Monday 25 April 2011

There are 14 diseases, the emergence of ...

There are 14 diseases, the occurrence of which in humans is associated with smoking. Clearly demonstrated that the disease bronchopulmonary 92% are caused by smoking, cancer, lip, larynx, pharynx - 90% of smoking; obliterating endarteritis, when the arteries become overgrown and there comes a gangrene limb - 95% smoke and 72% of pancreatic cancer 70% of bladder cancer - smoking, 25% of coronary heart disease - smoking. Nobody in the world is no longer involved in the proof that smoking is harmful - it is an axiom. Now we are just trying to bring it to people. Explain that if he considers himself a person, it may well refuse offers to smoke without fear of ridicule. Suffice it to say: "I do not want." You can say "no" without explanation, you can refuse, and explain the reasons for refusal, you can ignore the suggestion or even try not to get into undesirable situations. And finally, if a child asks why so many adults are smokers, if they know that everything is so bad, tell him that they just can not quit smoking that cigarette - this is dependent for life, from which even with a strong desire disposed of only 2 - 3 people out of 10. Fact: If a person smoked in 15 years, its life is reduced by more than 8 years. Started smoking before 15 years is 5 times more likely to die from cancer than those who started smoking after 25 years. From lighting a young one in four will die from diseases related to smoking. Smoking 20 cigarettes a day, people breathe air polluted by a 580-1100 times higher than health standards. The mortality rate among children in childbirth in smoking mothers is 30% higher than non-smokers. 80% of men condemn female smoking. 80% of smokers grew up in families where the parents smoked

Medical subculture

software-oriented approach to the formation of drug treatment services. The purpose of the therapeutic process - stable remission, which is possible for conscientious objection on the use of psychoactive substances (PAS), is not based on fear or coercion, because the fear or coercion can not ensure the durability of remission. Conscientious objection to the use of surfactants is a result of domestic resource mobilization, identity and expressed a certain level of motivation to abandon the use of surfactants. That is why the healing process must be built on the program-oriented principle, where the goal is to create the motivation to abandon the use of surfactants, and the program is formed depending on the initial level of motivation to contact the patient with this program. Since the main cause of relapse - the absence of the patient's psychological and social skills, life without the use of surfactants, the curriculum should be socio-psycho-technologies aimed at the formation of such skills, it is also possible only at a certain level of motivation to acquire these skills. Dispensary-construction of the precinct Drug Service, in principle, does not involve differentiation programs depending on the patient's motivation to the treatment process.

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