Friday 3 June 2011


Let him answer for his conduct before God and society. And if the drinking-sin, as John of Kronstadt said, love the sinner, not the sin. Do not preach or sawing it. It will not help. Save yourself, and live their own, and not his life. This is not an appeal to selfishness and cruelty, but a reasonable measure. Understand, indifference and serenity - two different things. Believe me, once you learn to channel their energies into other things in life, enjoy life, regardless of the status of your son or husband, you will spiritual growth, self-esteem, and your husband will be more respect for you and be with you. Seek help in the clubs of Alcoholics Anonymous, attend lectures on the GA system. Shichko, clubs''Optimalist.'' Remember, a panacea, as the miraculous treatment for alcohol no recovery is becoming more individualistic. Can help society''Krishna Consciousness,''the study of Islam, Christian communities, the system Porfiry Ivanov, Buteyko, Dovzhenko and others. (7) Use of special means of behavioral and cognitive therapists. They will help you develop a program of positive reinforcement a sober lifestyle (8) and stability in the abstinence only provided if the patient himself wants to change. Literature. 1.В.Д.Москаленко.Предсказуем whether alcoholism?-Medicine and Health Care. Overview. Ways to recognize and address risk factors. M., 1991.-66s. 2.S.A.Korytin. Tiger under general anesthesia. Animals - drugs - people. M., Publishing House''was Znanie''1991-240. 3.R.Marri. D. Grenner., P. Meyes., W. Rodwell. Biochemistry rights. In 2 vols. Tom1.M.,''WORLD''.1993 city s.267. 4. V.D.Moskalenko.Predskazuem whether alcoholism?-Medicine and Health Care. Overview. Ways to recognize and address risk factors. M., 1991.-66s. -Gl.4.-Finding predictors of alcoholism, with 34-44. 5.S.P.Belogurov.Populyarno about drugs and narkomaniyah.2 ed. Corr and add.-Spb.: Nevsky Dialect,''2000. s.214. 6.Den-to-day in Al-Anon. References Al-anon.Spb community.''''Al-Anon, the .2003-24. 7.V.Druzhinin.Kak to help a man if he was addicted to alcohol. Memo. g.Sverdlovsk.1991 city-4s. 8.K.Prayor.Ne growl at the dog. On the training of animals and humans. Ed.''Selena.'' Moskva.1995.-416s. Published with permission of the author

Hope is the

Average lifespan of a drug addict - 4-5 years. Each year, drug takes 20-25% of your life. Each addict spends a year on drugs averaged $ 12 000 - 18 000. It's statistics. After 3-4 years of drug use there is a realization of despair and hopelessness of the situation. When are 1-2 years of life, or rather the existence of "dependent", that's when most clearly and strongly people feel the uniqueness of life, and that's when he begins to understand the value of life, its true meaning. Is there a solution? Yes! Until 1991, a number of private institutes of the USSR were studied psychological methods to get rid of incurable diseases, used traditional healers. Scientists do not believe the results obtained.

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