Sunday 17 April 2011

Just drinking a detrimental effect ...


In addition, some of the above requirements chastoformiruyutsya artificially (eg, the need for long-term euphoria), their satisfaction becomes a way of silencing some sovershennoinyh needs are not currently udovletvarimyh. Thus, a person who considers himself not a very clever and hides its (real or perceived) intellectual inferiority behind the mask of isolation and inhospitable, may have an increased need for communication, which udovletvoryaetposle taking a dose of alcohol. This is something that concerns just drinkers, and as for alcoholics (lyudeyuzhe patients), they have added to the above reasons chistofiziologicheskaya and psychological dependence. Alcohol stanovitsyasredstvom not periodic withdrawal from everyday reality into a reality, "sublime", but as a means of temporary "vypolzaniya" from realnostimerzkoy and painful reality of normal (considered raneeobydennoy). How drinking affects family life? Depending on chastotyvypivaniya and the average amount of alcohol consumed. If chelovekpet only on holidays and little by little, the singular negative posledstviymozhno not be afraid, but if he starts to drink at every opportunity ("could not refuse," "friends suggested," etc.), then wait for "sliding" into alcoholism. What happens? Change vnutrisemeynyhotnosheny for the worse, because drunk people tend to imeetbolee unpleasant character (more precisely, the behavior) than sober. Pomimoetogo in a family atmosphere there is fear associated with ozhidaniemnepriyatnyh surprises from a drunken husband. Just uhudshaetsyaekonomicheskoe position, for falling efficiency of a breadwinner, a significant portion of the money goes to alcohol and to eliminate posledstviypyanyh manifestations (physical and psychological), in addition, pyuschiychelovek often become extremely greedy (vodka for the N-tsat rubles is normal, and fruits for the home child for the same money - etodorogo). Just drinking a detrimental effect on the upbringing of children, depriving the quiet life in the family, not having a positive primerapered eyes, not receiving proper education on the part of one of both parents. Is it possible to long marriage to a drinking man? Long - yes, but it does nenazovesh normal. As shown by modern психологическиеисследования, a man in such families tend to play a role liborebenka, or dependent, or the victim or someone else in the same rode.Sootvetstvenno, a woman in such a family takes the role of a caring mother, guardian, domoupravitelnitsy, which selects herself. In this onamozhet resent the fact that it "impose" such a role, however, the layer interior of the soul, it is satisfied, because it allows her to realize zataennyymaterinsky instinct. All that makes such a wife, a uderzhivaetmuzha as a child or a helpless victim, and very indignant, kogdaon beginning of her leave. For example, ceases to be alkogolikom.Vsemi ways she tries to get it back again to his former role (snovapodtolknut to drink), and if not, then leaves him kdrugomu "child."

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