Sunday 24 April 2011

Just like manner blows ...

By the way, with a sense of humor, such people have an obvious problem, they simply do not understand, especially humor, subtle or disguised. And if you do not understand it and accept (just in case!) As a personal insult. A jet of smoke downward, in terms of momentary mood, suggests that a person is depressed or in some doubt, decides what to do. If you like blowing smoke has become a habit, it is likely a smoker belongs to the category of people unsociable and indecisive. He feels comfortable only in a society of one person - himself. From all the other sprinters, and even if it communicates something solely because "so necessary" to look "like everyone else." Man, this is unlikely to claim the leadership role. To do this, he is too indecisive and too little in it of what is called fashionable word "charisma". Maybe he would even, and ventured into some unusual action, and enough in it and a sense of humor and wit, but alas, over cautious inner voice when it conducts its solo part: "Where do you climb? Above your head can not jump. By Senka and hat. Slow and steady wins - will continue. " Depressed by this folk wisdom people familiar slide in other people's backs. Another very characteristic released jet smoke - from the corner of his mouth down. Once such a notice, be careful: the best smoker you insincere and at worst - he is your foe. Such a manner of speaking about the hidden negative emotions. Moreover, lies not so much to keep up appearances, but rather to think carefully about your next move. Just like manner blows the smoke a man who lies and does not keep track of your nonverbal cues to hide a lie. True, to the above, there is one, but a very significant caveat: the way it lets people smoke when smoking may well affect another simple but important factor. Maybe people just do not want to "blanket" the interlocutor, that is you. And then the direction of a jet of cigarette smoke entirely depends on your location relative to the studied "object". If you diagnose the nature smoker do not forget this fact. Have you ever met a smoker blowing smoke through his nostrils? I personally do - virtually none. Nevertheless, such a habit exists, though rare. So people smoked arrogant, conceited, but to put it mildly, not burdened by excessive intelligence. The people talk about these - a peacock. Another such manner typical of teenagers just starting to smoke and even flaunt this fact: here, they say, what I am cool. Some information can be learned from how it is man holding a cigarette. The farther is a lit cigarette from his hand, the person holding her delicate and sensitive, especially as he has all the signs of nature creative, relying more on the language of feeling and emotion than on reason and logic. All surrounding a person perceives, rather superficially, focusing on the same proverbial "first glance", the very first impression.

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