Friday 3 June 2011

These people believe in human ...

Many incurable diseases have been treated, and quite successfully by our ancestors. This discovery called "Phenomenon Varga. The effect is to use the latent potential of each person's own thinking in getting rid of the universally recognized incurable diseases. That research experience of our ancestors helped to develop new and unique Russian techniques eliminate drug dependence. Studying the Phenomenon Varga, scientists have made a sensational discovery. Almost any incurable disease - is the fruit of their own thinking man, and not external factors. Drug addiction - is the result of mental habits, nothing more. Developed its own unique methodology to address drug addiction. Chance to get rid of the "incurable disease" is all drug addicts (ie, individuals systematically drug users) who want to stop using drugs. No contraindications for the application procedure, there are no restrictions on gender, seniority and dosages of use, there are no restrictions on the types of used drugs. To achieve a positive result does not matter religion, drug addiction and his nationality. This technique has a 98% efficiency, if a person wants to get rid of this habit. Time to achieve the result - 1-2 calendar months. Medications do not apply. A positive result is achieved exclusively psychological means. This unique result was made possible by different explanatory principle nature of drug addiction. Once again I want to reiterate that drug addiction - is mental habit, not a disease. A person stops using drugs is not a result of treatment, and as a result of working with a psychologist. Unfortunately, there is still the only center of CSA at the Moscow Institute of Conduct (, which applies this technique. Over 5 years of training with drug addicts, a few hundred people have returned to normal life. Conventional medicine claims that it is impossible, since it is impossible in principle. Nevertheless, ex-addicts, and now - healthy people who have forgotten about his past life, completely break all the arguments of official medicine. These people believe in human thought and wisdom of our ancestors. This summer, a decision the leaders of the Centre to conduct tests on the possibility of complete deliverance from drug addiction outcasts of human society: HIV-infected patients with hepatitis "C" drug addicts and people who use synthetic drugs. Unfortunately, this is the only center and it will not be able to accept all comers. In the near future, we hope that such centers will be opened more and more.

Drugs: from legal to illegal trafficking - one step

AA Kuznetsov, Major Russian Federal Service for Control over Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances were recently published the results of the All-Russian comprehensive preventive operation "Doping", held in Last December, Russian Federal Drug Control Service (nowadays - Russian Federal Service for Control over Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances).

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