Tuesday 14 June 2011

By mail collected data for 85 pairs of ...


A child could distract other members from the stressful situation, switching attention to themselves. Behavioral features include homeostasis, merger and separation. Homeostasis refers to the state when the system is regulated by itself, remaining constant, and at the same time reacts to external forces. Merger or demerger reflect the level of attachment and alienation among family members. Families can use a third member (scapegoat) to ease a stressful situation. Family is important for the development of all its members at any stage of their life cycle, in accordance with the theory of seed systems, relationships and interactions between family members are critical components that affect the life of a teenager. Family members are models of behavior for a teenager and a source of reinforcement of behavior in adolescents. Disruption of the normal functioning of the family can reinforce the negative influence of other systems on the behavior of the teenager - such as peers, school, community. For example, conflict between parents and adolescents may lead to the fact that a teenager will join a group of drug users. Family systems theory recognizes that the use of surfactants teenager - it's not just a problem teenager, and the problem of the family. Consequently, the use of IIAB teenager can be regarded as a product of family relationships and interactions, as well as a symptom of dysfunction of the family, referring to the inability of the family in meeting the challenges posed by each stage of family life cycle. Thus, the teenager with the use of surfactants is not only a carrier of personal problems, but also support the family. In numerous studies, the main source of both risk factors and protective factors is called a family. Peers, school, community only complement the family. With family linked both genetic and environmental (intra-medium) factors. Moreover, genotype and environment may combine and interact with non-random manner. Hypothesized about genetically ENVIRONMENTAL correlation. Gene ENVIRONMENTAL correlation indicates how individuals are exposed to certain environmental factors. The choice of a medium as a function of genetic predisposition. These correlations are important in the study of psychopathology because they identify the environmental factors that may support the expression of genetic susceptibility to this disorder. In one of his works have studied the correlation between the genetic susceptibility to alcohol and drug abuse and the perception of social environment in the parental home and school. By mail collected data for 85 pairs of mono-and 77 pairs of dizygotic twins from the general population. The twins completed questionnaires regarding alcohol and drug abuse, family environment scale, the scale of classroom environment in schools and survey of traumatic events. Found that genetic susceptibility to substance abuse was associated with a decrease in perceived family moral-religious values, with a decrease in family cohesion, and with a decrease in orientation to the job in the classroom and with an increase in the perceived order and organization (strictness of discipline) in the classroom.

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