Saturday 18 June 2011

In another group together all ...

Based on anabasine were created with the same name pill, which is very good showing in practice. In addition, this substance is part of the specialty films that are a smoker paste on your gums or cheek. In contact with saliva soluble polymer, and fixed doses of drugs are gradually beginning to enter the bloodstream. Relatively recently in Germany was a presentation of a new drug "Ciba» (Zyban). Just a few months after his birth, he became one of the most popular antikuritelnyh drugs in the world. Manufacturers of these pills claim that today they consume 8, 5 million people. In another group together all the products containing pure nicotine. Scientists have estimated that cigarette smoke is more than 200 toxic compounds and carcinogens. Most of them are much more toxic than nicotine itself. The question then arises: why is this substance has come to enjoy such a notorious? The answer is quite simple: it is nicotine causes a physical addiction to tobacco. It is embedded in the molecular processes of our body and becomes a familiar component of many biochemical reactions. Therefore, the absence of this substance causes painful "withdrawal syndrome", and the body is deprived of its particles, is announcing this strike. After learning all this, scientists have invented a replacement therapy, and to replace tobacco nicotine come its synthetic counterpart. This compromise bears fruit: a smoker, receiving only nicotine, avoiding penetration into the body pitches, nitrosamines, benzopyrene and other "poisons". Alternative sources of nicotine is now a great many. Were invented patches, chewing gum, inhalers and even candy. During the use of these funds is strictly prohibited person to smoke, as very high risk of nicotine poisoning. The biggest demand is for patches that are sounding name "transdermal systems. Nicotine is absorbed by the skin for several hours impairs the tobacco famine. In order for this substance could freely enter the body, the patch should stick to a relatively hairless area of ??the body. It is best suited for this "soft place" just below the sacrum and the inner side of the shoulder or hip. With glue Velcro can cause skin allergies, so the insertion every time should be changed. Emplastic therapy is conducted in a specific pattern, designed for several months. During this time the body gets used to the gradually decreasing amounts of nicotine. Manufacturers claim that 46% of people who did not smoke during the first two weeks of treatment, will continue to do without cigarettes. And the remaining losers they are advised to undergo repeated antikuritelny course. Chewing gum copes with its task properly and supply the body with nicotine tabakomana. However, the gum has several disadvantages. First, they differ in a very specific taste, which discourages many smokers, especially women.

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