Friday 3 June 2011

We give only two examples.

The field of view of officers offices got nearly 5,000 objects. As a result, more than 500 institutions were given instructions to eliminate violations of the rules of drug trafficking, compiled 80 reports on administrative violations, filed 196 criminal cases. Control within the competence of the Russian Federal Service for Control over Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances is not yet a year old. About eight months working regional offices to monitor legal and illegal drug trafficking, forensic, investigative and other units. In the fight against drugs police to "illegals" problem is crystal clear - to destroy the machinery of criminal business, liquidate its economic component. But all is not just in legal circulation of drugs and psychotropic substances. The main tasks of the Federal Service are providing within its competence, monitor the traffic in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, and the implementation of measures to combat trafficking. For these purposes, created General Directorate of Federal Drug Control Service of Russia in control of legal narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Almost from its inception, the police started to deal with all sorts of crimes, even crimes committed in pharmacies, pharmaceutical facilities, hospitals and other health facilities. Every tenth crime or offense found there. We give only two examples. Management staff Gosnarkokontrol Russia's Primorsky Region under the Regional Operation Report-2003 "examined 46 health facilities. As a result, there have been two criminal cases. Most often are detected violations of the legal order established by registration, storage, issuance of narcotic, psychotropic, potent drugs, no licenses for such activities. Thus, in Olginskaya central district hospital in a safe, which had free access to strangers, there are 6 vials of the drug omnomon. The hospital also had other violations of the accounting of unused drugs. Operatives Management Gosnarkokontrol Russia's Kostroma region found violations in the work against drugs in medical institutions of the regional center. Just a list of offenders was 37 health centers and a pharmacy. The vast majority of them - are private. The most common violations - lack of consideration of drugs, improper storage and use of drugs without a license. Realizing the importance of this area of ??work, manual control Gosnarkokontrol Russia agreed to hold the All-Russian comprehensive preventive operation "Doping". In the territorial bodies of Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the aims and objectives of the operation to form special groups, if necessary, involved law enforcement officers, health care management, prosecution, and other governmental bodies of the Federation.

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