Tuesday 31 May 2011

The Japanese tradition of "a little bit of sake ...


No, not in vain in many nations for centuries maintained a tradition of abstinence from alcohol young men and women "did not give birth until small. The Japanese tradition of "a little bit of sake and a woman" has greatly contributed to the formation of "a nation of short-sighted." I am always amazed by the number of wearing glasses in our children, and Russian villages have parents with good eyesight and normal conditions of life are no longer amazed - moonshine and no such signs. Only now, as now, stand before your eyes on the draft board, where I once had a chance to work, all these short-sighted, slant-eyed, stooped, feeble, flat, krivozubye, with poorly tied the navel, bewildered and helpless bedolagi. Who wants more details, please, refer to "fetal alcohol syndrome" in the relevant publications, and then to consolidate the material on a tour of a facility for children with birth defects and mental retardation, I assure you will not find it. In any case, a young man or woman who in 14-16 years, after watching ads, began to regularly drink beer, have a clear idea about what their offspring, which will soon the light will be produced in universities to study, to put it mildly, not particularly threatening, Although life burgers and serve four nuts on the line to wrap it (the offspring) can fully qualified. Formed with the Slavic peoples attitude towards a person's ability to ample libation, as some kind of prowess, has deep roots. In the process of establishing and strengthening the Slavic tribes, they had to move mainly in the south and east, populated mostly people of the Mongoloid race who have for the most part low resistance to alcohol (a bare bellies). Slavs (as it is sad to admit it) used to, soldering their neighbors, resulting in entire populations to rapid degradation, taking in the future of their land. Ermak already come in almost depopulated region, assert that it was, in fact, no one, and not for others. And so the Slavs traditionally applied to human beings spivshemusya largely corresponded to the wounded and maimed on the battlefield for a common cause. But the Trojan horse of "green wine" made in due course the black business and themselves Slavs. But people's attitudes to drinking as to valor, through a vast number of channels supported by the manufacturer effects of hard alcohol, remains, unfortunately, to this day. Many politicians and economists have developed Western countries now do not hide that from their point of view in Russia today, the population of "surplus", in order to serve her a raw materials appendage, people need to be much smaller (15-50 million by various estimates). Bottom line: people need to turn down. The most "promising" in this infamous case group - young people. Is it because, on reflection, foreign beer producers in the past few years as the chain slipped, advertising their creations under Russian names that several birds with one stone on the spot: and the land clean of "superfluous people" as they call us, and the remaining lead in the state weak-willed half-drunken beast, and yes even money on this weld considerable export.

Unfortunately, such "biochemical ...

The result is an accumulation of estrogen and changing the appearance and behavior of female type. The main character of beer advertising "Fat Man" - a perfect illustration of such changes. Craving for communication in same-sex company, "soft" companions, heightened state of conflict and aggression, as well as other signs of sexual orientation - from the same series of hormonal changes. Since the persistent dependence develops at the level of the biochemical function of deep brain structures that determine the motivation of individual behavior, "Advances in Treatment" craving for alcohol, like any other drug is nothing but a mournful smile, and do not cause cause they can not. A person can be denied to drink, to intimidate his mind teturama (Antabuse, esperal), emetics, hypnotic influence (coding). But to destroy the craving for alcohol in the subconscious, is fixed at biochemistry of deep brain structures, structures that are older than dinosaurs, it is impossible in principle - the train has already left. Unfortunately, such "biochemical strain" is not only influenced the use of psychotropic substances, which include ethanol, directly to that person. She, this deformation can be laid and usually laid in contact yet the parents of the man with ethyl alcohol and certain other substances belonging to the group of xenobiotics (alien life) that a person is contacted most frequently in the course of modern, mainly chemical, production, and with which no living creature on the planet earlier in the process of evolution did not occur, and therefore any means to combat them have not, by definition, with children and adolescents is very simple. By the time of puberty, which is approximately 11-13 years old in the body every girl completely formed genetically those three or four hundred viable eggs, which soon influenced the monthly female hormone cycle in turn will ripen and go from the ovaries ready for fertilization. Any adverse impact on them even during their stay in the ovaries (alcohols, aldehydes of the components of tobacco, other drugs, industrial and household poisons, radiation) damage hidden in their heredity, and the effects of each subsequent exposure and multiply accumulate (cumulated). In the gonads to the boy about the same age formed about a very small group (pool) so-called stem cells, surprisingly great speed division which provides further elaboration of billions of sperm and the continuation of the human race. The situation here is no less vulnerable, because the faster the cell divides, the more vulnerable it is. The most insecure period in the development of a future life - it's the first hours and days before conception and after it. Expression "children Sunday" and "you probably did on Monday," that is with a hangover, speak for themselves. The concentration of alcohol and its degradation products is quite sufficient to cause the child's congenital malformations, defects, dementia, mental defects and biochemical abnormalities bookmarks, naturally leading subsequently to an irresistible craving for "unusual sensation," persists for many days.

Over time, mood, and then ...


On the main qualities of this "product" Many say the properties of its closest relative - the ant or a formaldehyde solution which (formalin) pathologists fixed cadaveric material. It was he, acetaldehyde, of course, together with its predecessor - ethyl alcohol, causes the severity of alcohol withdrawal syndrome and its consequences: the impoverishment of the emotional sphere, progressive dementia, diseases of internal organs. Alcohol and its degradation products in the brain blocks the synthesis of substances that give a normal person to enjoy life itself and of its natural pleasures, the satisfaction of a well-made things, and much, much more. And the emotional sphere - that memory (well, we remember only what reaches our emotions, we are interested in), especially long-term memory, commonly referred to as the conscience and zest for life and self-esteem of man, his love of family and friends, a sense of responsibility for themselves, their family, their land. When all this is not, then happiness - is something that splashes into a glass. Over time, mood, and then the well-being, become dependent on alcohol, the range of interests, acquaintances, contacts, gradually narrowed, limited, the person speaking everyday language, ruin oneself by drink. Why did this happen in one person slowly, and the other quickly. The fact that the decomposition of acetaldehyde into harmless products strictly determined by the degree of activity is already another "slow" enzyme (atsetaldegiddegidrogenazy). And the activity of this enzyme is directly dependent on the degree of saturation of the body one of the hormones related to the large group sex. This hormone, in particular, besides the activation of "slow" and other properties of the enzyme determines the degree of hair "vegetation" on the trunk, especially on the abdomen. Therefore, people with "woolly" belly accumulation of acetaldehyde after alcohol consumption occurs in much smaller quantities, respectively, likely to fall asleep, that is, purchase alcohol dependence is much smaller. Ie in the development of alcoholism actually involved almost exclusively on two factors: the number of drinking alcohol and the enzyme activity is determined by heredity. Everything Else - "drinking culture", "quality" alcohol-containing beverages, "adaptation" to alcohol, the national traditions and stuff - just talk "to the poor, hard producers Feeding alcohol played pretty simpletons such as Misha Evdokimova. That this is the answer to the question why the natives of the Caucasus practically ruin oneself by drink, and representatives, for example, of the North simply ruin oneself by drink rapidly. Not surprisingly, women, children, adolescents, and even fully grown man with a constitutionally low content of this particular hormone and, therefore, not a hairy stomach, have low resistance to the development of severe alcoholism. Liver enzymes, which in a healthy male body has successfully engaged in the destruction of female sex hormones (estrogen) that are normally produced in moderate quantities in various organs and tissues are blocked early in alcohols, especially the "heavy".

Monday 30 May 2011

These spirits are also called fusel ...


Forming, and have largely been formed, "culture" of beer consumption, which brings huge profits for its producers. These revenues, as well as the producers themselves, to Russia relations have no income from the country go. Advertising campaign on the intensity and ruthlessness can be compared perhaps only with the tsunami. Let's look and see what remains to us in the end with you and our country. Raznotsvetem labels, packaging design now, nobody will be fooled. Beer - it's 4-6% solution of ethyl alcohol in water with flavorings and fragrances, in a large part of chemical origin, which are supplied to Russia imported producers in the form of concentrates. Ie, beer - it's alcohol (alcohol), though divorced, but without the alcohol options (2 liters of beer = a glass of vodka), and alcohol is low grade with a high content of "heavy" of polyols, mainly propyl and isoamyl. These spirits are also called fusel oils, or simply - of vodka. Wishing to get acquainted with their properties, I recommend to try the brew. The main attractive components in beer and other drinks, no doubt, ethyl alcohol, are in moderate amounts eyforiziruyuschee, inhibitor effect on the psyche. Alcohol partially dissolves the fatty insulation lipid membranes of nerve fibers, which leads to the violation of their insulating properties, first in the most sensitive, braking, brain structures, implementing internal control of behavior and emotion. The result is a "disconnect from overload" of these structures, and then consistently intelligent, and finally the motor centers. Ethyl alcohol itself has mild toxic effects, its main effect is bad for young people - a sharp decrease in the ability to memorize and improve skills. Acceptance of 30-40 ml of alcohol (100 g of vodka) reduces this ability by 80% who do not believe she can check on her, except for a headache in the morning no verses or formulas. Moreover, frequent reception even small doses there is a gradual accumulation (accumulation) of adverse effects, persistent and irreversible impairment of memory. Deceptiveness of alcohol that previously acquired and firmly fixed even complex skills persist long enough. Therefore, the man seems almost no adverse effects, especially because one of the first to suffer criticism objectively assess their own state. As if all is well: a man still working (skills saved), but no longer "act" better than ourselves does not jump, does not aspire to better. Well, drink often, so who does not drink now, but what will happen to a man in a few years, so it's his problem himself. Then we are surprised - how many homeless people, etc.? But the most heinous of alcohols is not in him. The fact that the body it breaks down not just on carbon dioxide and water with the formation of heat, as many imagined. First, under the "fast" enzyme (alcohol dehydrogenase), he turns into vinegar (acetonitrile) aldehyde.

Preparations of this group are suitable ...

All it is impossible to cover in one article, and it is not necessary, because drug and alcohol abuse has for this purpose enormous practical guides, monographs, textbooks for medical students and faculty, doctors and nurses. Dwell only briefly describe the main approaches to the impact of the syndrome of pathological craving for alcohol and the development of aversion to it. The essence of the so-called "Reflex temperance therapy is a combination of alcohol with different substances that cause nausea and vomiting, to develop a negative conditioned reflex and the achievement of aversion to alcoholic beverages. In this toshnotno-emetic response appears here as the unconditioned stimulus. For this purpose, use apomorphine, emetic herb mixture on the basis of Thermopsis, thyme, fish oil, as well as large doses of nicotinic acid, lithium nicotinate (Lithonia), sodium thiosulfate, unitiol and other methods of "sensitizing temperance therapy" based on the use of funds, causing increased sensitivity (sensitization) to alcohol and alcohol intolerance, intolerance to them. For this purpose, suitable disulfiram. Preparations of this group are suitable for relatively long-term maintenance (of anti-) treatment, as well as for use of deposited forms of disulfiram (implantation esperal). Sensitizing effect of alcohol has also metronidazole mechanism of action which, as it turns out, is to inhibit the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase. It was also established that the drug inhibits the pathological craving for alcohol. Sensitization to alcohol may also cause drugs furazolidone, furadonin, levamisole, nicotinic acid, etc. A new direction in the Addictions is the search for means and methods of neutralizing eyforiziruyuschih effects (so-called "suppressive therapy"). Established, for example, that these properties drug antakson. Scientific inquiry in this direction continues. However, a prerequisite for effective treatment of alcohol dependence is a radical patient's motivation for getting rid of dependence and of alcohol problems. To this end, drug and alcohol abuse has a large arsenal of methods of psychological diagnosis, psychological correction, psychotherapy and rehabilitation. References 1. Voloshin PV, Mіnko O.І., Lіnsky IV is spіvavt. Ukrayinsky DSFA psihonevrologії. Volume 9, (2001). 2. Vilensky BS Emergency state in neuropathology: a guide for physicians. L.: Medicine (1986). 3. Sosin IK, Chuev YF Laser therapy for alcoholism. Kharkov: Polygraphservice (2001). 4. Sosin IK, Bespalov, JG, Artemchuk AF, Chuev YF Ekologіchna medicine. № 1 (2000). Medicus Amicus, 2002, # 3

Source: Journal of Medicus Amicus № 3 2002 on a site http://www.medicusamicus.com/index.php?action=75-21-25abcd-26-32-37-38- 44 

Beer - a low blow

Bouzounov Andrew F. afdoc@mail.ru Beer heavily promoted as a harmless, especially the youth drink.

Sunday 29 May 2011

In Addiction, there are tactical ...


In each case, the therapeutic success we are always talking about achieving remissionnogo state of realization and subsequent anti-alcohol rehabilitation programs for retaining the patient in a mode of 100-percent lifetime sobriety. Such cases in the Addictions is not so rare, but not often, as we would like as life able to form alcohol dependence is comparable with other chronic illnesses that require changes in lifestyle and controlled limitations (for example, diabetes - to restrict the consumption of glucose, peptic ulcer disease - dietary standards; hypertension - the exception of salt, etc.). In Addiction, there are tactical programs aimed not at long-term remission, but to achieve acceptable for the psychology of the patient's long-term goals of "harm reduction" of alcoholism. These objectives are to hold a patient in a mode less alcoholism, restore and maintain vital body functions, "therapeutic incubation" of organs and systems against a background of continued drinking, incessant drunken state and the unwillingness to be treated for pathological dependence, etc. Therapeutic process in clinical alcohol dependence rubrifitsiruetsya on "principles", "stages", "objectives", "Therapeutics," "methods of rehabilitation." The basic principles of treatment are: pathogenetic orientation, phasing, complexity, differentiation, individualizirovannost, continuity, duration, voluntary and other Stages of treatment - a prerequisite of scientific and practical Addiction. Distinguish the following stages: "Immediate relief drug states", "detoxification", "active therapy of alcohol," "of anti-(maintenance) therapy ',' rehabilitation '(recovery of social and employment, marital status). Problem ANTIALCOHOL treatment also with a certain sketchy grouped into relatively independent units: "detoxification," "urgent relief states," restoration of the homeostasis, "" suppression of craving for alcohol, "" development of disgust and sensitization to alcohol "," Correction of affective disorders "" correction of behavioral disorders, "" psychological adjustment "," stabilization remissionnogo state "," rehabilitation alkogolzavisimyh patients ", etc. There are all updated as Clinical Addiction antialkogolny arsenal could be grouped into the following algorithmic complex tools and methods of therapy:" disintoxication " "pyrotherapy", "vitamin", "restorative", "symptomatic," "psycho," "anticonvulsants," "non-drug methods," "conditioned reflex", "sensitizing", "substitution", "blocking", "nootropic" "homeopathic," "folk remedies", etc. Given that chronic alcohol intoxication leads to the inevitable defeat of the functions of all vital organs and systems, it becomes an axiom of the therapeutic use of Addictions drugs, used in therapy, cardiology, nephrology, hepatology, neurology, etc.

In recent years, beer as a product ...

In the past the domestic drug treatment in their practice of beer alcoholism have not seen and studied his clinic only on the description of Western experts, at present this type of alcohol dependence began and we have clinical everyday reality. Often beer - an integral component of the mandatory morning opohmeleniya. Can be observed in patients with binge, drinking at night from 20 to 40 liters of beer. This hypervolemia (hydrodynamic shocks "- the terminology of resuscitation) brings to the clinic alcohol addiction atypical symptoms, do not have a" wine and vodka, "depending. All of these patients (mostly younger people), lack of protective gag reflex, there are no typical forms of alcohol, hypertension, tachycardia, electrocardiographic signs of cardiac pathology (left ventricular hypertrophy, conduction disturbances, trophic changes of the myocardium). Characterized by hepatic dysfunction (sharply elevated bilirubin, the enzyme activity of ALT, AST, GGT in 3 - 7 times higher than normal), reduced the relative density of urine, the amount of urate and phosphate, a large number of erythrocytes and leukocytes in urine. There is a tendency to raise blood glucose levels. Patients complain of pain in the vital organs: liver, stomach, pancreas, kidney, heart, and cranial pain. In recent years, beer as a product of mass consumption is beginning to look more closely study the regulatory authorities. As evidenced by the information available in the Internet, permissible limits of heavy metals present in beer, as follows (in mg / kg): Pb - 0,3; Cd - 0,003; Ag - 0,2; Hg - 0,005; Cu - 5 , 0; Zn - 10,0. It is easy to calculate that, for example, the maximum permissible dose of cadmium, added to the beer for the formation and retention of the foam can be easily exceeded by drinking more than two bottles (more than 1 liter) of beer. It is not excluded that atypism beer alcoholism is partly due to a large volume of fluid injected into the body (water intoxication), and an additional (possibly major) hroniovozdeystviem toxic salts of heavy metals in the consumed beer volumes. Especially troubling total "pub fashion" among children, adolescents, young men, which inevitably end completion alkogolzavisimyh contingents. However, the majority of moderate (less than daily, but occasionally) and quantitatively controlled by the consumption of beer is not addictive. Approaches to the treatment world experience practical Addiction does not know the means and methods of simultaneous and radical deliverance from alcohol dependence, which would enable the patient to move to a controlled (metered-dose, moderate) alcohol consumption. Treatment of alcohol dependence is a complex, multi-, multi-step (and often, lifelong) process within the medical specialty of drug and alcohol abuse and its related disciplines (psychiatry, toxicology, therapy, medical psychology, etc.).

Saturday 28 May 2011

Beer alcoholism because of the huge ...

Drunken attack unfolds in a relatively short period of time (binge lasts an average of 3 to 15 days), and therefore, in each case there is a huge risk of severe somatonevrologicheskih effects, and acute alcoholic psychosis (delirium tremens, alcoholic hallucinosis) with deaths. Characterized by gross behavioral deviation predzapoynogo, binge, and the nearest postzapoynogo periods. In line with our vision, booze is considered as a multifaceted: the stage in the development dynamics of the disease process, test the severity of the disease, a reliable diagnostic and prognostic sign, the most typical model of the state of emergency in the drug treatment clinic, which requires emergency treatment relieves, the state, which by its pathophysiological and in many respects, clinical and psychopathological entity has an analogy with paroxysmal epilepsy, patobioritmologichnostyu in manic-depressive psychosis. Predzapoynoe condition is characterized by a fairly typical precursors. Was developed by the chrono-ritmologicheskaya rubrifikatsiya alcoholic binge. Differentiated therapeutic approaches based on the established laws of the dynamics of non-specific reactivity in drunken attacks. Inclusion of anticonvulsants in a complex of traditional intensive therapy achieves statistically significant reduction of treatment time drunken state, to provide a quick reduction of psychopathological, somatic, neurological symptoms, normalization of electrophysiological parameters and of nonspecific reactivity. In appointing an anticonvulsant during the appearance of precursors can prevent the onset of the next binge. Another possible approach to secondary prevention of drunken states and the stabilization of remission based on the use of the drug antakson predzapoynom period. Beer alcoholism because of the huge demand and consumption of beer a lot. Dictionaries treat as a low-alcohol beer fizz. Mighty beer advertising in the media (television, radio, newspapers, magazines, specially issued brochures, billboards on street corners), call to become beer drinkers, and even songs peremptorily ordered: "Drink beer." In the scientific literature provides a useful micro-nutrients-vitamin composition of beer, settle useful properties such as beer, and brewers yeast. Perhaps all of this, combined with a thriving and profitable beer industry, beer made abundance, a celebration of "Days of Beer", the unification of entire populations in the party, beer lovers, and definitely positive organoleptic properties of the drink and it was the criterion for mass consumption. At the polls people on the streets of cities on the theme "Do you think beer liquor?" many give a negative answer, assuming that the beer is not fraught with any danger. In the Clinical Addiction experts use different terminology rubrifikatsiya alcohol: by gender ("female" "male"), age (adolescence, "" Youth, "" alcoholism older persons "), profession (" alcoholism managers "," alcoholism Bartenders "); mind drinks (wine," "surrogate," "beer").

The expert identification of the fact ...


For the latter characterized by a small dose of alcohol drunk, the sudden appearance and rapid development of a psychotic episode with confusion, hallucinatory-delusional experiences, criminal actions, quick completion, followed by prolonged sleep and postsomnolentnoy amnesia period of psychotic disorders and inappropriate actions. The expert identification of pathological intoxication fact tantamount to the treatment of insanity. Pathological intoxication occurs singly and in patients not suffering from alcoholism. At least, repeated episodes of pathological intoxication in one and the same person is not described. Is of interest to the background against which triggers the abnormal influence of alcohol: the physical and mental fatigue, chronic stress, hard feelings, infections, chronic sleep deprivation, etc. In contrast, atypical pathological drunkenness occurs in patients with alcoholism and in patients without a complete clinical diagnostic kits of the disease. The dose of alcohol drunk, usually large. Atypical intoxication in one and the same person is repeated after reaching a certain (individual) doses of alcohol. Personality characteristic of clinical manifestations of acute intoxication, and it does not affect any level of education, no intelligence, no particular environment in the microenvironment. Common to the atypical varieties of intoxication are abnormal behavioral acts, most of them do not reach the degree of criminality. The predominance of one or another mental disorder, strongly influenced by particular accentuation of personality, which in the intoxication bluntly sharpened: one becomes disforichnymi, aggressive (often on a verbal level, without psychomotor implementation), others - annoying, viscous (epileptoid), the third - maniacally excited . Characteristic of the background, abnormal soil: craniocerebral trauma in the past, the presence of mental disorders (psychosis, schizophrenia, cyclothymia, epilepsy, etc.). In this regard, atypical (modified) forms of intoxication are often observed in patients with alcoholism classified according to the prevalence of the leading symptoms of dependence, as they may appear in the outer stages. Simple drunkenness is in full compliance with the dose of alcohol in the blood and rubrifitsiruetsya in severity: mild, moderate, severe. With increasing degree of intoxication Clinic simple alcohol goes through a series of phases: subclinical, hypomanic, distimicheskuyu, adynamic, anesthesia. Depending on the type and severity of alcohol are changing goal, objectives, scope and degree of urgency cropped detoxification elimination-antidote program. Drunken state in the clinical picture of alcohol dependence is increasingly observed phenomenon of cyclicity, expressed in periodic and often situationally not caused, drunken state with signs of unrestrained, violent, uncontrollable craving, massive clock alcoholism that phase and the same type each time (on the background of specific discrete differential tolerance) completed generalized mental and somatic-neurological (physical) exhaustion.

In the Addiction Psychiatry and urgent ...

Emergency state in Addiction idea of ??clinical and therapeutic algoritmizirovaniya immediate drug state in the union of independent research and practical Addiction and its practical implementation has changed the views of the staged treatment of alcoholism, contributed to the development of the efferent Addiction and the creation of new organizational forms of intensive therapy (detoxification centers , resuscitation department drug treatment centers, hyperbaric oxygenation, points, and intensive care, etc.). In Addiction and psychiatric emergency status are the result not only severe pathologies of vital organs and systems, and acute psychotic disorders, when the threat of life of patients and others caused by, for example, his psychomotor agitation, delusional aggressive behavior, a violation of the scope of drives on the compulsive type, and etc. The most common emergency conditions in the Addiction include: acute alcohol intoxication (moderate degree, alcoholic coma, a modified form of alcohol), alcohol withdrawal syndrome (syndrome of deprivation, denial, withdrawal), forms of compulsive craving for alcohol (along with special states of consciousness, alcohol Fury), convulsive status (alcoholic epilepsy), acute alcoholic psychosis, severe intoxication destruction of vital organs and systems (encephalopathy, cardiomyopathy, hepatitis, nephritis, pancreatitis, polyneuropathy, etc.), complications and side effects of drug therapy, alcohol injuries postintoksikatsionnoe aggravation to the point of urgency accompanying somatic diseases. The notion of "immediate drug treatment condition" is very relative to the extent that such a huge range of problems caused by acute and chronic alcohol intoxication, can not be resolved within the framework of mere drug service. This requires a differential involvement of other clinical disciplines. At present, empirically and scientifically emerging "interdisciplinary migration" of patients receiving drug treatment profile of institutionalized primarily through interaction with Addiction resuscitation, anesthesiology, toxicology, medical emergency services, which are actually related to Addiction clinical disciplines. One of the difficult aspects of the problem is to find methods of complex therapy suppresses that would be interdisciplinary adapted and compatible. The most effective, according to our data, methods were efferent Medicine (sorption methods of detoxification and immune, extracorporeal electrochemical detoxification, hyperbaric oxygenation, laser therapy methods, etc.). Acute alcohol intoxication For the purposes of interdisciplinary clinical and psychiatric evaluation urgency in acute alcohol intoxication was fit its traditional classification: a simple, atypical (modified forms), pathological intoxication.

Friday 27 May 2011

Clinical evidence of the coming ...


Group psychological risk factors include the presence of mass frustration among the population of states, anxiety disorders, depression, personality traits (hypochondria, self-doubt, difficulty communicating, stiffness, zakompleksovannost on explicit or alleged defects in the exterior, etc.). Genetic factors involve family inheritance alcohol dependence from the next of kin, that with every decade more and more confirmed by the genealogical research methods and HALFSIBLINGS twin. Over the past decade, Ukraine has undergone a significant transformation of various aspects of alcohol problems. changes in the consumption of alcoholic drinks. When before in our country has traditionally about 65 - 70 % of consumed beverages were spirits (vodka, cognac, vodka), is currently on volume of consumption in the first place came the beer that made changes to the nosological structure of dependence (statement of beer alcoholism as a clinical reality in the Addictions). Steels looming regional features alcoholism (for example, preferential consumption of homemade wine in the agricultural habitat in western Ukraine and, consequently, the prevalence of alcoholism wine). The total consumption of pure alcohol in Ukraine has reached 11-12 liters per capita per year (excluding the surrogate consumption). There has been a widespread trend formation of alcohol at a young age, an increase in the frequency dependence in females, a more malignant, treatment-resistant clinical and criminogenic varieties of alcohol dependence and alcohol psychosis, increased the number of urgent drug states. Whereas before, in accordance with the classical canons of drug science, it was considered that acute alcoholic psychosis can arise only from the second stage of alcoholism, is currently the clinical practice of states and psychoses in the early stages of the formed alcohol dependence. pathomorphism clinical evidence of the coming is the observed heavy drunken state at the clinic of contemporary forms of alcohol disease. In the past among the cohort of patients with alcoholism had place a relatively high percentage of persons detained at work and at home, currently dominated by desocializing (lost family, job, invalidizirovannye, with no fixed abode and livelihood). Reflecting concerns about the current situation is alco-section of the State Scientific Program "Human Health", preservation of the structure of drug treatment services, and optimize it to new realities, training narcologists, the implementation of scientific research in the field of Addictions. Ukraine belongs to priority of discovery Narcology Department in the Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and Training narcologists. Let us consider the most pressing issues of Clinical and Experimental Addiction.

Cascade of problems caused by ...

Laws, because they are laws, that their actions will necessarily occur. Correct to make a statement that the addict stimulation dopamine (DA) neyromediatsii persists even when drug use is not. Thus, the solution within the framework of attitudes about drug addiction, is reduced to answering the question. That stimulates changes in metabolism in the brain when the material, tangible incentives - the drug is absent? Objective: To find this incentive. Finding this incentive can answer the question, what is the cause of the disease. And then the drug will start from level to level chronic problems to be solved. Such an interpretation of scientific results can be formulated in another direction finding solution to the problem of drug abuse and addiction, and to raise the question of the need to use different explanatory principle in understanding the nature of drug abuse and dependence in general. References: 1. Anokhin PK "Cybernetics and functional systems." Favorites. Moscow 1998. 2. "The problems of diagnosis and treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction," Proceedings. Anacharsis 2001. 3. Chirco VV, Demina, MV Essays on Clinical Addictions (substance abuse: clinical features, course, therapy) Medpraktika-M. Moscow 2002. 4. Tsetlin MG, Pelipas VE "Rehabilitation of the addicted patients: the concept of the program." Anacharsis 2001. Moscow, April, 2004

Alcohol dependence

Alcohol abnormality in the structure of other forms of substance dependence remained dominant. According to official statistics, the number of patients, consisting of medical care in drug treatment clinics in Ukraine, to date, reaching 1 million people. Compared with 1990, there was more than twofold increase in the incidence of alcoholic psychosis (2.2 per 10 thousand population), indicating a higher actual incidence of alcoholism. Cascade of problems resulting from alcohol abuse is further compounded by the fact that alcohol dependence comorbid with encephalopathy, cardiomyopathy, polyneuropathy, hepatitis, fatty degeneration and cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis, pancreatitis, trauma, epilepsy, fetal alcohol syndrome, fatal poisoning, depression , breach of conduct in the form of aggressive acts criminogenic, suicide and other epidemics and population scale of alcoholism population, vital nature of a pathological addiction, the scope of biomedical, socio-economic implications allow us to attribute alcoholism to the category of social pathology, which is a real threat to health nation that promotes the phenomenon of depopulation and genocide younger generation. Risk Factors A number of factors and reasons behind this situation, we can, with some degree of sketchy, rubrifitsirovat into three main groups: social, psychological, genetic. The social risk factors for the formation of alcohol dependence include financial and economic difficulties of citizens, increase public and private production and import of alcoholic beverages, the dependence of the country's budget from the sale of alcoholic beverages, entry into the market of low-quality alcohol, a massive offensive alcohol advertising using all forms of media, availability alcohol at any time, violation of trade regulations (for sale minor, etc.), as well as the existing traditions imposed rhythm alcoholism on the occasion ... ".

Thursday 26 May 2011

Since the issue is not specified, and no response is received.

Thus, the original explanatory principle, scientific knowledge has led to a final destination - a chronic disease. Now the results themselves of stability changes in metabolism require an answer to the question: why do they persist? Unfortunately, in this formulation, the issue has not yet been asked. Since the issue is not specified, and no response is received. Just verdict - an incurable disease. And as a consequence - in principle there is no mechanism for recovery. "(4) It is becoming clear that the resulting scientific data are not consistent with the proposed explanatory principles understanding of addiction. He has not made clear picture of the disease, and as a consequence there is no clarity in the way a cure. What is the problem here? The problem in the explanatory principle! Science begins to study drug addiction when a person has a record of use, and at the time of the study did not use drugs. And on the basis of these studies concludes. Conceptual: A MAN "NO DRUG USE" changes in metabolism "NEYROMEDIATSIYA BRAIN" craving. From a conceptual scheme can be seen all the links in the formation of the disease is evident. Except for one thing - drugs. But in terms of pledged explanatory principle all true. Changes in metabolism exist, there is a craving. Conclusion: The symptoms of the disease available. Scientific thought is held exclusively within the changes in metabolism and dopamine neyromediatsii. And so, here do not see any contradictions included principle of understanding the nature of addiction. Contradictions arise when embarking on treatment. Being kept within the conceptual framework: changes in metabolism - neyromediatsii dopamine - it is impossible to explain why so stable these changes. Need to go beyond that and to explain the expense of what saved the changes in metabolism. The answer to this question must be sought in the link, which is preceded by changes in metabolism. To place these changes in metabolism necessary fact of drug use. In other words, should be stimulated, causing corresponding changes in metabolism and neyromediatsii brain. The impetus for change science recognizes only the drug. One drug use does not cause disease, ie not formed craving, so after one use metabolism to normal. Restoration of metabolism, in this case shows that the body itself will restore it, exercising self-control. The human body - self-regulating system. The golden rule of self-regulation states: "The self-deflection of the final adaptive effect is an incentive to return the system to this effect" (1). Metabolism is subject to this law of self-regulation, as well as all other functional systems of the body. In the case of drug abuse research shows that changes in the system neyromediatsii (DA) are preserved. From these laboratory data can be inferred, or pattern of self-regulation of functional systems are not available or, if it works, then the stimulation of dopamine neyromediatsii preserved.

At issue today that is ...


develop a recurrence of the disease. "(4) The situation shows the contradiction between social needs and opportunities for science to meet this need. This contradiction can only science itself. Only it can offer a way to cure drug addiction. However, we must note: the last word of science today - drug addiction an incurable disease. Such results of years of effort may not satisfy the public or the researchers themselves. Search for solving the problem should be continued. But you must understand the available research results. Stating incurability addiction and giving justification for this provision, scientific thought the move drew a line of scientific research. And faced the fact that the task which she took to solve, has no solution. The task for the science types: to find the cause of the disease is necessary to identify and locate the material carrier of the disease and then develop a drug that allows you to achieve a complete cure. At issue today, which is the material carrier of drug abuse, where the disease is localized, ie what is the cause of the disease remains unanswered. And that is why drug addiction is an incurable, chronic disease. Can be satisfied with the result that the disease is chronic. And you can try to understand the question of why the problem was not solved and to suggest ideas, directions for finding solution to the problem of drug addiction. First of all, to understand why scientific thought came to these conclusions? The starting point of a scientific explanation of addiction - the recognition that this disease is that the development of this disease is realized through the mechanisms of biological experiments. (3) How did this happen? "As a result of the use of psychoactive substances (PAS) is a radical restructuring of the metabolic system. Restructuring in metabolism causes the action of the rod mechanism of the disease - a pathological attraction to the surfactant. (4) metabolism is allocated the main component of dependence. They recognized the changes the dopamine (DA) neyromediatsii. (2) Conceptually, the formation of craving for drugs is as follows: A MAN "DRUG USE" changes in metabolism "NEYROMEDIATSIYA BRAIN" craving for the drug. The logic of scientific thinking is clear: the craving - is the result of changes in the metabolism of dopamine by neyromediatsii brain. It follows from this and the logic of the therapeutic process. With the help of drugs, ie, influencing the metabolism and achieve its normalization and, thereby, suppress the craving for the drug. However, despite treatment, found that the craving remains. Laboratory research scientists, drug treatment show that changes in metabolism remain. These changes in metabolism, more dopamine neyromediatsii are detected even after long disuse drug. This fact reveals the science. And apparently, on the basis of this fact the conclusion of the chronic (ie incurable) the nature of the disease.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

N. Cherednichenko


This is a very strong psychophysiological education. Its safety is supported by internal and external stimulation, ie due to the situation and mental state of man. What remains? Preserves the structure of a conditioned reflex, namely, the images of the use of drugs and the corresponding reaction dopamine system. And, as the mental process can cause the biochemistry of the brain important event, then, together with images of future events, together with images of these events will play back the corresponding neyromediatsiya brain. While there will be a conditioned reflex, there will be electrophysiological brain activity, there will be changes in the dopamine system neyromediatsii inherent in addiction. There will be a conditioned reflex, there will be changes in the brain neyromediatsii corresponding drug. Eliminate a conditioned reflex may be one - the only way - extinction. As it happens, we know from a scientific discipline, as the physiology of higher nervous activity. Can be formulated in response to a question at the outset. Stimuli that cause changes in metabolism in the brain, are the objects of the situations and mental states in which the drug was formed. The objects of the environment and enhance the human experience available changes in the nervous system, activating the mental form of a conditioned reflex, the images of the use of drugs, followed by the reaction and the dopamine system. Conceptual Schema drug behavior is as follows: INCENTIVES external and internal environment ® MAN IN THE ABSENCE OF DRUG USE ® ® craving changes in metabolism ® NEYROMEDIATSIYA BRAIN Solution exists. This requires the extinction of the conditioned reflex to the incentives that cause this. There is also a practical solution. Specialists of the Institute of Conduct "has been developed and, for over 6 years, successfully applied the method of" extinction of drug behavior. " References: 1. Anokhin PK "Cybernetics and functional systems." Favorites. Moscow 1998. 2. Altshuler VB, Kravchenko SL, Cherednichenko NV, craving for alcohol in light of topographic EEG mapping "Issues Addiction № 1, 2003. 3. "The problems of diagnosis and treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction," Proceedings. Anacharsis 2001. Moscow May 2004

Drug addiction - a chronic disease?

VA Ivanov Director of Science and Technology ANO Institute of behavior "in the scientific community, and behind her, and in the public mind had the firm belief that drug addiction - an incurable disease. The basis for this belief are the results of scientific research. A situation where on the one hand, there is a request to the society for a cure from the disease, but on the other hand, we have a scientifically valid conclusions, "... that a specific feature of hospital substance abuse is a fundamental lack of recovery. These diseases are chronic, and in the process overcoming them, including in the framework of rehabilitation work at any time, may resume manifestations of craving for psychoactive substances (PAS) and the associated affective and behavioral disorders, ie,

One of them - drugs.

Its activity is caused by stimuli or expectations of significant events. This circulation of images in the nervous system is nothing more than a craving. Thus, craving, there is a psychic form of a conditioned reflex. As can be seen in real life drug addict? Replacing familiar surroundings, stop to think about the events of the future, he feels no craving. He subjectively it seems that it will no longer. But once back in familiar surroundings, or play in the mind of a significant event - the pathological craving returns. He again wants. Want that? Want to use the drug. In other words, to implement actions to drug use. This is a condition where the reflex in readiness, but not yet implemented - there is a mental form. As soon as the intake, when the psychic form of reflex changes in the instrumental and the craving is satisfied, the reflex ceases to be effective. A drug addict at the moment does not feel the desire to use. It was at this moment there is no desire, there are changes in the biochemistry of the brain, there is a change in neyromediatsii brain. The fact is that the craving has disappeared, and neyromediatsiya dopamine system remained. From this it follows that craving causes metabolic processes in the brain, ie, mental process called the biochemistry of the brain important event. Mental property of the form of a conditioned reflex (craving) that found its only possible to activate it with the help of the stimulus. If the stimulus causing mental activity forms not, he remains in a latent state. It is stored in the form of subthreshold excitation of the nervous system, and why, remains ready to take action. Even in the dormant craving recorded electrophysiological and biochemical studies. Scientific data confirm this. The presence of these facts and brought scientific thought to the conclusion that it is a chronic disease, and therefore incurable. But is this true? The presence of electrophysiological and biochemical evidence of disease, suggests that the reflex is preserved. Together with a preserved reflex preserved and significant life events junkie. He will be in them somehow behave. Willingness to future events provides a reflex, it links the past and the future. Ready for them, freak play in the mind of the event itself, and behaviors. One of them - drugs. It inevitably activated memory. And if in the situation, he chooses a different behavior, then he has to fight within himself, he must be in suspense, not to consume. Thoughts on how to "not break". This state experts call the struggle of motives. This internal struggle suggests the presence of a reflex. Even if it is a long time do not do drugs, the addict remains ready to act as it did when used drugs. To reiterate, the conditioned reflex ensures readiness for future events.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Conditioned response - this is the ...


Needless drug intoxication appears reinforcement. What is supported? Reinforced by the actions themselves of drug use and changes in neyromediatsii dopamine system. What is fixed as a conditioned reflex, there is action on drug use and changes in neyromediatsii dopamine system. With continued drug use come into force on the regularities of formation of a conditioned reflex, when the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus that causes a conditioned response. Conditioned response - is the act of drug use and the response of the dopamine system. In other words, the situation and mental state of an important event, become conditioned stimuli that evoke a conditioned response stimuli cause the relevant biochemistry of the brain. Between a significant event and biochemistry of the brain of this event, there is communication. Communication - is the act of drug use. With the formation of a conditioned reflex will always be drug use, and will always be relevant neyromediatsiya dopamine system as soon as a situation or mental state in which it was formed. However, the conditioned reflex should have a material carrier, ie, for something to be recorded. This material carrier of a conditioned reflex can only be a neuron and biochemical process that transmits signals from neuron to neuron. With the formation of a conditioned reflex can be recorded electrophysiological and biochemical research and see how it proceeds, that he even exists. Science explores the material carrier of drug addiction in the form of electrophysiological and biochemical activity of the brain. In essence, it explores and records on the material level, what occurs and manifests itself as a conditioned reflex in addiction. Speaking of addiction, we can talk about how it arises and proceeds according to the laws of conditioned reflex activity, which means that the reflex arises with the event, in which it was formed, and after the events in the implementation of the reflex disappears. That is what is observed in the behavior of the addict. Solving the problem it is necessary to answer the questions that science seeks answers. Where does and what a craving? Having received the answer we get answers to questions, as it is associated with the biochemistry of the brain and why the biochemical changes in the brain remain intact even if the use for a long time, no? With the formation of a conditioned reflex, reflex itself, ie of the use of drugs, together with the reaction of the dopamine system is presented in two forms: mental forms - an idea of ??what drugs and the images of drug use. Instrumental form - real action on the use of drugs. No idea how to act with a drug, the real action is not realized. These actions on drug use in mental and instrumental forms, classified as a disease - drug addiction. In the form of psychic reflex is constantly circulating in the nervous system.

If you look at the behavior ...


It is in it, for the most part, began to develop the body's ability to lead the events and the most conspicuous form of this is its ability to form a conditioned reflex. That's brain was the organ, which, thanks to a highly receptors continually transform the space-time continuum of external phenomena (Einstein) in a chemical continuum, which is expressed in a continuous discharge of the neuronal elements of the brain. 4) Neurophysiological analysis of brain shows that the reflection of the external world in fact and can not be otherwise, not ahead, because from the information point of view of each of the external effects on the body is continuously mobilized in the nervous system and also the molecular past experiences associated with a given situation or with the stimulus - stimulus. This circumstance allows the brain to combine the past with the present and on this basis to predict in detail the parameters of the onset of future events. 5) The vital importance of events represented in the brain and specific chemical processes. Substantial emotional distress a person have their own biochemistry. Indeed, changes in metabolic processes in the brain in drug addiction exist. Scientific thought has focused on the study neyromediatsii dopamine, linking it with the craving. And thus, this process has contributed to the general biochemical mechanism of the brain, studied separately, the process of change in metabolic processes of the brain. However, in the formulation of research problems and formulating conclusions from the data, the science has not considered a fundamental property of living matter, in particular, the brain's ability to reproduce the biochemistry of a future event that was meaningful for the organism in the past. Consider the behavior of brain biochemistry at the occurrence of significant events for the human body (drug use) taking into account the brain's ability to stay ahead in time and space during successive regular events in the external world. Significant event for a person passes through drug use. As a result, there is the brain biochemistry of the event. The introduction of the drug caused changes in neyromediatsii dopamine system. Incentive to change the biochemistry of the brain was the drug. Significant event - a situation and mental state in which the drug is used. Such events can occur in which drug use can be varied. It is important that they are repeated and repeated drug use. And every one is drinking and tighter neyromediatsiyu dopamine system, appears the same biochemistry significant event. Significant event and biochemistry of this event, combined by the brain into a unified whole. What unites a significant event and biochemistry of this event - there is a conditioned reflex. If you look at the behavior of drug use and the result obtained, we have a classical scheme for the formation of a conditioned reflex by IP Pavlov Action of drug use completed intoxicated.

Monday 23 May 2011

Ahrenfeldt K.

Women with antisocial (wrongful) conduct fell ill at the age of 40-45 years and more frequently committed crimes in this age. Their aggressive behavior, as a rule, bore the verbal in nature and are usually not accompanied by physical impact. 3. Women with aggressive tendencies are often prosecuted by the police, has repeatedly tried, not arranged in the family, some stripped of their parental rights. In the hospital came at the urging of neighbors or the police, the treatment took several days to relieve abstinence phenomena, and then discharged on their own without remission. 4. Relatively high percentage of women who have been dismissed for drunkenness and absenteeism, suggesting the need to set up rehabilitation centers providing non-working women to work, which was conducted simultaneously to prophylactic (supportive) treatment. REFERENCES 1. Baron, R., Richardson D. Aggression. - St.: Peter, 1997. - 330. 2. Dmitrieva TB, Immerman KL, Kachayeva MA, Romasenko LV Criminal aggression of women with mental disorders. - M., 1998. - 272. 3. Lectures on Addictions / ed. 2-e, revised. and expanded., ed. Corr. Academy of Medical Sciences, prof. NN Ivantsov. - M.: Nolidzh, 2000. - 448. 4. Features of psychotherapy and rehabilitation of women suffering from alcoholism: The method. recommendations, Ed. MM Kabanova. - M., 1987. - 31 sec. 5. Gibbens T.C.N., Ahrenfeldt K.Y.H. / / Tavistock Publications. - London, 1966. The article was published in the journal Medical News

Drug addiction - an incurable disease. Is there a solution?

VA Ivanov, Director of Science and Technology ANO Institute of Conduct "in the article" Drug addiction - a chronic disease? " articulated position that the solution of the drug problem boils down to answering the question: "What stimulates changes in metabolism in the brain when the financial incentive, the drug is absent?" Problem to be solved - to find this stimulus. This problem is primarily theoretical, and can be solved with already existing scientific theoretical knowledge of the biochemistry of the brain as a mechanism for its operation. Deciding it theoretically possible to move the experiment to confirm or refute the extended position. Try to solve this problem based on the theory of functional systems, its position on the information equivalent of functional systems and chemical continuum of the brain as a mechanism of reflection of reality, designed by Academician PK Anokhin. These provisions include: 1) The psyche possesses a fundamental property possessed by living matter - namely, anticipatory reflection of reality. The essence of this property is that the protoplasm has acquired the ability to the development of their molecular processes ahead of time and space during successive regular events in the external world. 2) Organisms acquiring the ability to anticipate the course of external events began with the greatest benefit to adapt to the future, often dangerous phenomena of the outside world long before these events will take place. 3) The most perfect form of this kind of "peeking" into the future is the activity of the nervous system.

In general, the marital status of women was more stable.

In particular, women develop alcohol dependence is observed much later (by age). For example, in men under 30 years dependence diagnosed in 17.65% of the women - in 12.14%, while in age from 41 to 50 years, from 1951 and older alcohol dependence was observed predominantly in females (y men - 17.65% and 50.58% of cases, women - 37.50% and 17.86%). Level of education of men and women was the same, most often the person with alcohol dependence had a secondary and tertiary education (70.59% male and 73.21% women). The men were in most cases, divorced (45.88% vs 25.36% females). In general, the marital status of women was more stable. According to one or more children were 82.86% women and 67.06% of men. Most patients, both men and women were urban residents (91.76% and 91.79% respectively). Residents of the village just over 8%, which may indicate a lack of working-age population in the countryside. Most women did not work, or more than three times changed their place of work. Offences of women suffering from alcohol dependence, were significantly different from those of men. So, murder and grievous bodily harm in men occurred in 3.53% of the women - in 2,34% of cases. For the female contingent were not typical fights, disorderly conduct causing bodily harm (23,5% - in men, 2.92% - women), as well as looting and robbery (0.58% - in women, 7.06% - men). Considerably exceeds the proportion of women on the number of scandals, threats of physical violence (20.47% vs. 9.41% for men), as well as uvolneniy0 to work for drunkenness and absenteeism (18.13% and 9.41% respectively). It should be noted that the scandals of the threat of physical violence are predominantly verbal aggression, as they are not accompanied by the application of real physical harm. A dismissal of women from work for drunkenness and absenteeism suggests that society does not accept female offenders with alcohol dependence. In this connection there is a serious question about the organization of rehabilitation centers, primarily for women with alcohol dependence without work. In addition to the listed offenses in women have been embezzlement, theft, fraud, illegal commercial activities, and others (55.56% - for women and 47.06% - men). Results of the study suggest the following conclusions: 1. Socially adapted for a long time women did not seek medical help and sent for treatment more often influenced by relatives or acquaintances. Dependence they occur gradually, relatively late (45-55 years) and progresses slowly. 2. Women with antisocial behavior exhibit persistent symptoms of alcohol dependence, are involved in patient treatment under threat of dismissal or at the insistence of the Interior Ministry. Available to them anosognosia negatively affects treatment outcomes.

Sunday 22 May 2011

The second group consisted of patients ...

Details obtained from the subjects themselves, their relatives, as well as possible from the work place. All patients underwent clinical observation. The purpose of this study - the study and assessment of offenses women with alcohol dependence, committed by them in the process of developing the disease under the influence of alcohol intoxication, and in connection with a change in clinical status and with the peculiarities of mental disorders in the premorbid. All of the women surveyed (280 people). Were divided into three groups. The first group - socially adapted, which does not come into serious conflict with society (88 people).. They observed a slow formation of alcohol dependence with a slight change in the ethical and intellectual-mental qualities. Prof. Altshuler points in this case, the so-called "telescoping" of the disease [3]. Pathological alcohol dependence in these patients develops much later than men and other women studied. In this case, the patient tried to hide abuse of alcohol. They have long experienced the emerging pathological dependence on alcohol substances (usually wine). They observed the mild anosognosia to MM Kabanov [4]. For treatment to narcologists women treated or alone (rarely), or under the influence of family members. The reason for involvement in the therapeutic process have been periodic absences, layoffs, accidents at work. The second group included patients with severe antisocial behavior (52 people).. These women are repeatedly forced to change jobs, dismissed the article, gradually declining skills of their labor, they were detained by police officers. 33% of women suffered from different sexually transmitted diseases, alcohol hepatosis, cardiomyopathy, polyneuropathy. Characteristic of this group of women was the negation of their own illness. In the hospital they were hospitalized in fact, at the request and insistence of the administration, colleagues, and at the request of police. The third group of subjects was the most difficult for the clinical analysis and in the next treatment. To her cover persons who are inclined to various offenses. They were divided into two subgroups. The first group included patients with a tendency toward physical aggression (54 pers.), The second - those with verbal aggression (65 people). [1]. The first subgroup included women, provides resistance to police, transported to a medical detoxification center, prosecuted and deprived of parental rights. In the second subgroup of women were not inclined to physical offenses they were trying to tarnish his imaginary enemies. The table shows the characteristics of the social status of the surveyed women, compared these male patients. The above data show the similarity of the two study groups of patients in some respects, and their significant difference.

Some features of unlawful ...

According to preliminary data (3 months), about 30% of the participants completely abandon smoking, another 30% reduction in the intensity of smoking as compared to baseline levels at least twice. In this case, significant side effects were observed. Even those who continue to smoke, noted that NRT products help them to feel confident in those situations where smoking for whatever reason can not (air travel, meetings with non-smokers, business partners, etc.). Probably for the first clinical trials followed by others. This will not only translate the fight against smoking in our country to a new level, but above all, serve to strengthen the health of hundreds of thousands of Russians.

Some features of unlawful actions of women with alcohol dependence

AA Kirpichenko Vitebsk State Medical University Several aspects of alcohol abuse women `s criminal activity AA Kirpichenko Among the many clinical signs of alcohol dependence and major hard treatable syndrome is a pathological attraction to alcohol-substance, especially in women. Score syndrome craving at different stages of this process progredient is crucial not only for the analysis of the clinical picture of the disease, successful treatment, prognosis and prevention, but also to identify possible options for anti-social activities of patients [3]. According to TB Dmitrieva et al., The criminal activity of men declines rapidly after age 30, women have been slower decline [2]. The ratio of male and female crime decreases with age in many ways. In Great Britain a large number of women committing crimes in the older age groups. A similar trend was found in the United States. In the Netherlands, as there are cases of criminal prosecution of women aged 45-55 years for petty theft to feed their children [5]. Women aged 40-55 years, making the offense, often find a tendency to abuse alcohol. They have seen marriages destroyed, there is no permanent job. Often these women are alone, with no sense of security, with a strong addictive behavior. Consequently, older women with alcohol dependence is a particular social group, which commits illegal acts, and requires active mental health and drug treatment. A total of 365 people suffering from alcohol dependence - 85 men and 280 women. We used clinical method, social-psychological research, the method of autobio-graphical survey. Information on subjects collected on a unified scheme that includes medical history on the life and illness, issues of personality formation, a list of deferred and existing diseases, as well as questions about heredity. In addition, carefully studied alcohol and social history, including living conditions, economic security and professional skills.

However, the first domestic research ...


Current views on the issue of NRT What are the current views on the issue of NRT in cardiovascular disease? World experience shows that smoking cessation - one of the major measures of primary and secondary prevention - reduces morbidity and mortality, even among those who had quit smoking before the development of cardiac pathology [12]. In addition, it can significantly reduce health care costs, particularly for the treatment coronary artery disease [13, 14]. Unfortunately, even in Europe, where the situation with smoking is less critical than in Russia, every fifth patient, hospitalized on the coronary heart disease (aorto_koronarnoe bypass surgery, angioplasty, acute myocardial infarction) continues to smoke [15], not being able to overcome nicotine addiction independently without the psychological and medical support. Safety of NRT in patients with stable CVD proved a lot of research [16]. That people with heart disease rejection of cigarettes bring special benefit: a high risk of cardiovascular complications in case of continuation of smoking rapidly decreases after the rejection of the habit [20]. The recommendations of the Ontario Medical Association writes: "For patients with heart disease are much more dangerous to continue smoking than to use NRT. People with cardiovascular disease who are unable to quit on their own, primarily to recommend NRT [20]. Adhere to the same position the authors guide to NRT in patients with CVD, was recently published in the UK [21]. According to the latest WHO recommendations, NRT is recommended for patients with stable CVD, previously unsuccessfully attempt to quit smoking. In this case, the appointment of NRT is solved in conjunction with the attending physician if the patient within the previous 4 weeks. suffered a serious cardiovascular event (stroke, myocardial infarction, an episode of unstable angina, cardiac arrhythmia, bypass surgery or angioplasty) or suffers from uncontrolled hypertension. Patients with stable CVD NRT is not contraindicated. This position as soon as possible should be reflected in clinical guidelines, and in the information leaflet for patients. Soon as the results of new studies on the safety of NRT in an unstable, or severe acute course of CVD. In Russia, the NRT products have appeared in the free sale of more than 5 years ago. However, the first domestic study of the efficacy and safety of NRT to-date evidence-based medicine is carried out only now, on the basis of a specialized office for the prevention and treatment of tobacco dependence of the State Research Center of Preventive Medicine of the Russian Federation. The final results will be available next year, because to talk about long-term effectiveness of any method of assistance in quitting smoking is possible only after 12 months of therapy.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Comments, as they say, are unnecessary.

Most forms of NRT are designed to minimize the risk of acute overdose. Prejudice 2. "So, instead of the cigarette smoker" hooked "on these drugs? The risk of dependence risk of dependence on drugs of NRT compared to those for cigarettes is low. In the process of dependence leading role played by the dose and rate of arrival of the substance in the body [7]. Of all forms of NRT nicotine enters the relatively low dose and slowly enough so the risk of dependence is extremely small. So, when using the patch nicotine content in the blood gradually reaching a peak after 4.9 h. The peak concentrations of nicotine by using chewing gum, inhaler, lozenges or tablets are achieved within 30 min, nasal spray - 10 min [8]. For comparison - in each puff of cigarette bolus of nicotine reaches the brain within 10 sec. The percentage of persons receiving NRT after the recommended period is relatively small. Only 3% quit rates with nicotine patch continue to use it for more than 15 weeks [7]. Among those who manage to abstain from smoking for a year from the beginning of a nasal spray, 43% occasionally used the drug after 12 months [9]. It was established that the dependence on NRT is developing as a rule, malignant smokers who otherwise would have remained dependent on cigarettes, causing much more damage to health [10]. Prejudice 3. "Non-smokers will buy these products instead of cigarettes." Risk of abuse is found that the risk of such abuse of NRT is extremely small. There is no evidence that smokers become addicted to these drugs. People who are not accustomed to nicotine, usually perceive it as "moderately unpleasant" material [11]. So, 4_nedelnoe comparative study showed that in patients receiving any of the four forms of NRT degree of subjective satisfaction and pleasure is small. Consequently, the risk of abuse is minimal [7]. In the United States was not obtained evidence of the use of NRT products is not intended for "even after they became the OTC [4]. List of prejudice can be continued long enough, however due to the limited availability of this article let's focus on one of the most dangerous delusion. For some reason, many Russian smokers suffering from these or other cardiovascular disease (CVD), are convinced that giving up smoking they "can not in any case." And many of the "dangers" out of cigarettes to hear from their doctors. Comments, as they say, are unnecessary. Indeed, in the information leaflet can be read on the need to consult a doctor before taking any form of NRT in persons with heart disease. These recommendations were created more than 20 years ago, when the NCT was first introduced in the pharmaceutical market, and data on the safety of nicotine medications for diseases serdechno_sosudistoy system were absent.

Nicotine itself is not ...

Expert opinion

Olga V. Vihireva Sci. Officer labs. med. Sociology, State Research Center for Preventive Medicine, Russian Ministry of Health * Materials of A. McNeill and A. Hendrie and expert group of the European Regional Office of WHO (Copenhagen, 2001). Despite the high prevalence of smoking in our country, the Russian doctors often prefer to ignore this risk in their patients. We assign antihypertensive medications high blood pressure, holesterinsnizhayuschie funds - those with high cholesterol levels in plasma. This is considered a mandatory part of clinical practice. But few doctors are willing to explain the smoking patients that nicotine addiction - it's the same disease that requires long-term, including medical treatment. Even fewer doctors are trained to give specific advice to people interested in quitting smoking. Modern medicine is based on the principles of evidence. In accordance with these principles must take into account the fact that modern medication increases the chances of successful quitting twice. Currently, a first-line drugs for the treatment of tobacco dependence are different dosage forms of nicotine and bupropion hydrochloride. Since the last in our country are not registered, as appropriate, in our view, to highlight some of the characteristics is nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). Unfortunately, with respect to NRT in Russia, there are plenty of prejudice, and fairly common in medical environments. Prejudice 1. "A drop of nicotine kills a horse ... And in your preparations nicotine present in its pure form! Safety of NRT Nicotine causes addiction to cigarettes, but the direct damage to health does not he, but cigarette smoke contains thousands of dangerous impurities. Nicotine itself is not a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease or cancer, so all forms of NRT is much safer than cigarettes [1]. Although several studies in mice in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that certain metabolites of nicotine can be transformed into nitrosamines [2] and that nicotine in these laboratory animals can stimulate angiogenesis, promoting tumor growth and atherosclerosis [3], proof of a similar adverse effect in humans no. Years of experience with NRT in the USA [4] and UK [5] demonstrates its safety. The frequency of clinically significant adverse effects of NRT is low enough, and contraindications for its use very little. The most common adverse effects of NRT are local manifestations - irritation of the skin, oral cavity, nose, throat, cough, rhinitis, lacrimation, and hiccups, indigestion, pain in the jaw area [6]. Typically, these symptoms are mild and short-term. In large doses nicotine can cause toxic reactions, but this happens very rarely, because tolerance to it develops very quickly.

Friday 20 May 2011

And, above all, is not material ...


Parents have a special role. They will learn vzaimodeystvat with a sick child, monitor his behavior and his own actions that may exacerbate or rupture of relations, maladaptation, disease recurrence. In general the rehabilitation is very much depends on what opportunities have the father and mother. And, above all, is not material - I mean the intellectual, emotional sphere, the ability to influence another person. Material capabilities, of course, are important (and huge), but they play a crucial role. The healing process, the rejection of drugs require a patient and his family considerable concerted efforts. Child to take to the idea: you must take responsibility for themselves - for their health, success, prosperity, their future profession. You must tell yourself: I want to be healthy, successful, prosperous. This is a very big job that will require many months of effort from his father, mother, relatives, doctors, even teachers. To a large extent, this work is ongoing monitoring, diagnosis and control: verification of the appearance, control of free time at home and outside the home, a test control. The child should know about this control, that is in its own interest and that he can not deceive you. Drug addiction - a long time. And if the diagnosis is confirmed, we must prepare ourselves for the many years of hard, routine work. Do not despair, do not be discouraged if you find that your son or daughter to become an addict. Know that now you need your child ever. And more than ever you need physical strength and fortitude. Taras N., and what would you still call the principal in the family drug abuse prevention, alcoholism, and that your opinion is its foundation. They used to say about the risk, it was regarded children from disadvantaged families, educationally neglected, now expanded the boundaries of this group .... What does it mean risk group? A man born into the world, is already at risk. No matter what, no matter what country he was born either. We can not create a young man built environment. We need to teach him to endure all the hardships of life in which he got, and to teach this life to enjoy. Life - is a great benefit. Must be taught to resist the evil that is sure to be in any society, no matter how advanced it may be. Make the child a secure, ie, help him become a morally stable personality - it will be prevention, protection from all evil. A great director and philosopher Alexander Dovzhenko said: "Hasten to do good. Life is short. " Give the children this positive philosophy - that is important. Development is possible on the positive registers. On the negative can not do anything but evil. We must learn to endure hardships and in spite of everything to do good. Prepared for the magazine "The quality of life. Prevention "Publishing House Narkonet. For more information on the topic you are interested, as well as free consultation the psychiatrist, therapist, psychologist, you can get through the magazine "Narkonet"

Regulation of nicotine replacement therapy.

Then you should consult your physician.

If your child goes on a vacation, you should try more often to visit him, concerned about all questioning to understand the environment in which it finds itself. Need to prepare his son (or daughter) to the rejection of this phenomenon, because it is possible that next to your teenager may be drug addict, so it's best to warn him. I must say: "You know what? Maybe this person is not bad, but it depends, and the dependence has the ability to spread the same way as other contagious diseases. An addict for a year infects at least ten people. " It is desirable to return home after the summer holidays to test, because anything can happen. People who distribute drugs, enterprising: they can be easily moved, while spreading a potion for free, hoping to return spent handsomely when a teen formed a dependency. Testing should be conducted mainly on three types of drugs: opiates, hashish, marijuana and various stimulants (amphetamines, cocaine, etc.). If suspicions were confirmed, and the rapid test gave a positive result, what to do, how to behave to parents? If your dark suspicions were justified, in any case does not threaten the child, not punish, not sermonize. Support him to take care, find out how long and how often to take drugs, which changes with him in this place. Whether he sees this problem, whether it has a critical attitude toward the situation. Then you should consult your physician. Such problems the psychiatrist psychiatrist. Parents will have enough information specialist, as they proceed. Do not attempt to treat the child themselves. Nothing happens. Parents should say: we will only act on the advice and with the help of the psychiatrist, who will teach the proper tactics, relationships with patients. It is very important. Otherwise, you can spoil a lot: to cause anger, stressful situation. And most importantly, it does not achieve the desired - return to normal life. Alas, this does not help any coaxing, exhortation, or sight of parental grief - and generally no single, though very strong, the solution does not provide long-term effect. Addict, especially if the disease started, unable to feel the depth of grief or feelings, gratitude, or remorse. Since the influence of drugs. A person develops an emotional dullness. Through the thickness of this stupor is very difficult to break. That is why the fight for the child need only together with the specialist. Doctor will prescribe treatment based on the capacity of the child's personality, his intellectual, mental and physical and other features, the degree of involvement in anesthesia, the nature of family relationships and a number of indicators that contribute to recovery. After all, drug addiction - a problem not only medical. Need to get to its root causes. In each case, it has its own, so the process of treatment and rehabilitation of the complex, and involves, psychologists, teachers, social workers and parents.

Thursday 19 May 2011

But ... better safe than sorry.


Has it messy? How does he eat? Lost? Corrected? What a strange excessive bouts of gluttony, is not characteristic of earlier. Or, conversely, a complete lack of appetite. What smells emanate from it? Tobacco, any herbs? (Herbs narcotic effect, in particular, marijuana, or cannabis, have an odor.) Should alert red eyes, unnaturally expanded or constricted pupils, facial expression (face like a frozen mask), poor coordination of movements, as if the child was drunk, although the smell of alcohol No, confusion, self-absorbed, or, conversely, superactive. When you see these symptoms be extremely careful: they are not always associated with drug use. But ... better safe than sorry. Find out the connection of the child. What are his friends - new and old, how they behave, what is the attitude your child to them? What do they do what they say? And then, I think a lot clearer for you, because drug use would inevitably affect the child's personality: it may be changing its spheres of intellectual, emotional, moral and ethical. And if you find a home rolled into a tube of paper, foil, small spoons, capsules, vials, unknown pills, powders, cigarettes in a pack of cigarettes out of or discover your child has signs of jabs, cuts and bruises, the delay can not be an urgent need to take action. A difficult conversation. Before its launch, it is better to consult a psychologist or psychiatrist. You can consult an anonymous helpline to contact the special counseling services. In no case, no attack on his son or daughter, not to aggravate the situation. The child should feel that you can trust .... If doubts remain, a final and unambiguous answer can be obtained using a rapid test (narkotesta). They are sold in pharmacies. Rapid test - a strip of paper which is placed in a jar of urine, the presence of drug traces the strip will change its color. The method is simple, anyone can use it at home. By the way, if you have concerns should immediately acquaint the child with the existence of such tests: let him know that you can always check. Explain that it is not distrust, but a manifestation of your responsibility for his fate, and health, but it certainly does not relieve him from responsibility, and attitude to yourself and your future. Conversation need to have a very delicately, without degrading the dignity of the child. Obviously, in every family there to do their own words, depending on the traditions, the psychological climate of relations. Some parents are afraid to send children on summer holiday - in the camp, a children's sanatorium, to the camp, in a campaign. It is not known that the company will pick up, and perhaps a counselor will provide for all? What can, or should I say, it is necessary in this case to take to protect the child? Yes, the danger is. We know that it is often just a first introduction to drugs started in an environment where there is no control by the parents.

Parents should understand that ...

School, 40 a (095) 541-1210 Psihonarkologicheskoe dispensary department Krasnohorska Municipal Hospital 143407, Krasnogorsk, st. Rivers, 18 (095) 564-5381 Odintsovo Drug Dispensary 143000, Odintsovo, Mozhayskoye Highway 55 (095) 593-1405 Psihonarkologicheskoe dispensary department Solnechnogorsk central district hospital 141500, Solnechnogorsk Str. Red, 180 (095) 994-0485 Khimki District Drug Dispensary 141431, Moscow Region., Khimki, pos. Novopodrezkovo Str. School, 3 (095) 574-3611 Source: Journal of Quality of Life. Prevention. " Number 2 March-April 2002

Dangerous holidays. Rules for children

Whichever holiday you may choose, in the summer children have more freedom and independence. That's good, it is necessary for adolescents. But ... the neglect is fraught with the danger: how to dispose of the child of freedom, whether he is ready to accept solutions that do not fall under a bad influence? Do not offer anyone a drug him? Now, unfortunately, it is not uncommon. There are cases of initiation to drugs and 8-9-year-olds .... How to protect children from this scourge? How to recognize signs of trouble in time to take action until the child is still firmly "hooked" on drugs and still be correct? What to look for? That suggests that the head of the department community care and rehabilitation of Addiction Research Institute of Medical Sciences Taras N. Dudko. First of all, let me give a general council, which is useful in many difficult situations: be attentive to their children, do not lose your inner contact with them, do not spare the time and emotional energy to maintain a trusting relationship. It is easier to understand what is happening with your child. Naturally, during the holidays children have more free time, and they are psychologically prepared for what will be less dependent on parents, which will often be outside the walls of the house, outside the watchful eye of Senior. In this situation, there is a danger familiarizing children, adolescents use drugs, to alcohol, to smoke tobacco. Parents should understand that such a danger exists, and it is, incidentally, is much higher than the risk of street accidents. Therefore, we must be attentive to the child, most often to talk with him: what he did, he did what he had learned that memorable, interesting. So parents can put a kind of diagnosis of conduct of their child and if necessary, correct it. That can alert parents? This, above all, behavioral change, which is typical for your child. For example, earlier it was mandatory, talkative, sought a meeting with you, sought advice, asking questions about some social phenomena, and now suddenly trying to evade the meeting, it is absolutely not interested in what happens in the family and the world, completely lost interest in their the same hobbies. And you suddenly becomes clear, what does your child. Next. Need to pay attention to external changes in a child.

Drug Dispensary № 2 107066, ul.

For any form of the dependent person's behavior - is addiction. Take the American classification. Kartezhnaya game - a form of addiction. The man covered madness, losing the last pants - is a drug. Or overeating. People do not want to eat, but eat and eat. There is a sexual addiction. Or take the climbing. What's terrible addiction? But people are dying in the mountains and still climbing ... They are sick, can not live "at the bottom." But this is not a disease. This is a mentally healthy people (at least in such narcological not go). There are other forms of behavior, resulting in a person receives a high. Brain in these situations produce substances like drugs (endogenous opioids, endorphins - they have many names). People fought in Afghanistan, Chechnya, in the Great Patriotic ... They returned home, dreamed about, and live in peace can not. They lack the risk, buzz, the drug war to which they are accustomed to ... I think I drew a correct picture of treatment in a state institution. There's chemical dependency will be cured. But the soul do not yet able to. This is the system. But the man given the brains to take to heart all the best and discard the unnecessary. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- Hospitals, where is a free medical substance abuse treatment Addiction Moscow Clinical Hospital № 17 113149, Moscow, St. Bolotnikovskaya., 16 (095) 317-2069 City Drug Treatment Hospital № 19 109390, Moscow, Lublin ul. 37 / 1 (095) 178-2759 Drug Dispensary number 1 - the center of medical and social rehabilitation of addicted patients 109280, 2 nd Avtozavodskaya Ave, 4 / 5 (095) 275-2446 Narcological clinic № 2 107066, ul. Olkhovskaya, 17/19 (095) 261-9909 Drug Dispensary № 3 123 103 Ave. Marshal Zhukov, 64, k. 2 (095) 947-7650 Drug Dispensary № 4 127018, Suschevsky Val 41/45 (095) 289-4445 Drug Dispensary number 5 121 096, st. Barclay, 5, p.6 (095) 145-0011 Drug Dispensary № 5 (Branch) 121 108, Kastanaevskaya st., 26 (095) 144-1782 Drug Dispensary № 6 109 462, st. Marshal Chuikov, 24 (095) 178-3194 Drug Dispensary № 7 123362, ul. Mescheriakova, 4 (095) 491-6682 Drug Dispensary № 8 105187, Shcherbakovskaya Str. 57/20 (095) 166-9866 Drug Dispensary number 9 109017, Schetininsky lane., 4 (095) 951-8387 Drug Dispensary number 10 103 489 , Zelenograd, Medical Complex (095) 536-4762 Drug Dispensary number 11 125130, ul. Priorov, 36 (095) 450-1081 Drug Dispensary number 12 117449, ul. Shvernik, 10 and (095) 126-2501, fax: 310-7076 http://www.nan.ru e-mail: poliak@got.mmtel.ru Drug Dispensary № 13 129 327 st. Menzhinsky, 11, r. 1 (095) 471-0722 Drug Dispensary № 14 119021, ul. Ostozhenka, 53 and (095) 245-0385 Moscow Region Regional Drug Dispensary 107082, Moscow, B. Postal Str., 40 (095) 265-2026 Vidnovsky Drug Dispensary 142700, Vidnoe Str.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Parents who know or guess ...


Fixed Form - Hospital. Specialized two - ours and another nineteen. These hospitals were created by large enterprises - Nineteenth drug and alcohol abuse in AZLK, and our, seventeenth - at ZIL. In general, the national drug and alcohol abuse was created as a continuation of the ugly Soviet economic order, which was required slave labor. Went to a saying: the army, prison, and at the final stage - Drug Dispensary. Dolechivali shovel, the so-called "occupational therapy". Now this is not, and the state hospital - a full-fledged hospital. There is also an outpatient form - dispensaries in the community. Parents who know or suspect that their child is a drug addict, must first apply to the dispensary, the teenage room. There will deliver a primary diagnosis and, if necessary, the permit will be discharged and sent to the hospital. If the drug has not taken a devastating form, will be treated as outpatients. In hospital patients arrive with an AIDS and hepatitis. Although the latter rather a formality: 90% of addicts now have hepatitis, 30% (the figure is growing steadily) - HIV-positive. We receive the treatment of boys aged 15 to 18 years. That's the boys? Women are separated, we do not mix different sexes of the patients. We have a strict isolation. People in this state is poorly controlled himself. How often do you get to the former patients? It happens. At a given chemical dependency relapses are possible. In aviation, there is a term - a point of return. After passing it, a person can not go back. I can heal people physically. But do not guarantee that it will not collapse. The fact that I can return the addict to the critical point, a fork with which he started, but more needs to be properly proper rehabilitation, which can do more than any supernova drugs combined. Only she can withdraw a drug addict in the normal state. But such rehabilitation, we can not provide. Here the private narcologists cards. How much is usually lying you sick? In the years of stagnation was the tariff - the more the better. 180 days reached. Now there is no rigid framework - an initiative to the physician. Minimum for a drug addict - 3 weeks. For an alcoholic - 28 days. Why have many prejudices against narcological? Because the state system of dispensaries formalized. Yes, and drugs for humans may be unexpected substances. For example, in U.S. classifications appear anabolics - substances that athletes take to build muscle. Now they are banned, although strictly speaking it is not drugs. The most terrible and dangerous, not only chemicals possess these properties, but some activities. By the way, in America narcologists call physicians who treat opiate dependence. We have a mismatch with the Americans, even in terminology. We - addiction treatment, and they - addiktionologi. They treat any form of addictive behavior - engage in pathological inclinations. I think that our profession and properly be called "treatment of chemical dependency and pathological inclinations."

Private drug experts emphasize ...

Anybody can sign a contract with the hospital and get all the necessary research and assistance. Get cheaper than a private clinic? It is hard to judge here may require special marketing research. Because the cost of treatment is often determined individually, and the prices of drugs may be different. Treated as a public institution? Everything is determined by the state standard. First the detoxification of the body - this time, the abolition of the drug, when a person suffers from a dire lack of drugs (in the jargon - "breaking"). Status of killer, a man may die, but not from the very breaking, as in most cases considered, but from their behavior. Going acute mental disorders, up to suicide. Therefore, a special control, intensive use of psychotropic drugs. This period lasts for ten to fifteen days. Then suppressed attraction to drugs and mental condition is corrected. In this period of being a patient changed dramatically - and worse, and improving. Who works with patients at this stage? Psychiatrists. In general, the state standard, the basic profession of the psychiatrist - psychiatrist. Of course, in the psychiatrist can be retrained, and any doctor. Therefore we have today - a lot of "schools" and developments in the treatment of addiction. Who in the forest, who, for firewood. Narcologist can rightfully be called only psychiatrist. There is a third stage - rehabilitation of drug addicts. ER: private drug experts emphasize just that - say, from the state hospital discharged person, just a little patch up, and he gets into his former life, where nothing has changed, and again fails. A private psychiatrist may conduct his patient, to insure it ... Yes, this is a serious argument. In addition, rehabilitation of private narcologists allowed by law - it does not involve use of psychotropic drugs. But we are also investing their contribution to rehabilitation - preparing patients for this period. How? I said that we have a huge arsenal of psychotropic drugs. If the classification of doctor permits it with psychotropic drugs may make changes in the patient's mental properties, ie, the model given the quality of the psyche. We choose at this stage of preparations, which were compatible with further rehabilitation (there are those who flatly incompatible, such as neuroleptics). Each patient is very flexible to prescribe medication. As a result, the patient away from us almost healthy. With the normal functions of major organs and systems. It is clear that chronic hepatitis, we certainly do not cure, but we introduce to the stage of compensation. Our work mainly concerns the psychic sphere. A person will not be serious disorders, which could trigger a return to drugs. Will be normal sleep, good mood, optimistic attitude toward the future. A further control it will be outpatient clinics. True, every doctor says his patients what to do and what not to do. More information about clinics Could you detail about the system of dispensaries? Public service has several divisions.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

It will be observed (and there ...

Personality of the simplest, "amoebic", will seek other pleasures. It will be observed (and there already) a fleeting limit mechanization and simplification of the individual . What exactly is the anesthesia. Achieving fun simple and accessible means dilutes any of the human qualities of thought and skills. Do addicts are only malointellektualnye, narrow-minded types? Among your patients met at least one person who, in your opinion, should not was to get into this situation? Before answering this question, I must say about the properties of substances that we call drugs. The list is constantly growing, but all of these substances are doing the same three things. First, addictive, physically and mentally. Second, and the main cause euphoria. Third, they all without exception - poisons. Of course, there are drugs strengths and weaknesses (of course, relatively weak). soft drugs - marijuana. Or just tobacco - how to look ... hard drugs - heroin and cocaine. Drugs addictive. dependence occurs in different ways. Habituation, most likely triggered by euphoria. 70% of adults who have experienced the euphoria of heroin, became sick. And it does not depend on personal qualities. Here I am, a doctor-psychiatrist, I know destructiveness of drugs, and begin to shoot up - and become addicted. So, silly teenager who does not know the gravity, the speed and relentlessness of this mechanism, thinking: just try and not anymore. Well, just tried it, twice. until I realized what it was. When he realized he knew the euphoria! And that means - he becomes addicted. the bird is the abyss, once mired claw. Where to run with their misfortune? private addiction treatment, may well do the trick, but the prices they have ... What people who can not afford to apply to such Narcologist? You have touched on current ethical issue. Perhaps it can be reduced to matter: the addict - the patient or client? For all the similarities of these terms, the difference between them is enormous. Customer must serve, the patient - to treat . That's all I can add. Imagine what I said. And to think that everything is clear ... But the question remains: where to go with his misfortune, if not money? "There is a national free treatment. And do not" buy " missing medication? not want to seem blissful, but my patients are all at public expense. Or do you mean bribes? Here, of course, can not vouch for. For example, the doctor will "make eyes" - they say, can and put a drip ... Such cases can be. And the guards can extort money ... But this is extreme, from which no one is immune. Public services are free. If the case is not lost and fight for their rights. People can come with empty pockets? true. However, if you native of the city, where this service. What do other cities? They can also be treated by us, but for the money. We have a "voluntary health insurance," ie, paid services, where you did that bird do not offer milk .