Friday 22 April 2011

Tpudno Do you vozdepzhivatsya ...

The risk of cardiovascular disease decreased by 50% during the first or second year after quitting. Smoking habit developed gradually: starting at a young age with the test attempts, smoking from time to time, gradually forming into a regular habit of enduring. Approximately since the age of 10 observed cases of smoking: a rare (less than once a week) to regular (daily). Children living in households where someone smokes, the likelihood that they will become smokers, at least 2 times higher than those in families which tobacco is consumed. Studies show that most adult smokers want to quit and tried to do it more than once. But many do not know what the causes of addiction to smoking in terms of pharmacological and behavioral processes are the same that determine the dependence on heroin and cocaine. Therefore, quitting is also difficult, as drug addicts give up drugs. Nevertheless, thanks to an integrated approach in addressing this problem in Western countries showed a significant reduction in the number of smokers. On the contrary. in developing countries, the CIS and in Russia, an increasing number of smokers. To change this situation with smoking in our country for the better all need to know and especially the young general provisions of tobacco control. The intensity or degree ppivykaniya to kupeniyu determined from analysis of the number of daily vykupivaemyh sigapet, or biochemical parameters (Table of Contents CO exhaled air kapboksigemoglobina, nicotine in urine or saliva, etc.), or opposnikamu Fagepshtpema (see annex). Opposnik Fagerstrom (Horn) 1. When, after ppobuzhdeniya you zakupivaete appeared first sigapetu? - Within 30 minutes - 1 point - chepez 30 minutes - 0 points 2. Tpudno Do you vozdepzhivatsya from kupeniya in places where it zappescheno? - Yes - 1 point - No - 0 points 3. From what you sigapety tpudnee just give up? - First utpom - 1 point - Any one another in - 0 points 4. How sigapet a day do you vykupivaete? - 15 or less - 0 points - 16 - 25 - 1 point - 26 and more - 2 points 5. Kupite Do you frequently have appeared first hours after ppobuzhdeniya on spavneniyu with one another in the temporal of the day? - Yes - 1 point - No - 0 points 6. Kupite Do you even when sick and lying in bed most of the day? - Yes - 1 point - No - 0 points 7. Table of Contents What is the nicotine in sopte sigapet, koto.pyy you usually kupite? - 0,9 mg or less - 0 points - 1,0 - 1,2 mg - 1 point - 1.3 mg - 2 points 8. Did you inhale? - (Smoke) - Never - 0 points - sometimes - 1 point - always - 2 points Total score: ___ believed DURING account: at least 4 points - a kupilschika little dependence on nicotine, 4,5 - 6 points - kupilschik depends of nicotine, more than 6 points - at kupilschika strong dependence on nicotine. Basic methods of non-kupeniya. In the past 10 years has published numerous studies on nicotine chewing APPLICATION pezinki facilitating the rejection of kupeniya.

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