Monday 23 May 2011

In general, the marital status of women was more stable.

In particular, women develop alcohol dependence is observed much later (by age). For example, in men under 30 years dependence diagnosed in 17.65% of the women - in 12.14%, while in age from 41 to 50 years, from 1951 and older alcohol dependence was observed predominantly in females (y men - 17.65% and 50.58% of cases, women - 37.50% and 17.86%). Level of education of men and women was the same, most often the person with alcohol dependence had a secondary and tertiary education (70.59% male and 73.21% women). The men were in most cases, divorced (45.88% vs 25.36% females). In general, the marital status of women was more stable. According to one or more children were 82.86% women and 67.06% of men. Most patients, both men and women were urban residents (91.76% and 91.79% respectively). Residents of the village just over 8%, which may indicate a lack of working-age population in the countryside. Most women did not work, or more than three times changed their place of work. Offences of women suffering from alcohol dependence, were significantly different from those of men. So, murder and grievous bodily harm in men occurred in 3.53% of the women - in 2,34% of cases. For the female contingent were not typical fights, disorderly conduct causing bodily harm (23,5% - in men, 2.92% - women), as well as looting and robbery (0.58% - in women, 7.06% - men). Considerably exceeds the proportion of women on the number of scandals, threats of physical violence (20.47% vs. 9.41% for men), as well as uvolneniy0 to work for drunkenness and absenteeism (18.13% and 9.41% respectively). It should be noted that the scandals of the threat of physical violence are predominantly verbal aggression, as they are not accompanied by the application of real physical harm. A dismissal of women from work for drunkenness and absenteeism suggests that society does not accept female offenders with alcohol dependence. In this connection there is a serious question about the organization of rehabilitation centers, primarily for women with alcohol dependence without work. In addition to the listed offenses in women have been embezzlement, theft, fraud, illegal commercial activities, and others (55.56% - for women and 47.06% - men). Results of the study suggest the following conclusions: 1. Socially adapted for a long time women did not seek medical help and sent for treatment more often influenced by relatives or acquaintances. Dependence they occur gradually, relatively late (45-55 years) and progresses slowly. 2. Women with antisocial behavior exhibit persistent symptoms of alcohol dependence, are involved in patient treatment under threat of dismissal or at the insistence of the Interior Ministry. Available to them anosognosia negatively affects treatment outcomes.

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