Sunday 29 May 2011

In Addiction, there are tactical ...


In each case, the therapeutic success we are always talking about achieving remissionnogo state of realization and subsequent anti-alcohol rehabilitation programs for retaining the patient in a mode of 100-percent lifetime sobriety. Such cases in the Addictions is not so rare, but not often, as we would like as life able to form alcohol dependence is comparable with other chronic illnesses that require changes in lifestyle and controlled limitations (for example, diabetes - to restrict the consumption of glucose, peptic ulcer disease - dietary standards; hypertension - the exception of salt, etc.). In Addiction, there are tactical programs aimed not at long-term remission, but to achieve acceptable for the psychology of the patient's long-term goals of "harm reduction" of alcoholism. These objectives are to hold a patient in a mode less alcoholism, restore and maintain vital body functions, "therapeutic incubation" of organs and systems against a background of continued drinking, incessant drunken state and the unwillingness to be treated for pathological dependence, etc. Therapeutic process in clinical alcohol dependence rubrifitsiruetsya on "principles", "stages", "objectives", "Therapeutics," "methods of rehabilitation." The basic principles of treatment are: pathogenetic orientation, phasing, complexity, differentiation, individualizirovannost, continuity, duration, voluntary and other Stages of treatment - a prerequisite of scientific and practical Addiction. Distinguish the following stages: "Immediate relief drug states", "detoxification", "active therapy of alcohol," "of anti-(maintenance) therapy ',' rehabilitation '(recovery of social and employment, marital status). Problem ANTIALCOHOL treatment also with a certain sketchy grouped into relatively independent units: "detoxification," "urgent relief states," restoration of the homeostasis, "" suppression of craving for alcohol, "" development of disgust and sensitization to alcohol "," Correction of affective disorders "" correction of behavioral disorders, "" psychological adjustment "," stabilization remissionnogo state "," rehabilitation alkogolzavisimyh patients ", etc. There are all updated as Clinical Addiction antialkogolny arsenal could be grouped into the following algorithmic complex tools and methods of therapy:" disintoxication " "pyrotherapy", "vitamin", "restorative", "symptomatic," "psycho," "anticonvulsants," "non-drug methods," "conditioned reflex", "sensitizing", "substitution", "blocking", "nootropic" "homeopathic," "folk remedies", etc. Given that chronic alcohol intoxication leads to the inevitable defeat of the functions of all vital organs and systems, it becomes an axiom of the therapeutic use of Addictions drugs, used in therapy, cardiology, nephrology, hepatology, neurology, etc.

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