Wednesday 25 May 2011

N. Cherednichenko


This is a very strong psychophysiological education. Its safety is supported by internal and external stimulation, ie due to the situation and mental state of man. What remains? Preserves the structure of a conditioned reflex, namely, the images of the use of drugs and the corresponding reaction dopamine system. And, as the mental process can cause the biochemistry of the brain important event, then, together with images of future events, together with images of these events will play back the corresponding neyromediatsiya brain. While there will be a conditioned reflex, there will be electrophysiological brain activity, there will be changes in the dopamine system neyromediatsii inherent in addiction. There will be a conditioned reflex, there will be changes in the brain neyromediatsii corresponding drug. Eliminate a conditioned reflex may be one - the only way - extinction. As it happens, we know from a scientific discipline, as the physiology of higher nervous activity. Can be formulated in response to a question at the outset. Stimuli that cause changes in metabolism in the brain, are the objects of the situations and mental states in which the drug was formed. The objects of the environment and enhance the human experience available changes in the nervous system, activating the mental form of a conditioned reflex, the images of the use of drugs, followed by the reaction and the dopamine system. Conceptual Schema drug behavior is as follows: INCENTIVES external and internal environment ® MAN IN THE ABSENCE OF DRUG USE ® ® craving changes in metabolism ® NEYROMEDIATSIYA BRAIN Solution exists. This requires the extinction of the conditioned reflex to the incentives that cause this. There is also a practical solution. Specialists of the Institute of Conduct "has been developed and, for over 6 years, successfully applied the method of" extinction of drug behavior. " References: 1. Anokhin PK "Cybernetics and functional systems." Favorites. Moscow 1998. 2. Altshuler VB, Kravchenko SL, Cherednichenko NV, craving for alcohol in light of topographic EEG mapping "Issues Addiction № 1, 2003. 3. "The problems of diagnosis and treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction," Proceedings. Anacharsis 2001. Moscow May 2004

Drug addiction - a chronic disease?

VA Ivanov Director of Science and Technology ANO Institute of behavior "in the scientific community, and behind her, and in the public mind had the firm belief that drug addiction - an incurable disease. The basis for this belief are the results of scientific research. A situation where on the one hand, there is a request to the society for a cure from the disease, but on the other hand, we have a scientifically valid conclusions, "... that a specific feature of hospital substance abuse is a fundamental lack of recovery. These diseases are chronic, and in the process overcoming them, including in the framework of rehabilitation work at any time, may resume manifestations of craving for psychoactive substances (PAS) and the associated affective and behavioral disorders, ie,

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