Saturday 28 May 2011

Beer alcoholism because of the huge ...

Drunken attack unfolds in a relatively short period of time (binge lasts an average of 3 to 15 days), and therefore, in each case there is a huge risk of severe somatonevrologicheskih effects, and acute alcoholic psychosis (delirium tremens, alcoholic hallucinosis) with deaths. Characterized by gross behavioral deviation predzapoynogo, binge, and the nearest postzapoynogo periods. In line with our vision, booze is considered as a multifaceted: the stage in the development dynamics of the disease process, test the severity of the disease, a reliable diagnostic and prognostic sign, the most typical model of the state of emergency in the drug treatment clinic, which requires emergency treatment relieves, the state, which by its pathophysiological and in many respects, clinical and psychopathological entity has an analogy with paroxysmal epilepsy, patobioritmologichnostyu in manic-depressive psychosis. Predzapoynoe condition is characterized by a fairly typical precursors. Was developed by the chrono-ritmologicheskaya rubrifikatsiya alcoholic binge. Differentiated therapeutic approaches based on the established laws of the dynamics of non-specific reactivity in drunken attacks. Inclusion of anticonvulsants in a complex of traditional intensive therapy achieves statistically significant reduction of treatment time drunken state, to provide a quick reduction of psychopathological, somatic, neurological symptoms, normalization of electrophysiological parameters and of nonspecific reactivity. In appointing an anticonvulsant during the appearance of precursors can prevent the onset of the next binge. Another possible approach to secondary prevention of drunken states and the stabilization of remission based on the use of the drug antakson predzapoynom period. Beer alcoholism because of the huge demand and consumption of beer a lot. Dictionaries treat as a low-alcohol beer fizz. Mighty beer advertising in the media (television, radio, newspapers, magazines, specially issued brochures, billboards on street corners), call to become beer drinkers, and even songs peremptorily ordered: "Drink beer." In the scientific literature provides a useful micro-nutrients-vitamin composition of beer, settle useful properties such as beer, and brewers yeast. Perhaps all of this, combined with a thriving and profitable beer industry, beer made abundance, a celebration of "Days of Beer", the unification of entire populations in the party, beer lovers, and definitely positive organoleptic properties of the drink and it was the criterion for mass consumption. At the polls people on the streets of cities on the theme "Do you think beer liquor?" many give a negative answer, assuming that the beer is not fraught with any danger. In the Clinical Addiction experts use different terminology rubrifikatsiya alcohol: by gender ("female" "male"), age (adolescence, "" Youth, "" alcoholism older persons "), profession (" alcoholism managers "," alcoholism Bartenders "); mind drinks (wine," "surrogate," "beer").

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