Saturday 4 June 2011

Total doctor prescribed more than 40 fraudulent prescriptions.

So, in Novosibirsk, a doctor arrested one of the city health clinics, drug abuse itself. 9 falsifying prescriptions, she received more than 200 vials of potent substances sibazon for marketing and personal consumption. Total doctor prescribed more than 40 fraudulent prescriptions. According to this criminal case. During the inspection CRH Salsk Rostov region revealed that a doctor at the hospital prescriptions for narcotic drugs for non-existent patients. The question of criminal proceedings. The examination LLC Central Pharmacy "Gukovo Rostov region removed from the illicit unaccounted potent substances weighing 127 g Reviewers also found a clean and partially completed prescription forms to obtain potent drugs with a stamp of medical institutions in the city and the personal seals of the doctors. Under investigation. In Voronezh, established the fact sales of synthetic drug methamphetamine made from strong substances solutan and Teofedrin. These drugs were purchased with forged prescriptions. Criminal case. When viewed from the chemical laboratory GOOSE Bureau forensic "found and seized cocaine hydrochloride, weighing about 1.5 g of morphine hydrochloride - 3,3 g, and 0.082 grams of heroin, which were not reflected in the records. On this fact together with the Ministry of Health of Saratov Region appointed documentary audit. It should be noted that during the operation to focus on identifying violations of the rules of registration of drugs as one of the most important elements of prevention of their theft. This is because the drugs are lost mainly in health facilities, in particular, in the Chelyabinsk region revealed embezzlement doctor Chebarkulsky district hospital 18 vials of morphine. In the Pechora Central Hospital in the Pskov region revealed the following differences: according to the magazine based on the number 6 ampoules of sodium oxybutyrate, and in fact the department was only 5. It turned out that the nurse on duty imposed patients injections without a doctor's prescription. Its actions are contained to the offense. Another similar story. Kazan doctor ordered drug treatment clinic fictitiously 5 recipes for potent substance tramadol patients who did not need it. On this fact being investigated. Territorial bodies of Federal Drug Control Service was carried out purposeful work on the detection of clandestine laboratories producing drugs using controlled funds, materials and tools and equipment, illegally removed from their sphere of legal circulation. In Moscow, for example, suppressed the activity of a clandestine laboratory, which was carried out artisanal production of ephedrine from efedrinosoderzhaschih drugs purchased with forged prescriptions. In Taldom district of Moscow region revealed point where ephedrine from purchased with forged prescriptions potent substances Teofedrin.

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