Tuesday 7 June 2011

Thus, physiological ...


In other words, drug addiction - a disease. Based on the understanding of addiction as a disease construct therapeutic activities aimed at the organic functionality of the system - the use of drugs, surgery and others recognize - this paradigm does not lead to the desired result. What is not taken into account when considering the merits of drug addiction? It remains the second component - the psychological. Can we find a solution here? In the above "Rehab addicted patients: the concept, the program is" psychological, psychotherapeutic system recommends the use of group techniques in 1915. As stated in the document, "the group is a model of life, provides for the receipt of direct life experience of learning and positive development. They are sent to the disclosure and the mobilization of resources individual patients, addressing their personal, family and social problems, build skills psychic (psycho-physical) self-regulation and appropriate behavior in a variety of problematic situations, including in situations of high involvement in anesthesia. And here we formulate the desired result of psychotherapy, but there is no answer to our question: what is the source of addiction? The resulting combined medical and psychological professionals result leads to conclusions about incurability addiction. Nevertheless, the work of mental considered an integral part of treatment. Past experience gives us the right to raise the question: Is it possible to explain addiction, based on a different paradigm. Try to do it. Consider the phenomenon of drug addiction as a purely psychological. Specialists diagnosed with drug dependence from the observed human behavior in the form of action on the acquisition and use of surfactants. Thus, physiological changes in the body addict follow human behavior and are the result of this behavior. Without committing conduct directed at drug use, people will not freak ever. Any committed and observed behavior, expressed in the actions of the acquisition and use of drugs, is a targeted and studied the physiology of higher nervous activity and scientific psychology. Listed gives us the scientific basis for a new paradigm to explain addiction not as a disease but as a specific human behavior. Any behavior has its own structure and constructed in accordance with the laws that are discovered and studied in the early twentieth century, great Russian physiologist IP academics Pavlov and PK Anokhin. Our behavior is accompanied and driven the work of the mind, which we call thinking. Faced with a drug, any of us start thinking about whether this occurs consciously or not, that ends up making a decision: to use or not use drugs. Depending on how the Deliberation and what was decided, human behavior can develop in two directions. FIRST: Shelf And he continues using drugs.

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