Tuesday 24 May 2011

Conditioned response - this is the ...


Needless drug intoxication appears reinforcement. What is supported? Reinforced by the actions themselves of drug use and changes in neyromediatsii dopamine system. What is fixed as a conditioned reflex, there is action on drug use and changes in neyromediatsii dopamine system. With continued drug use come into force on the regularities of formation of a conditioned reflex, when the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus that causes a conditioned response. Conditioned response - is the act of drug use and the response of the dopamine system. In other words, the situation and mental state of an important event, become conditioned stimuli that evoke a conditioned response stimuli cause the relevant biochemistry of the brain. Between a significant event and biochemistry of the brain of this event, there is communication. Communication - is the act of drug use. With the formation of a conditioned reflex will always be drug use, and will always be relevant neyromediatsiya dopamine system as soon as a situation or mental state in which it was formed. However, the conditioned reflex should have a material carrier, ie, for something to be recorded. This material carrier of a conditioned reflex can only be a neuron and biochemical process that transmits signals from neuron to neuron. With the formation of a conditioned reflex can be recorded electrophysiological and biochemical research and see how it proceeds, that he even exists. Science explores the material carrier of drug addiction in the form of electrophysiological and biochemical activity of the brain. In essence, it explores and records on the material level, what occurs and manifests itself as a conditioned reflex in addiction. Speaking of addiction, we can talk about how it arises and proceeds according to the laws of conditioned reflex activity, which means that the reflex arises with the event, in which it was formed, and after the events in the implementation of the reflex disappears. That is what is observed in the behavior of the addict. Solving the problem it is necessary to answer the questions that science seeks answers. Where does and what a craving? Having received the answer we get answers to questions, as it is associated with the biochemistry of the brain and why the biochemical changes in the brain remain intact even if the use for a long time, no? With the formation of a conditioned reflex, reflex itself, ie of the use of drugs, together with the reaction of the dopamine system is presented in two forms: mental forms - an idea of ??what drugs and the images of drug use. Instrumental form - real action on the use of drugs. No idea how to act with a drug, the real action is not realized. These actions on drug use in mental and instrumental forms, classified as a disease - drug addiction. In the form of psychic reflex is constantly circulating in the nervous system.

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