Sunday 12 June 2011

Treasures of the recall.

Therapy of creative expression. M., 1999. 364. 11.Vtorozakonie. 7:25, 26. 1 Corinthians 10:21. 12.Matfeya 17:24-20. 13. Matthew 17:24-20. 14/01 John 5:5. 15. Matthew 6:13. 15.Matfeya 4:3-10. 17.Pritchi 18:10. 18. Psalm 123:8. 144:18. 19.Dzhalal ad-Din Rumi. Treasures of the recall. Sufi poeziya. Ed. with English ..- M.: Sofia, Helios, 2002.-208 with. with illus. -C.20 / III, 3038. 20.Marka. 9:42-47. Published with permission.

The phenomenon Varga

"Varga phenomenon" - a unique phenomenon of human thought, when simple methods can achieve unique results. Simply put, having knowledge of the existence of this phenomenon and having skills in the use of this phenomenon in life you can learn to effectively manage your body. And if you learn to control his body, so you can learn and get rid of various incurable (as previously thought) diseases. Indeed, the majority of incurable diseases - it is nothing like a failure of functional activity of the organism. The human mind controls all functional systems of the body. Activity of human thinking and algorithmic understandable. On this basis, we can develop a system of techniques and practices for training their own thinking in order to achieve the desired results. The main criterion of applicability of the Phenomenon Varga - only their own human desire to achieve this. Not everyone is given. Features some people do not allow you to apply this effect in practice. After passing the test can reveal the person's ability to develop themselves or standing on the spot. The fate of a man in his own hands, nothing more. Varga phenomenon was discovered purely by Russian scientists several years ago. During this time, the phenomenon has received a number of practical applications. Investigation of several private institutions of hidden human capabilities and unique features of traditional healers identified the main research direction of the Institute of Conduct. In late 2004 the Centre was established at the Institute of Social Adaptation of Conduct. This new Center drug addicts, to teach their clients with psychological and biological knowledge to get rid of drug attachment, provided always wants and needs of the client. Using this knowledge and the phenomenon VARGA Center has the unique ability to deliver our clients a drug attachment. This unique technique. It allows drug users to the client by passing only psychological training course to get rid of drug addiction. Potential consumers of services on the project UNP are all narkozavismye (ie a person who regularly use narcotic substances), wishing to stop using drugs. No contraindications for the application procedure, there are no restrictions on gender, seniority and dosages of use, there are no restrictions on the types of used drugs. To achieve a positive result does not matter religion, drug addiction and his nationality.

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