Sunday 19 June 2011

A total of 132 teams participated in the game ...


There is already a problem and space debris. And what about the ecology of the soul? A contamination of the human soul with anger, lies, stupid and ignorant thoughts of hate? For over 27 years I worked as a doctor - a psychiatrist and clinical psychologist and a thousand times agree with J. Lammetri, suggesting a "Treatise on the soul," this thought: "The whole purpose and whole mystery of healing art comes down to, to excite the brain stronger representation, which would eliminate the absurd idea. " Segodneshnee time requires new understanding of the dangers of drug abuse. Professionals preventive programs against drug abuse in schools and other educational institutions have long understood that a single, terrifying action not profit. Prevention is needed where the children's souls are pure and innocent, that is, it must begin with the first class, and when they come with such action for the first time in 6 th or 7 th class, then come actually at risk at this time consciousness students is distorted by false information about drugs so that the fit to begin an emergency psychological care, and five or six students need already and substance abuse treatment. Here is an example: during the 2001-2002 school Narva, Kohtla-Jarve, Tallinn, for grades 7-9 conducted a psychological game, "Shipwreck." Each team of 5-6 people were asked to choose a name. A total of 132 teams participated in the game, and it is typical that "narkoorientirovannye" names chosen by 17.43% of all involved: namely, "Anashisty" -4 "Cannabis" -10 "Canape" -3, "Grass" -2 "Syringe" -1, "Burik" -1 "Cones" -1. This indirectly suggests that prevails in the minds of teenagers interested in psychoactive substances stupefying action, a lot of misinformation about "romanticism" of drug use. A AS IN EUROPE? In the European Union's long-accumulated vast experience in preventive work against the proliferation of drugs in the school environment. Rather boring and uninteresting didactic lessons are interesting gaming activities under the state program "Life skills". Prepared for this school professionals, published excellent modern textbooks on prevention. In 2001-2002, I visited Poland, Germany, Luxembourg, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Italy, where he studied wealth of European experience on the topic. We in Estonia in this respect - virgin nepahannaya. Indeed, long before the young man to get up first choice - try a drug or refuse, the teenager has already formed a positive attitude - and why not try? ". On this more weight a little bit will outweigh - curiosity, interest, youth fashion, a way of self-affirmation, a way of acceptance, recognition by peers. And on the other side of a Blur - amorphous ratio. But we must beat everyone. And then the most likely outweigh the bowl, most likely will take a sample. The first dose is taken, there will be the second and third.

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