Thursday 2 June 2011

And many more examples of when a woman ...


They often repeat themselves learned in childhood, a model daughter or wife of an alcoholic - by hook or by crook to protect and save her husband from the upcoming and current pyanok, curse it, configure it not to drink, kick under the table leg for the extra glass, do not keep House of alcohol, all friends of suspect hidden soldering husband and secretly pour extra alcohol into the sink at home. In my experience, too many instances when a girl chooses a husband for his father, with all its shortcomings drinkers, and seamlessly continues learned in childhood model obereganiya husband alkogolika.I many more examples of when a woman casts a sober husband does not drink, going to otpitomu alcoholic, because that it is his body-female nature wants to fight for him, to save and protect, and here, with a sober, she has nothing to do. No adrenaline rush of life. The behavior of her husband a wife dichotomous. On the one hand it seems to be fighting for the life of her husband's sobriety, on the other - with the subconscious expectancy is waiting for its failure. She loves it. Subconsciously, she is cold. She's waiting for his triumphant hour. And, as if inadvertently demonstrates the expectation of failure. And when, God forbid, such a trouble occurs, it victoriously and triumphantly broadcasts: Again, you, kid (pig) drunk! How many times have I told you, will not you man .. Finally, we must, for their own self-esteem in the family, lack of balance is restored. Cymbals sound! So, without awareness of their addiction, without an honest self unearth and translate its unconscious feelings in the rational mind can not get rid of his addiction. In the words of Anton Chekhov, the challenge of human-to''squeeze out drops of a slave.'' Squeeze out drop by drop from a relationship with, and establish a proportional relationship to the natural family is the first step of care to the sick person and his entire family. Such a program Al-Anon (6). The task of weaning from alcohol is just the opposite. Close person must actually see and feel on their skin all the consequences of his drunkenness. Monitor drinking husband or son, you still will not succeed. In this regard you as helpless as he. Stop ridiculous control. Enough to build their family life around his drunkenness. Enough to think that I'll be doing or not doing, if he would drink (or drink). No! You will do all planned, that is, implement all their plans for any of his condition. Your life should be full and to take its course, your plans and goals should be in the best option. Stop coddling him like a little kid, of course, if you can control his powerful maternal instinct. Discard the''parent''and rewards of motherhood''happiness''of what it looks after you like a small child. Uvazhte it. Admit it an adult, able to take responsibility for their lives and their destiny. It is impossible to manipulate human beings can only inanimate objects. All you've done before is trying to manipulate them.

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