Monday 6 June 2011

Just verdict - an incurable disease.

From this also follows the logic of the therapeutic process. With the help of drugs, ie, influencing the metabolism and achieve its normalization and, thereby, suppress the craving for the drug. However, despite treatment, found that the craving remains. Laboratory research scientists, drug treatment show that changes in metabolism remain. These changes in metabolism, more dopamine neyromediatsii are detected even after long disuse drug. This fact reveals the science. And apparently, on the basis of this fact the conclusion of the chronic (ie incurable) the nature of the disease. Thus, the original explanatory principle, scientific knowledge has led to a final destination - a chronic disease. Now the results themselves of stability changes in metabolism require an answer to the question: why do they persist? Unfortunately, in this formulation, the issue has not yet been asked. Since the issue is not specified, and no response is received. Just verdict - an incurable disease. And as a consequence - in principle there is no mechanism for recovery. "(4) It is becoming clear that the resulting scientific data are not consistent with the proposed explanatory principles understanding of addiction. He has not made clear picture of the disease, and as a consequence there is no clarity in the way a cure. What is the problem here? The problem in the explanatory principle! Science begins to study drug addiction when a person has a record of use, and at the time of the study did not use drugs. And on the basis of these studies concludes. Conceptual: A MAN "NO DRUG USE" changes in metabolism "NEYROMEDIATSIYA BRAIN" craving. From a conceptual scheme can be seen all the links in the formation of the disease is evident. Except for one thing - drugs. But in terms of pledged explanatory principle all true. Changes in metabolism exist, there is a craving. Conclusion: The symptoms of the disease available. Scientific thought is held exclusively within the changes in metabolism and dopamine neyromediatsii. And so, here do not see any contradictions included principle of understanding the nature of addiction. Contradictions arise when embarking on treatment. Being kept within the conceptual framework: changes in metabolism - neyromediatsii dopamine - it is impossible to explain why so stable these changes. Need to go beyond that and to explain the expense of what saved the changes in metabolism. The answer to this question must be sought in the link, which is preceded by changes in metabolism. To place these changes in metabolism necessary fact of drug use. In other words, should be stimulated, causing corresponding changes in metabolism and neyromediatsii brain. The impetus for change science recognizes only the drug. One drug use does not cause disease, ie

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