Wednesday 27 April 2011

At some drunks, this method works quite well.


The right way between the excess of love (indulgence) and its lack of expression of each chooses himself. Look this way, reading literature, talking with experts and other parents, feeling the child's response to your every move and act, both in respect of himself and others and remember "God helps those who helps himself." EV Shoot physician psychiatrist psychiatrist

Source: the Internet edition "MED + info" to "expert advice" on the site 

Help for alcoholism and hangover

Alcoholism 1. Centaury - 1 part wormwood (herb) - 1 part Thyme - Part 1 Absorb 15 grams of a mixture of 200 ml of boiling water. Insist, encased, 2 hours, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day with alcoholism. 2. Bedbug forest, green (is found in raspberries). Bedbug publishes a sharp odor. Catch a few bugs, to insist on vodka. Give the drink a person suffering from alcoholism. This makes him an aversion to alcohol. Patient not to talk about. 3. Lovage (root) in 250 grams of vodka to put the root of lovage, and 2 sheets of laurel. Infuse 2 weeks. Alcoholic to drink a glass of this liqueur, and this can cause an aversion to vodka. 4. Kopyten (roots) 1 tablespoon of the crushed roots of ungulates in 1 cup of water. Simmer 10 - 15 minutes on low heat. Insist, encased, 30 minutes, drain, 1 tablespoon of the root decoction Clefthoof pour in 1 cup of vodka. Give to drink the vodka drinker. Such a mixture of vodka with hoof causes vomiting and supposedly strong aversion to alcohol. At some drunks, this method works quite well. Similarly, to comply with the dosage, as the plant toxic. The fact that the vodka is something laced with the drunkard should not know. FROM Soreness After yesterday's rant after the strong intoxication on the day is often observed a strange heaviness of the head, an incredibly bad feeling in the stomach, etc. Pour 20 drops of peppermint alcohol in a glass of cold water and drink immediately. After 1 - 2 minutes - the complete deliverance from all the consequences of yesterday's spree. FOR sobering drunk a) pour 5 - 6 drops of liquid ammonia in a glass of cold water and drink. If someone is dead drunk, then let go his mouth and pour. b) take away lying on his back dead drunk head so that the palms were imposed on the ears. Quickly and strongly to rub both ears. Rush of blood to the head result in a drunk in full consciousness of 1 minute, and it will even be able to tell your address. Intoxication 1. Mint (tincture). 20 drops of tincture of peppermint in a glass of cold water. Drink it all at once. Speeds intoxication reduces headaches and heaviness in the head. 2. Ammonia. 5 - 6 drops of liquid ammonia in a glass of cold Vod. Drink for a reception. Suitable for sobering drunk man. 3. Tea. Before you go to visit and to not get drunk, have a glass of well-brewed with mint green or black tea. After the arrival of home or away again to repeat the tea party. Drunkenness soon passes. 4.

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