 We believe that this approach to drug addiction will solve the problem of drug abuse in the country. Vladimir Ivanov Institute of Conduct

smoking will save a drop of nicotine?

Irina Semenova only smokers know through what anguish they must pass in order to quit smoking. Twenty years ago they could only rely on his strength of will. Now developed lots of ways to help tabakomanam get rid of their habit. About them told us pulmonologist, K. M. Mr. Eugene V. Hotenko. Official medicine has created for the treatment of tabakomanii an arsenal of tools. Smokers treated with hypnosis, they do psychotherapists, producing results and acupuncture. However, worldwide the most popular variety of medications designed specifically for smoking renegades. Statistics gives interesting figures. Annually, 40% of smokers decide to get rid of their habit, and only 3.5% successfully copes with this task. More than half of "converts" enlists the aid of various homeopathic remedies. This is not surprising: after all, nicotine withdrawal syndrome is very similar to breaking a drug addict. Headache, aggression, anxiety, depression, insomnia, constant irritability - these are just a small part of his clinical picture. Without medical support can only do very few. Therefore, for the "weak" most developed different pharmacological adaptogens. Drugs of this kind can be divided into several groups. One of the first appeared pills for smokers. Chemical compounds contained in these tablets, its structure is strongly reminiscent of nicotine. Imbibing in blood, they act in certain nerve centers. These substances bind to nicotinic receptors, blocking them and create the effect of tobacco being. At the same time dramatically reduces the need for smoking: for the brain, full cure, "thinks" that he had received another batch of cigarette smoke. In addition, such tablets strongly reduce feelings of hunger, so they are particularly recommended for people with overweight. However, lean smokers also often use them to prevent "non-nicotine obesity. After all, most people give up smoking, markedly put on weight. So the pill help to deal with this scourge. If a person decided to resort to such means, it should drastically reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. Completely same stop smoking should be no later than the 10th day of therapy. Otherwise, the smoker at risk of nicotine overdose, manifested by the rise of pressure, rapid pulse and disgusting feeling. In our country most known drugs are medicines that contain anabasine. This plant alkaloid is very similar to nicotine, but does not have its toxic properties.

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