Thursday 28 April 2011

Currently, the list of medicines ...

Black coffee. Before the expected meal drink a cup of good brewed black coffee (in Turkish) with lemon juice or a slice of lemon. After the feast to repeat the same procedure. Intoxication passes quickly.

Source: magazine "the doctor" on the site 

Pharmacotherapy of acute alcohol intoxication

VB Altshuler, AA Kozlov, NN Derevlev, TL Sinitsyn of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health Institute of Addiction Alcoholism is one of the most common substance abuse. It is called ethyl alcohol - the biologically active substance. Unlike most other psychotropic drugs, alcohol is not alien to the body substrate, as is involved in metabolic processes. Therapy in patients with alcoholism is a serious problem of modern psychiatry and Toxicology, and the search for medicines for this purpose - a new direction of pharmacology. Currently, the list of drugs recommended for treatment of alcoholism, there is no principal - means of preventing or cropped pathological craving for alcohol, which is the main specific symptom of this disease. Medicines used for relief of acute alcohol intoxication

Mental changes resulting from use of alcohol, can be divided depending on the nature and duration of its reception (some occur after single or intermittent use, others are the result of his multiple techniques for a sufficiently long time - chronic use), as well as the presence or absence of psychotic disorders. Group of alcoholic disorders: Acute alcohol intoxication (simple drunkenness, simple change in the form of alcoholic intoxication, pathological intoxication). Alcoholism (alcohol dependence). Alcohol (metalkogolnye) psychosis. In this article we would like to reflect the basic principles of pharmacotherapy of acute alcohol intoxication. According to ICD-X, acute alcohol intoxication - a transient state that occurs after alcohol intake, which causes a breach or changes in the physiological, psychological or behavioral functions and reactions. Acute alcohol intoxication is characterized by a first period of excitation of the central nervous system, changing of oppression, being capable to achieve the degree of narcosis and coma. If all the cerebral functions are affected by the alcohol, divided by mental, neurological and autonomic, the more conventionally, we can assume that the mild alcohol intoxication (blood alcohol concentration of 20-100 mmol / l), manifests itself mainly psychiatric disorders, the average level (100-250 mg / dL) - appearance, in addition to them, obvious neurological disorders, Severe (200-400 mg / dL) - violations of vital autonomic functions in the actual cessation of mental activity and profound inhibition of locomotor and reflex activity. Alcohol intoxication mild and moderate special treatment does not require (except in rare cases of pathological intoxication).

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