Monday 30 May 2011

These spirits are also called fusel ...


Forming, and have largely been formed, "culture" of beer consumption, which brings huge profits for its producers. These revenues, as well as the producers themselves, to Russia relations have no income from the country go. Advertising campaign on the intensity and ruthlessness can be compared perhaps only with the tsunami. Let's look and see what remains to us in the end with you and our country. Raznotsvetem labels, packaging design now, nobody will be fooled. Beer - it's 4-6% solution of ethyl alcohol in water with flavorings and fragrances, in a large part of chemical origin, which are supplied to Russia imported producers in the form of concentrates. Ie, beer - it's alcohol (alcohol), though divorced, but without the alcohol options (2 liters of beer = a glass of vodka), and alcohol is low grade with a high content of "heavy" of polyols, mainly propyl and isoamyl. These spirits are also called fusel oils, or simply - of vodka. Wishing to get acquainted with their properties, I recommend to try the brew. The main attractive components in beer and other drinks, no doubt, ethyl alcohol, are in moderate amounts eyforiziruyuschee, inhibitor effect on the psyche. Alcohol partially dissolves the fatty insulation lipid membranes of nerve fibers, which leads to the violation of their insulating properties, first in the most sensitive, braking, brain structures, implementing internal control of behavior and emotion. The result is a "disconnect from overload" of these structures, and then consistently intelligent, and finally the motor centers. Ethyl alcohol itself has mild toxic effects, its main effect is bad for young people - a sharp decrease in the ability to memorize and improve skills. Acceptance of 30-40 ml of alcohol (100 g of vodka) reduces this ability by 80% who do not believe she can check on her, except for a headache in the morning no verses or formulas. Moreover, frequent reception even small doses there is a gradual accumulation (accumulation) of adverse effects, persistent and irreversible impairment of memory. Deceptiveness of alcohol that previously acquired and firmly fixed even complex skills persist long enough. Therefore, the man seems almost no adverse effects, especially because one of the first to suffer criticism objectively assess their own state. As if all is well: a man still working (skills saved), but no longer "act" better than ourselves does not jump, does not aspire to better. Well, drink often, so who does not drink now, but what will happen to a man in a few years, so it's his problem himself. Then we are surprised - how many homeless people, etc.? But the most heinous of alcohols is not in him. The fact that the body it breaks down not just on carbon dioxide and water with the formation of heat, as many imagined. First, under the "fast" enzyme (alcohol dehydrogenase), he turns into vinegar (acetonitrile) aldehyde.

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