Sunday 1 May 2011

The vast experience accumulated by the author ...

The vast experience accumulated by the author in preventive work with children suggests that the initiation of the child to knowledge - is the most reliable protection against disasters. You can buy the book in Moscow, at Smolnaja 47 (m Riverport) UNOS Russia without drugs. To book the disc is attached to the automatic test, to anticipate and address the consequences of contact with drug addicts, as well as the audio version of the tale, and pages for rasskraski. The cost of 300 rubles Delivery courier tel. 458 74 58 For wholesale customers substantial discounts Sincerely, Vladimir Ivanov 095 458 74 58 URL Articles:

A you're against drugs? Smoking: assets and liabilities

Back in 1976, it was noted that tobacco smoke - a source of air pollution indoors, especially carbon monoxide, which can cause a violation of psychomotor responses, decrease exercise tolerance. In the world of about 1.2 billion people smoke cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc., ie the number of smokers is that the rest of the world's population is slowly but surely end up as passive smokers. Cigarette - consumer goods, which appeared to build and maintain a person addicted. However, the smoker is damaging not only your body, even more it poisons the surrounding by burning oxygen and vital vitamin C. The WHO considers that the tobacco epidemic is currently kills about 5 million people a year. Children of parents who smoke are more likely to get sick with bronchitis and pneumonia. Exposure to tobacco smoke in the environment for 11 hours is equivalent to smoking 1.2 cigarettes, while even small doses of nicotine can lead to lung disease. A passive smoker inhales the same hazardous substances as a lover of cigarettes, though in low concentration. According to a report the California Environmental Protection Agency (1997), the annual mortality associated with tobacco among non-smokers ranged from 147 to 251 people per 1 million population. If this factor is applied to Europe, annual losses amount to 55-94 thousand people. In China, the same ratio will result in a staggering figure - 185-317 thousand deaths! The results of studies conducted over 20 years, allowed scientists to agree that secondhand smoke is no safe threshold. It may be the cause of more than 25 diseases, including lung cancer (in this case, the cause is the inhalation of a mixture of 40 chemicals). Tobacco smoke contains a large amount of carbon monoxide inhibits the ability of blood to carry oxygen to body tissues including vital organs (heart, brain). Disorders of the heart and brain, in turn, lead to the risk of heart attack and stroke. Cigarette smoke is divided into two streams: the main entering the smoker's lungs when inhaling, and side - from a smoldering cigarette.

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