Thursday 9 June 2011

Consequently, the essence of addiction ...

Accomplish this task, learning technology, "Extinction of drug behavior" allows almost 100 percent efficiency to eliminate sustained drug dependency, and the type of drugs, their period of use and dosage, do not matter. The technology allows you to work both individually and with a group of drug addicts. The work is carried out-patient, without the use of drugs, hypnosis, suggestive techniques, psychological, coding and programming of consciousness. Structurally, the technology consists of three parts: - diagnostics structure of behavior of drug users - eliminating drug behavior by a quenching attraction - development of skills of new (sober) behavior. Time required to remove a person from addiction by the shape of the (individual or group) and ranges from 2 to 4 weeks. Technology "extinction drug behavior" - the Russian. Its scientific basis is receiving further development and practical application of the "Institute of behavior," the idea of ??national scientists. This is the theory of academician IP Pavlov "The conditioned reflex and the dynamics of conditioned reflex activity," Theory of Academician PK Anokhin "The functionality of the system - the structure of the behavioral act," the doctrine of Academician AA Ukhtomskogo "The dominant" theory Orlova YM "On the behavioral approach and sanogennykh thinking", the theory of Ivanov VA "Managing emotions and reflexes." That defines the process of psyche drugs. And as a result, we observe the behavior of the drug. According to the theory of conditioned reflex of Pavlov IP is unconscious stable behavior can be considered as a reflex, only a reflex in this case not form in the organic structures of the body and the psyche. When an addict tries to cure him, and here it is necessary to commit an act of thinking - taking a decision to refuse to use, in other words, the decision to change the usual train of thought or elimination of drug behavior. These acts of thinking in the dominant scientific paradigm of today are not taken into account, but their participation in the formation, course and treatment of drug dependence is undeniable. Consequently, we have the right to take the psychological elements of a "disease" as the starting point for further discussion. Recognizing that acts without thinking of drug dependence are not formed and does not occur, then we can conclude that these are the work itself, our mind is the essence, the basis of drug addiction. Consequently, the essence of addiction - the behavior of the source - acts of thinking. Institute of behavior, "as the first scientific and practical expertise of the Center of the State Duma Committee on Security, offers the following unique capabilities of technology," Extinction behavior of drugs: - work individually or with a group. Short time. Do not isolate the addict from society - measure the presence of addiction or attraction (including hidden) to drug use, and measure the extinction results in the application of technology - to shape sustainable skills sober behavior (complete rejection of drug use).

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