Wednesday 8 June 2011

Medical Academy of IM Sechenov


As the subject of rehabilitation in the new method is the psyche, and it is subject to the law of learning, then the rehabilitation work is based on scientific understanding and application of the law. Conscious application of the law always gives a high efficiency in any human activity. One example is the theory and practice sanogennykh thinking and behavioral approach doctor of psychological sciences, academician Orlova YM, long time head of the Department of General Psychology, Medical Academy of IM Sechenov in Moscow. Applying the law of learning, the addict is held extinction "traction" (a term the physiology of higher nervous activity) or otuchivanie from former drug behavior, ie psychological means, harmless to human health, quickly and completely eliminates the "pull" (craving) and the desire to use that arises in certain circumstances. Then conducted training in new skills drug-free thinking and behavior. The result - sustained relief from addiction. This method of getting rid of dependence has been described in the article "Lost hope you can return," published in the journal Zemsky Gazette, № 3, 2000 We believe that this approach to drug addiction will solve the problem of drug abuse in the country.

Chance of healing from addiction

Despite the countless number of treatment centers and rehabilitation narkobolnyh, conventional medicine was forced to admit that a particular feature of drug addiction clinic, is a fundamental lack of recovery, it is clear from the report of the Minister of Health Yew . Shevchenko made it to the government commission to combat drug abuse and trafficking, in August 2002 and from the work of a number of experts in the field of Addiction Research Institute. But scientists of the Institute of conduct "under the patronage of the State Duma Committee on Security had developed a unique technology to combat drug addiction. What is the essence of this discovery? About this Vladimir Ivanov tells special correspondent "RO" Alexander Lazutina. This technology is based on fundamentally different than today, the approach in explaining the nature of addiction. In this paradigm, drug addiction is regarded as one of the behaviors of the emerging and is fixed in the minds of the laws that contributes to the formation and consolidation of all addictive behavior. The technology "of extinction of drug behavior" is teaching people skills to self-extinction of drug behavior and the formation and consolidation of sober behavior, allowing to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. The essence of this method is that changes in the acquired, the unnatural (drugs) human behavior (his habits and dependencies), you must change some of the stereotypes of his mental behavior, causing people to stop using drugs completely.

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