Thursday 21 April 2011

At the behavioral level, sickness ...

What kind of defense mechanisms? These include sverhotvetstvennost, sverhvovlechennost, earnest, self-flagellation, manipulative, sverhkontrol and self-pity. What protects codependent these mechanisms? From resentment, anger, fear, guilt and suffering. Co-dependent as it moves away from awareness of painful feelings and brings the existing models of behavior in all other relationships. Protection system and depressed (unspoken) sense of becoming a serious problem for all family members, and the family is affected psychologically. Defense mechanisms that protect from the pain, in this case are not helpers, and destructive enemy, because they are illusory attempt to change reality and make it what it wanted to see. They do not eliminate the chaos and confusion, but only help to maintain a system of family ties, while at the same time exacerbating the disease. Protection from pain - only a symptom of psychological distress. Second - this denial, reluctance to see the cause of all problems in the family. After all codependent behaves as if there is no problem, "hide" it from themselves and others, is not the main issue of "family secret", thereby depriving themselves of opportunities to get outside help. Third - it is a delusion, self-deception. Codependent tries to avoid a collision with a problem in humans, strongly justifying a relative: "That's his job, there are all drunk," "it was a holiday, how not to drink," "his army was broken," "he alone", etc. Women blame themselves, going into self-reproach: "If I were a better mother ..." "If I was the best hostess ..." Even when the family recognizes the existence of chemical dependency, and then all try to hide it. Life is filled with family members a sense of defeat, self-pity. Because of these negative feelings in the family increases the tension and stress. Against this background, frequent illness such as headaches, stomach ulcers, heart disease, cancer, problems with overeating or malnutrition. Behavioral codependent disease manifests itself primarily in the absorption behavior of the chemically dependent person, which is increasingly away from under his own control. So codependent begins to control the behavior of the chemically dependent, finances of the family, the amount of the chemical. At the same time in the course are pleading, threats, have to cover the consequences, to justify, to pay debts, etc. Thus, acting and reacting normally to an abnormal situation, a close chemically dependent person becomes the primary supporter of his illness. Eliminating dependent pain and responsibility for any consequences from the use of chemical, codependent exacerbate the disease. This behavioral style can be called potakatelstvom when a genuine attempt to help protect and preserve the family from total collapse does not work. The family is considering all the related chemical dependency issues as separate, isolated crises, rather than as links in a chain - a progressive chronic disease.

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