Tuesday 7 June 2011

Hence, accurate knowledge about the nature ...

Heard reports on the treatment of drug addicts using neurosurgical techniques. 03/11/1998, the meeting was held on the organization of prevention and treatment of drug addicts by R. Hubbard. 6/15/1999, was the report "The way relieve withdrawal symptoms and withdrawal of chemical dependency in drug addicts with controlled hyperthermia." (Addiction Issues № 3, 1999). This variety of methods indicates that the differences in the understanding of substance abuse and, as a consequence differences in methods of treatment. The variety of methods and indicates that the cause of the disease drug, its source, to which you want to work to heal it, not precisely defined. For example, when we talk about the flu, then we know that disease caused by influenza virus. And as soon as we find symptoms of influenza, we are making precisely such actions that lead to recovery, because these actions are directed to the source of the disease. UNCLEAR IF THE NATURE OF DISEASE, THEN AND ATTEMPTS OF ITS TREATMENT doomed to failure. The nature of addiction is so unclear that SRI Narcology admitted: "The specific feature of hospital substance abuse is a fundamental lack of recovery. These diseases are chronic, and in the process of overcoming them, including in the framework of rehabilitation work at any time, may resume manifestation of a pathological attraction to surfactant (psychoactive substances ) and associated affective and behavioral disorders that is relapsed disease. "(" Rehabilitation of the addicted patients: the concept, the program ", Moscow, 2001., Publishers Anacharsis"). This statement merely states the fact of failure of medical treatment. All of this suggests that the way to explain the paradigm by which science thinks the answer to questions at the beginning of this article does not give the questions. These facts, when science can not give the correct answer to the pressing issues of practice in the history of science itself is not news . It suffices to recall the unsuccessful attempts of physicists of the nineteenth century to explain the phenomenon of heat through the material substance - thermogen. A new understanding of the heat given molecular-kinetic theory of MV Lomonosov Moscow State University, who examined the phenomenon of heat as the behavior of matter particles themselves, which gave an accurate understanding of the essence heat. A paradigm shift has led to a breakthrough in the science and practice. Hence, accurate knowledge about the nature of addiction is the key to solving the problem. Thus, in addressing the drug problem facing science is objectively the question of a paradigm shift to explain the nature of addiction and dependency as a whole. people - the unity of the physiological and psychological. The dominant paradigm of thinking today comes from the fact that the source of addiction in the field of physiology - the human body, in a cell, an organic functional system (eg the brain) - or metabolic biochemical processes under the influence of the drug is irreversibly altered and thereby trigger craving for the drug, which in turn leads a person to use SAS.

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