Tuesday 31 May 2011

Over time, mood, and then ...


On the main qualities of this "product" Many say the properties of its closest relative - the ant or a formaldehyde solution which (formalin) pathologists fixed cadaveric material. It was he, acetaldehyde, of course, together with its predecessor - ethyl alcohol, causes the severity of alcohol withdrawal syndrome and its consequences: the impoverishment of the emotional sphere, progressive dementia, diseases of internal organs. Alcohol and its degradation products in the brain blocks the synthesis of substances that give a normal person to enjoy life itself and of its natural pleasures, the satisfaction of a well-made things, and much, much more. And the emotional sphere - that memory (well, we remember only what reaches our emotions, we are interested in), especially long-term memory, commonly referred to as the conscience and zest for life and self-esteem of man, his love of family and friends, a sense of responsibility for themselves, their family, their land. When all this is not, then happiness - is something that splashes into a glass. Over time, mood, and then the well-being, become dependent on alcohol, the range of interests, acquaintances, contacts, gradually narrowed, limited, the person speaking everyday language, ruin oneself by drink. Why did this happen in one person slowly, and the other quickly. The fact that the decomposition of acetaldehyde into harmless products strictly determined by the degree of activity is already another "slow" enzyme (atsetaldegiddegidrogenazy). And the activity of this enzyme is directly dependent on the degree of saturation of the body one of the hormones related to the large group sex. This hormone, in particular, besides the activation of "slow" and other properties of the enzyme determines the degree of hair "vegetation" on the trunk, especially on the abdomen. Therefore, people with "woolly" belly accumulation of acetaldehyde after alcohol consumption occurs in much smaller quantities, respectively, likely to fall asleep, that is, purchase alcohol dependence is much smaller. Ie in the development of alcoholism actually involved almost exclusively on two factors: the number of drinking alcohol and the enzyme activity is determined by heredity. Everything Else - "drinking culture", "quality" alcohol-containing beverages, "adaptation" to alcohol, the national traditions and stuff - just talk "to the poor, hard producers Feeding alcohol played pretty simpletons such as Misha Evdokimova. That this is the answer to the question why the natives of the Caucasus practically ruin oneself by drink, and representatives, for example, of the North simply ruin oneself by drink rapidly. Not surprisingly, women, children, adolescents, and even fully grown man with a constitutionally low content of this particular hormone and, therefore, not a hairy stomach, have low resistance to the development of severe alcoholism. Liver enzymes, which in a healthy male body has successfully engaged in the destruction of female sex hormones (estrogen) that are normally produced in moderate quantities in various organs and tissues are blocked early in alcohols, especially the "heavy".

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