Wednesday 22 June 2011

Preferable to carry out detoxification ...

If the survey turns out that the doctor has to deal with impulsive man without dependence, that is, those who are getting drunk from time to time, does not behave better, the doctor must decide whether the case is within its competence. Ask the patient to consult with a local psychiatrist or alcohol service. But if the survey you've come to the conclusion that it is a syndrome of alcohol dependence, therefore, need to act. Community-based substance abuse and alco-teams must respond quickly to requests for assistance. However, they should be communicated in all patients: studies show that the conversation with the doctor, and a set of educational measures can reduce the number of drinkers. Typically, a general practitioner, it is easier to inform the patient about finding his alarming symptoms than the clinical department of alcohol on the basis of a psychiatric hospital. The doctor can collect the medical history, examine patients, perform blood tests, explain to the patient, as alcohol affects the body, what are the social consequences of drinking, as in patients with alcoholism change sleep and mood. The physician should assess the amount and type of alcohol consumed, which tended to identify patients who drink only beer or wine, and give them some useful tips. GP may ask the patient to keep a diary of drinking and come to the following method with a close relative, to discuss the period of abstinence. Although general practitioners have enough time to make the most detoxification, better do it, with the support of the local anti-alcohol brigade to the direction for further treatment can be discussed together. The ban on drinking alcohol - this is usually the first step. Patient dependency, wanting only "a little cut" method of alcohol, must be persuaded to stop drinking altogether, at least for a few months. Withdrawal symptoms may occur at a high level of alcohol in the blood because of the tolerance that develops as a result of induction of hepatic enzymes. My colleague told me about a patient who developed abstinenty syndrome at the level of alcohol in the blood, twice the allowable driving. Whatever it was difficult to predict the severity of withdrawal syndrome. Preferable to carry out detoxification of the house as a hospital patient is behaving rather passive, but in cases of severe dependence or a history of seizures at the abolition of alcohol that is not possible. Better if the detoxification at home is a general practitioner and alcohol team. Benzodiazepines, namely, chlordiazepoxide, ousted hlormetiazol. The latter was used for the treatment of alcoholism, but it often occurred dependence on the drug. Receiving chlordiazepoxide begin with 30 mg per day, for five - seven days the dose was reduced to zero. During the treatment should be prescribed vitamins, particularly B1, whose level is lowered in alcoholics due to flattening of the villi of the small intestine and malnutrition.

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