Wednesday 1 June 2011



In the developed standards for rehabilitation, except for diagnosis, determined in accordance with the requirements of the ICD-10, highlights the main symptoms of the disease and recommend the best treatment and rehabilitation activities. Development of new prevention programs informing and training nature. Conducted epidemiological studies. Report annually on the incidence and prevalence of alcoholism and drug addiction. At the same time it should be noted a number of issues that now require attention. This, above all, issues related to the reorganization of drug treatment services in the Russian Federation. This primarily concerns the development and improvement of all organizational units drug treatment to ensure its actual availability to the population in the territorial and material terms. Necessary to organize regional rehabilitation centers that are in his district to implement the organizational and methodological work. Require special attention issues of organizational forms of drug treatment services focused on children and adolescence contingent on maximizing its rehabilitative care. No less important is the question of training. Planned on the basis of the NSC offices Addiction to systematically organize meetings and seminars with leaders of the Departments of Addiction, involved in postgraduate education of psychiatrists-drug treatment. Special study of the problem requires the interaction with the media in advertising. Remain unresolved question of the relationship between government and private entities, issuing licenses to private entities and control over medical and rehabilitation work that they perform.

Way to influence the patient alcoholic

Sergey Sokolovsky psychotherapist, PhD. Medico-Ecological Association''Biotech'', Pyatigorsk. e-mail: Alcoholism has more than 60 years recognized, a progressive substance abuse in the world, although still of some half a century ago, the world's leading psychiatrists have tried to treat it as by-product of depression, emotional disorders, a nurturing environment, lifestyle and environment. Now surely it is clear that, although the above-mentioned secondary factors, including genetic and can exert its influence, this is a completely independent disease, which manifests itself in healthy individuals, with the systematic repetition of alcohol alcoholism develops uniquely, except for 10-15% having a genetic or biological alcohol intolerance (1). Alcoholism is realistic is produced in many laboratory animals in a systematic supply of alcohol instead of water. Alcoholism is manifested in the animal world extensively, it is during the flowering of so-called''drunken''berries with bears, elephants, monkeys, eating fermented or sour fruits and vegetables. Save the animals from drinking only a short period of availability of such products around them (2).

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