Friday 17 June 2011

Consequently, the outcome of treatment will also be stable.

According to the theory of conditioned reflex of Pavlov IP is unconscious stable behavior can be considered as a reflex, only a reflex in this case not form in the organic structures of the body and the psyche. When an addict trying to recover, it is also necessary to commit an act of thinking - decide not to use, in other words, the decision to change the habitual train of thought or elimination of drug behavior. These acts of thinking in the dominant scientific paradigm of today are not taken into account, but their participation in education, course and treatment of drug dependence is undeniable. Consequently, we can take a psychological component "disease" as the starting point for further discussion. Recognizing that acts without thinking of drug dependence are not formed and does not take place, we can conclude that this is the work of the mind is the essence, the basis of drug addiction. Consequently, the essence of addiction - the behavior of the source - acts of thinking. Conclusions: The Mind is the object to which should be directed to treatment and rehabilitation effects, for deliverance from drug addiction need to change the thinking, eliminate the acquired skills of drug behavior, eliminating the old skills of drug behavior, you need to train a person to move to the new ideas, new thinking skills providing him sober in all situations. Or, in the familiar language of cure; Since the behavior is characterized by stability, the new skills will have this property. Consequently, the outcome of treatment will also be stable. Thus, we obtain a new paradigm to explain the nature of addiction. But not enough to give a new explanation, we need empirical evidence. And then the new paradigm becomes not only a theoretical truth, but practical value. This approach is embodied in a new method of psychological rehabilitation. Since the object of rehabilitation in the new method is the psyche, and it is subject to the law of learning, then the rehabilitation work is based on scientific understanding and application of the law. Conscious application of the law always gives a high efficiency in any human activity. One example is the theory and practice sanogennykh thinking and behavioral approach doctor of psychological sciences, academician Orlova YM, long time head of the Department of General Psychology, Medical Academy of IM Sechenov in Moscow. Applying the law of learning, the addict is held extinction "traction" (a term the physiology of higher nervous activity) or otuchivanie from former drug behavior, ie psychological means, harmless to human health, quickly and completely eliminates the "pull" (craving) and the desire to use that arises in certain circumstances. Then conducted training in new skills drug-free thinking and behavior. The result - sustained relief from addiction.

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