Tuesday 24 May 2011

If you look at the behavior ...


It is in it, for the most part, began to develop the body's ability to lead the events and the most conspicuous form of this is its ability to form a conditioned reflex. That's brain was the organ, which, thanks to a highly receptors continually transform the space-time continuum of external phenomena (Einstein) in a chemical continuum, which is expressed in a continuous discharge of the neuronal elements of the brain. 4) Neurophysiological analysis of brain shows that the reflection of the external world in fact and can not be otherwise, not ahead, because from the information point of view of each of the external effects on the body is continuously mobilized in the nervous system and also the molecular past experiences associated with a given situation or with the stimulus - stimulus. This circumstance allows the brain to combine the past with the present and on this basis to predict in detail the parameters of the onset of future events. 5) The vital importance of events represented in the brain and specific chemical processes. Substantial emotional distress a person have their own biochemistry. Indeed, changes in metabolic processes in the brain in drug addiction exist. Scientific thought has focused on the study neyromediatsii dopamine, linking it with the craving. And thus, this process has contributed to the general biochemical mechanism of the brain, studied separately, the process of change in metabolic processes of the brain. However, in the formulation of research problems and formulating conclusions from the data, the science has not considered a fundamental property of living matter, in particular, the brain's ability to reproduce the biochemistry of a future event that was meaningful for the organism in the past. Consider the behavior of brain biochemistry at the occurrence of significant events for the human body (drug use) taking into account the brain's ability to stay ahead in time and space during successive regular events in the external world. Significant event for a person passes through drug use. As a result, there is the brain biochemistry of the event. The introduction of the drug caused changes in neyromediatsii dopamine system. Incentive to change the biochemistry of the brain was the drug. Significant event - a situation and mental state in which the drug is used. Such events can occur in which drug use can be varied. It is important that they are repeated and repeated drug use. And every one is drinking and tighter neyromediatsiyu dopamine system, appears the same biochemistry significant event. Significant event and biochemistry of this event, combined by the brain into a unified whole. What unites a significant event and biochemistry of this event - there is a conditioned reflex. If you look at the behavior of drug use and the result obtained, we have a classical scheme for the formation of a conditioned reflex by IP Pavlov Action of drug use completed intoxicated.

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