Monday 13 June 2011

Within 6 years 3 times examined 187 boys.


Kuperman et al. [15] describe 3 groups of risk factors for adolescents who can diagnose alcoholism in adulthood. These same factors, the authors consider the predictors. 1) Characteristics of the parental home (negative relationships in pairs of parent-child relationship) and environmental (school and personal problems). 2) Characteristics of child behavior (aggression, poor impulse control, anxiety and difficulty concentrating). 3) Early experimentation with alcohol and tobacco. Following data are presented. If young people start drinking alcohol before the age of 15, then aged 18-29 years, among them are 40% of patients with alcoholism. If young people start drinking alcohol after 19 years, only 10% of them become alcohol-dependent [15]. Within 6 years 3 times examined 187 boys. In 10-12 years, studied the functioning and difficulties in temperament, in 12-14 years - aggression and belonging to delinquent peers at 16 years, the use of surfactants. Results: The low level of functioning and a difficult temperament is associated with increased aggression and with belonging to delinquent groups. The latter factors are associated with increased use of surfactants. Relationship between difficult temperament and the use of surfactant was completely mediated through aggression and belonging to delinquent groups [10]. Thus, individual risk factors, according to some authors, include the following characteristics of adolescents [4-6, 15, 16, 23, 24, 27, 28]: hyperactivity and poor concentration of attention in childhood, fenced off or rebelliousness of puberty; antisocial behavior; clashes with the law enforcement agency mi, low level of reaction parameters alcohol (sequence no way to get drunk), anxiety and depression, early onset of use of surfactants, external locus of control; a favorable attitude toward drinking, lack of religious commitment, the search for new stimuli, high need for excitement. Delineation of risk factors for groups of probation. Family - this is an area where there are co-exist and interact with genetic, individual and environmental (within the meaning of intra-environment) factors. Factors associated with family recently in Addiction pay attention to family systems theory [22, 28]. System - a whole, supports the interaction of its parts. Family system is characterized by the structure and behavior. Structure are such subsystems, as parents, children, other family members. These subsystems continuously interact with each other. As a result, each family member takes on the meaning and significance. The earliest representation of a child currently provided by the interaction of members of the family system. Other elements of family structure are the boundaries and triangles. To understand the boundaries it is important to bear in mind that each subsystem plays a role. Role should be clearly defined in order to maintain a functioning family. Triangles (the most common - the parents and child) violate the border, adding a third member, usually a child.

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