Tuesday 17 May 2011

It will be observed (and there ...

Personality of the simplest, "amoebic", will seek other pleasures. It will be observed (and there already) a fleeting limit mechanization and simplification of the individual . What exactly is the anesthesia. Achieving fun simple and accessible means dilutes any of the human qualities of thought and skills. Do addicts are only malointellektualnye, narrow-minded types? Among your patients met at least one person who, in your opinion, should not was to get into this situation? Before answering this question, I must say about the properties of substances that we call drugs. The list is constantly growing, but all of these substances are doing the same three things. First, addictive, physically and mentally. Second, and the main cause euphoria. Third, they all without exception - poisons. Of course, there are drugs strengths and weaknesses (of course, relatively weak). soft drugs - marijuana. Or just tobacco - how to look ... hard drugs - heroin and cocaine. Drugs addictive. dependence occurs in different ways. Habituation, most likely triggered by euphoria. 70% of adults who have experienced the euphoria of heroin, became sick. And it does not depend on personal qualities. Here I am, a doctor-psychiatrist, I know destructiveness of drugs, and begin to shoot up - and become addicted. So, silly teenager who does not know the gravity, the speed and relentlessness of this mechanism, thinking: just try and not anymore. Well, just tried it, twice. until I realized what it was. When he realized he knew the euphoria! And that means - he becomes addicted. the bird is the abyss, once mired claw. Where to run with their misfortune? private addiction treatment, may well do the trick, but the prices they have ... What people who can not afford to apply to such Narcologist? You have touched on current ethical issue. Perhaps it can be reduced to matter: the addict - the patient or client? For all the similarities of these terms, the difference between them is enormous. Customer must serve, the patient - to treat . That's all I can add. Imagine what I said. And to think that everything is clear ... But the question remains: where to go with his misfortune, if not money? "There is a national free treatment. And do not" buy " missing medication? not want to seem blissful, but my patients are all at public expense. Or do you mean bribes? Here, of course, can not vouch for. For example, the doctor will "make eyes" - they say, can and put a drip ... Such cases can be. And the guards can extort money ... But this is extreme, from which no one is immune. Public services are free. If the case is not lost and fight for their rights. People can come with empty pockets? true. However, if you native of the city, where this service. What do other cities? They can also be treated by us, but for the money. We have a "voluntary health insurance," ie, paid services, where you did that bird do not offer milk .

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