Saturday 21 May 2011

Comments, as they say, are unnecessary.

Most forms of NRT are designed to minimize the risk of acute overdose. Prejudice 2. "So, instead of the cigarette smoker" hooked "on these drugs? The risk of dependence risk of dependence on drugs of NRT compared to those for cigarettes is low. In the process of dependence leading role played by the dose and rate of arrival of the substance in the body [7]. Of all forms of NRT nicotine enters the relatively low dose and slowly enough so the risk of dependence is extremely small. So, when using the patch nicotine content in the blood gradually reaching a peak after 4.9 h. The peak concentrations of nicotine by using chewing gum, inhaler, lozenges or tablets are achieved within 30 min, nasal spray - 10 min [8]. For comparison - in each puff of cigarette bolus of nicotine reaches the brain within 10 sec. The percentage of persons receiving NRT after the recommended period is relatively small. Only 3% quit rates with nicotine patch continue to use it for more than 15 weeks [7]. Among those who manage to abstain from smoking for a year from the beginning of a nasal spray, 43% occasionally used the drug after 12 months [9]. It was established that the dependence on NRT is developing as a rule, malignant smokers who otherwise would have remained dependent on cigarettes, causing much more damage to health [10]. Prejudice 3. "Non-smokers will buy these products instead of cigarettes." Risk of abuse is found that the risk of such abuse of NRT is extremely small. There is no evidence that smokers become addicted to these drugs. People who are not accustomed to nicotine, usually perceive it as "moderately unpleasant" material [11]. So, 4_nedelnoe comparative study showed that in patients receiving any of the four forms of NRT degree of subjective satisfaction and pleasure is small. Consequently, the risk of abuse is minimal [7]. In the United States was not obtained evidence of the use of NRT products is not intended for "even after they became the OTC [4]. List of prejudice can be continued long enough, however due to the limited availability of this article let's focus on one of the most dangerous delusion. For some reason, many Russian smokers suffering from these or other cardiovascular disease (CVD), are convinced that giving up smoking they "can not in any case." And many of the "dangers" out of cigarettes to hear from their doctors. Comments, as they say, are unnecessary. Indeed, in the information leaflet can be read on the need to consult a doctor before taking any form of NRT in persons with heart disease. These recommendations were created more than 20 years ago, when the NCT was first introduced in the pharmaceutical market, and data on the safety of nicotine medications for diseases serdechno_sosudistoy system were absent.

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