Thursday 9 June 2011

Sokolov, VA


It should be noted that during the six-year technology validation, "Extinction behavior of drug" withdrawal from the drug were more than 300 people. All past its full course, there is a stable positive result. The technology has been tested, its results are confirmed in practice and recorded. Implementation of the technology, "Extinction of drug behavior" will significantly reduce the number of addicts, to remove from the minds of addicts stamp of doom. A trained professionals how to apply this technology will greatly expand the geography of her actions. A healthy society - the most important aspect of national security! ANO <>

Analysis of the relation of thresholds of nociceptive responses and overall enkefalinaznoy activity of blood serum in patients with heroin addiction

SV Litvinov, AV Nadezhdin, SN Avdeev, SE Khokhlov, EY Tetenova, N. Terebilina, LF Panchenko, MV Gabaeva, O. Sokolov, VV Shul'govskil MSU. MV University, Department of Higher Nervous Activity, Institute of Addictions Ministry of Health, Laboratory of Neurochemistry, Clinical Department of Child and Adolescent drug use; Mental Health Research Center RAMS, Laboratory of Pathophysiology, Moscow, Russia The problem of effective treatment of heroin addiction today is insoluble both clinical and on health and biological levels. The successes achieved in the correction of certain syndromes, have not led to a significant increase in overall efficiency. In this regard, the search for the fundamental mechanisms underlying substance dependence, it is extremely important. It is obvious that the basis for the formation of drug dependence is a neurochemical imbalance in the substrate of functional brain systems responsible for the formation of instincts. It is known that a certain level of endogenous opioids in combination with other factors is important in the formation of functional rolling pain threshold [35, 4], different responses to the increasing strength of stimuli [22], the formation of biological motivations [29], etc. In addition, the content of endogenous opioids may be temporarily changed by stress [29], the impact of painful stimuli [20], acupuncture stimulation [4] or administration of exogenous opioids [23]. Thus, according to system views PK Anokhin [2], apparently in the body there is a kind of functional system is a useful adaptive result of which is a level of optimal content of endogenous opioids. One of the impacts that imply deviation levels of endogenous opioids, besides the above factors is the introduction of morphine or morphine-like substances. There is the phenomenon of tolerance, which leads to the disappearance of the analgesic effect of the initial dose of morphine for his chronic administration [37], which requires larger doses of morphine with the subsequent development of tolerance as early as this dose, etc., and may be the forerunner of addiction.

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