Saturday 23 April 2011

Such a person can be very proud ...


Nicotine chewing gum is recommended if you have the desire to smoke (10-15 times a day). Sucked from her blood nicotine reduces the severity of withdrawal syndrome and thus helps to quit smoking. What other ways to facilitate the cessation of smoking? In the clinics use the methods of acupuncture and psychotherapy, which give a good effect. However, they help only if smokers took a firm decision to quit. With Choice of method failure of kupeniya can use the questionnaire Horn (see above), as well as tailored to the individual recommendations for smoking cessation: Timing: vacation, extended business trip limit their intake of strong tea and coffee to refuse the use of alcoholic beverages to get rid of cigarettes, lighters, ashtrays Avoid places and circumstances where there is a risk of smoke or change patterns of behavior Restrict caloric intake, increase physical activity observe three rules: never to smoke a cigarette has never offered to buy cigarettes if the cigarettes are still bought, the only one to smoke and throw the other articles published on site

Show me how you smoke ...

The fact that 70% of the information about the person we get, watching his non-verbal cues (gestures, facial expressions, posture), you probably already know. On this occasion, and we have already written, and other literature lacking in any bookstore. But it turns out to those most non-verbal cues can rightfully be attributed and a manner of a man smoking. If you do this sinful habit, you find material for diagnosis is simple: smoke yourself, and watch it. Business with pleasure. Tricky if you supporter of healthy lifestyles. While the smoker obliviously harms your health, do not rush to criticize it (still, your good impulse in the best case will be evaluated as tediousness). Observe how it is man smokes like holding a cigarette, exhales a smoke, etc. Why would a just breathe other people's tobacco, acceded to a series of passive smoking? Remove no use for myself - make some conclusions about the nature of a smoker, maybe useful. If the smoker produces smoke up, then it is now clearly not a bad mood, he was satisfied with himself and the world. If there is ever such a manner, it can already be judged on certain traits. A powerful jet of smoke upward when tilted back his head typical person, accustomed to dominate everywhere and always, under any circumstances. In other words - before you clear leader with a strong character is not accustomed to failure under any circumstances. And another thing: it's probably - an inveterate egotist, all the events perceived through the prism of his large H. Such a person can be very proud: the slightest threat against his clearly inflated self-esteem can cause an attack of aggression against the "offender". Grudges in the address of such person does not forget, and for the offense he may consider even innocent, in your opinion, a joke.

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