Friday 27 May 2011

Cascade of problems caused by ...

Laws, because they are laws, that their actions will necessarily occur. Correct to make a statement that the addict stimulation dopamine (DA) neyromediatsii persists even when drug use is not. Thus, the solution within the framework of attitudes about drug addiction, is reduced to answering the question. That stimulates changes in metabolism in the brain when the material, tangible incentives - the drug is absent? Objective: To find this incentive. Finding this incentive can answer the question, what is the cause of the disease. And then the drug will start from level to level chronic problems to be solved. Such an interpretation of scientific results can be formulated in another direction finding solution to the problem of drug abuse and addiction, and to raise the question of the need to use different explanatory principle in understanding the nature of drug abuse and dependence in general. References: 1. Anokhin PK "Cybernetics and functional systems." Favorites. Moscow 1998. 2. "The problems of diagnosis and treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction," Proceedings. Anacharsis 2001. 3. Chirco VV, Demina, MV Essays on Clinical Addictions (substance abuse: clinical features, course, therapy) Medpraktika-M. Moscow 2002. 4. Tsetlin MG, Pelipas VE "Rehabilitation of the addicted patients: the concept of the program." Anacharsis 2001. Moscow, April, 2004

Alcohol dependence

Alcohol abnormality in the structure of other forms of substance dependence remained dominant. According to official statistics, the number of patients, consisting of medical care in drug treatment clinics in Ukraine, to date, reaching 1 million people. Compared with 1990, there was more than twofold increase in the incidence of alcoholic psychosis (2.2 per 10 thousand population), indicating a higher actual incidence of alcoholism. Cascade of problems resulting from alcohol abuse is further compounded by the fact that alcohol dependence comorbid with encephalopathy, cardiomyopathy, polyneuropathy, hepatitis, fatty degeneration and cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis, pancreatitis, trauma, epilepsy, fetal alcohol syndrome, fatal poisoning, depression , breach of conduct in the form of aggressive acts criminogenic, suicide and other epidemics and population scale of alcoholism population, vital nature of a pathological addiction, the scope of biomedical, socio-economic implications allow us to attribute alcoholism to the category of social pathology, which is a real threat to health nation that promotes the phenomenon of depopulation and genocide younger generation. Risk Factors A number of factors and reasons behind this situation, we can, with some degree of sketchy, rubrifitsirovat into three main groups: social, psychological, genetic. The social risk factors for the formation of alcohol dependence include financial and economic difficulties of citizens, increase public and private production and import of alcoholic beverages, the dependence of the country's budget from the sale of alcoholic beverages, entry into the market of low-quality alcohol, a massive offensive alcohol advertising using all forms of media, availability alcohol at any time, violation of trade regulations (for sale minor, etc.), as well as the existing traditions imposed rhythm alcoholism on the occasion ... ".

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