Monday 28 March 2011

Today, your child may offer drugs at school, in college, in the courtyard and a disco. The most dangerous consequence of drug use is highly addictive and the development of drug dependence. Remember, the sooner you'll notice something was wrong, it will be easier to cope with the disaster. External signs appearing in humans who consume drugs (narrowed or abnormally dilated pupils, uncoordinated movements, diffuse attention, etc.) are not always reliable indicators. They may reveal about a completely different disorders. It is home tests for drugs allow almost one hundred percent certainty set, uses a loved one, for example, your child or another drug. With the help of tests is determined almost the whole range of drugs, which now circulate in Russia. The choice of test for the initial testing when the drug form is unknown, it is best to apply Multitesty. These tests are designed to detect a single urine sample, for example, any of the 5 most used drugs: amphetamines, marijuana, morphine (heroin), cocaine, methamphetamine. If you know exactly what your child is using drugs, or if the verification using Multitesta allowed to establish the form of the drug, then later you can apply a test for this particular drug. Produce home diagnostic tests inherit types of drugs: benzodiazepines, methadone, barbiturates, methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, amphetamine, morphine (heroin), phencyclidine, etc. What are the tests for detection of drugs and how they work? Regardless of what the rapid test will you use-Multitestom for the simultaneous determination of 5 or more drugs or tests for the detection of individual drugs, the testing procedure is extremely simple: to collect the urine in any clean container, preferably glass (from 20 - 50 ml), omit in her test and after 5 -15 minutes (or instructions for each set), the result will be ready - an answer to a question that you are concerned. In each set there are instructions that should be explored before taking the sample and carefully executed. Each test strip is designed to identify only one type of drug. Scheme of tesla for the five drugs (Multitest) is shown in Fig. When reading the results must be borne in mind that unlike other tests, the appearance of colored bands in the test region (T) indicates the absence, rather than the presence of the drug in the sample. This is because the basis for the drug is a competitive response, not direct, as, for example, in tests to determine pregnancy. Staining band in the control area (C) said that the analysis was carried out correctly. So: two bands - there is no drug, one band (only in the testing area!) - A drug is, no band - the analysis must be repeated. konetsformynachaloformyTest on the drug and its possible tests of this group - a reliable and effective tool for real-prevention drug.

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