Sunday 19 June 2011

Body - the house where the soul lives.

And secondly, the treatment cost is expensive: packing, calculated on the month, will cost $ 50-60. In addition, there is a rubber and a number of contraindications. The fact that the lion's share of the nicotine is absorbed into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes of the mouth. But a small part of this material, getting together with saliva into the stomach, is an irritant to its mucosa. Therefore, the gum can not recommend the "lady's finger, and people suffering from gastritis. Nicotine inhalers are not widely used because of high prices. For example, "Nicorette" consists of a mouthpiece and a nicotine-liner. The day is spent between 6 and 10 sacks, and they are sold in packs of 6 or 18 pieces. It should be noted that the course is designed for at least 6 months, and therefore the cost of treatment "will fly a lot of money." But such therapy has very good results: 56% of smokers, "held out" the first 10 days of treatment, get rid of his addiction. So in this case the target is fully justifies the means. Specialists advise smokers not to place high expectations on existing medicines. After all, they are exempt only from the physical habits. At the same psychological dependence will not affect either the patch or chewing gum. Obligatory condition of "healing" is a solid and informed decision to quit smoking. Namely, it is considered key to future success. Without this desire, no one drug will not bring the expected results: in fact it is only a supplement to the human will. Article published on saytehttp: / /

What brought the horse? (Drug prevention in schools)

Vladimir Kukk psychiatrist, psychologist, social activist dr.kukk @ Today's times require a new understand the dangers of drug abuse. Professionals preventive programs against drug abuse in schools and other educational institutions have long understood that a single, terrifying action not profit. Prevention is needed where the children's souls are pure and innocent, that is, it must begin with the first class, and when they come with such action for the first time in 6 th or 7 th class, then come actually at risk at this time consciousness students is distorted by false information about drugs so that the fit to begin an emergency psychological care, and five or six students need already and substance abuse treatment. ("Rainbow", 4-2002, Tallinn), the Soul What distinguishes the wood from the logs? Living tree, a log - no. Body - the house where the soul lives. Body turns into something else when he leaves the shower. And what is the soul? Soul, spirit and our body is a house of our selves, our "I" - the emotions, feelings, desires, intellect, ideas, principles, and character. Soul - this is not a metaphysical concept, and multi-dimensional, diverse and unknowable is something great and infinite cosmos is within us. In an era of space exploration scientists are seriously discussing treatment project near-Earth space.

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