Monday 23 May 2011

Ahrenfeldt K.

Women with antisocial (wrongful) conduct fell ill at the age of 40-45 years and more frequently committed crimes in this age. Their aggressive behavior, as a rule, bore the verbal in nature and are usually not accompanied by physical impact. 3. Women with aggressive tendencies are often prosecuted by the police, has repeatedly tried, not arranged in the family, some stripped of their parental rights. In the hospital came at the urging of neighbors or the police, the treatment took several days to relieve abstinence phenomena, and then discharged on their own without remission. 4. Relatively high percentage of women who have been dismissed for drunkenness and absenteeism, suggesting the need to set up rehabilitation centers providing non-working women to work, which was conducted simultaneously to prophylactic (supportive) treatment. REFERENCES 1. Baron, R., Richardson D. Aggression. - St.: Peter, 1997. - 330. 2. Dmitrieva TB, Immerman KL, Kachayeva MA, Romasenko LV Criminal aggression of women with mental disorders. - M., 1998. - 272. 3. Lectures on Addictions / ed. 2-e, revised. and expanded., ed. Corr. Academy of Medical Sciences, prof. NN Ivantsov. - M.: Nolidzh, 2000. - 448. 4. Features of psychotherapy and rehabilitation of women suffering from alcoholism: The method. recommendations, Ed. MM Kabanova. - M., 1987. - 31 sec. 5. Gibbens T.C.N., Ahrenfeldt K.Y.H. / / Tavistock Publications. - London, 1966. The article was published in the journal Medical News

Drug addiction - an incurable disease. Is there a solution?

VA Ivanov, Director of Science and Technology ANO Institute of Conduct "in the article" Drug addiction - a chronic disease? " articulated position that the solution of the drug problem boils down to answering the question: "What stimulates changes in metabolism in the brain when the financial incentive, the drug is absent?" Problem to be solved - to find this stimulus. This problem is primarily theoretical, and can be solved with already existing scientific theoretical knowledge of the biochemistry of the brain as a mechanism for its operation. Deciding it theoretically possible to move the experiment to confirm or refute the extended position. Try to solve this problem based on the theory of functional systems, its position on the information equivalent of functional systems and chemical continuum of the brain as a mechanism of reflection of reality, designed by Academician PK Anokhin. These provisions include: 1) The psyche possesses a fundamental property possessed by living matter - namely, anticipatory reflection of reality. The essence of this property is that the protoplasm has acquired the ability to the development of their molecular processes ahead of time and space during successive regular events in the external world. 2) Organisms acquiring the ability to anticipate the course of external events began with the greatest benefit to adapt to the future, often dangerous phenomena of the outside world long before these events will take place. 3) The most perfect form of this kind of "peeking" into the future is the activity of the nervous system.

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