Thursday 19 May 2011

Parents should understand that ...

School, 40 a (095) 541-1210 Psihonarkologicheskoe dispensary department Krasnohorska Municipal Hospital 143407, Krasnogorsk, st. Rivers, 18 (095) 564-5381 Odintsovo Drug Dispensary 143000, Odintsovo, Mozhayskoye Highway 55 (095) 593-1405 Psihonarkologicheskoe dispensary department Solnechnogorsk central district hospital 141500, Solnechnogorsk Str. Red, 180 (095) 994-0485 Khimki District Drug Dispensary 141431, Moscow Region., Khimki, pos. Novopodrezkovo Str. School, 3 (095) 574-3611 Source: Journal of Quality of Life. Prevention. " Number 2 March-April 2002

Dangerous holidays. Rules for children

Whichever holiday you may choose, in the summer children have more freedom and independence. That's good, it is necessary for adolescents. But ... the neglect is fraught with the danger: how to dispose of the child of freedom, whether he is ready to accept solutions that do not fall under a bad influence? Do not offer anyone a drug him? Now, unfortunately, it is not uncommon. There are cases of initiation to drugs and 8-9-year-olds .... How to protect children from this scourge? How to recognize signs of trouble in time to take action until the child is still firmly "hooked" on drugs and still be correct? What to look for? That suggests that the head of the department community care and rehabilitation of Addiction Research Institute of Medical Sciences Taras N. Dudko. First of all, let me give a general council, which is useful in many difficult situations: be attentive to their children, do not lose your inner contact with them, do not spare the time and emotional energy to maintain a trusting relationship. It is easier to understand what is happening with your child. Naturally, during the holidays children have more free time, and they are psychologically prepared for what will be less dependent on parents, which will often be outside the walls of the house, outside the watchful eye of Senior. In this situation, there is a danger familiarizing children, adolescents use drugs, to alcohol, to smoke tobacco. Parents should understand that such a danger exists, and it is, incidentally, is much higher than the risk of street accidents. Therefore, we must be attentive to the child, most often to talk with him: what he did, he did what he had learned that memorable, interesting. So parents can put a kind of diagnosis of conduct of their child and if necessary, correct it. That can alert parents? This, above all, behavioral change, which is typical for your child. For example, earlier it was mandatory, talkative, sought a meeting with you, sought advice, asking questions about some social phenomena, and now suddenly trying to evade the meeting, it is absolutely not interested in what happens in the family and the world, completely lost interest in their the same hobbies. And you suddenly becomes clear, what does your child. Next. Need to pay attention to external changes in a child.

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