Monday 6 June 2011

Correct to make a statement ...

Is not formed craving, so after one use your metabolism to normal. Restoration of metabolism in this case shows that the body restores its own, exercising self-control. The human body - self-regulating system. The golden rule of self-regulation states: "The self-deflection of the final adaptive effect is an incentive to return the system to this effect" (1). Metabolism is subject to this law of self-regulation, as well as all other functional systems of the body. In the case of drug abuse research shows that changes in the system neyromediatsii (DA) are preserved. From these laboratory data can be inferred, or pattern of self-regulation of functional systems are not available or, if it works, then the stimulation of dopamine neyromediatsii preserved. Laws, because they are laws, that their actions must occur. Correct to make a statement that the addict stimulation dopamine (DA) neyromediatsii persists even when drug use is not. Thus, the solution within the framework of attitudes about drug addiction, is reduced to answering the question. That stimulates changes in metabolism in the brain when the material, tangible incentives - the drug is absent? Objective: To find this incentive. Finding this incentive can answer the question, what is the cause of the disease. And then the drug will start from level to level chronic problems to be solved. Such an interpretation of scientific results can be formulated in another direction finding solution to the problem of drug abuse and addiction, and to raise the question of the need to use different explanatory principle in understanding the nature of drug abuse and dependence in general. Institute of Conduct

Drug abuse: perspectives of treatment

Vladimir Ivanov Director for Science and Technology ANO Institute of conduct " Addiction - a new phenomenon in our lives, faced by the society at the beginning of democratic reforms . Its main feature - the rapid growth and prevalence among youth aged 18-24. Results narkotizatitsii population growth - mortality, the spread of HIV, the economic losses. "In the coming years, this situation will be complicated," - stated at the II Conference on anti-drug cooperation in Saratov in September 2001 (Informagenstvo Volga-Inform). It is a recognition that the state and society can not successfully overcome the problem, there is no effective treatment for drug addiction. Add - no effective system of prevention. If the existing treatments are ineffective, then whether we understand the essence of addiction? Do we have the answer to the questions: what is the source, the cause of drug addiction that causes the disease? The answers to these questions - the solution of the problem. Scientific Council of the Ministry of Health at its meeting considered the feasibility of new, including non-traditional methods of treatment of patients with drug dependence. 29.19.98, the

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