Sunday 5 June 2011

And in the Closed City of Peace "...

In addition, the hospital pharmacy did not have this part 5 syrette with promedolom. Them without any regard was sent to a military unit. The police discovered that the loss and returned to the pharmacy. The fact of the illicit transfer promedola formed the basis of audit materials that will be transferred to the military prosecutor Novorossiysk garrison. In the Arkhangelsk region revealed a derelict warehouse, where the seized drugs and promedol Taren, kept in the medicine cabinet. And in the Closed City of Peace "discovered a warehouse storing sulfuric acid. Previously, it was used by military personnel for the chemical treatment of water. Then the number of objects in this part was transferred to municipal ownership. However, the remnants of acid, amounting to 260 t, were not transferred. Command of the regiment did not recognize them their property, because they are written down and documented on the balance sheet are not registered. This information is brought to the federal inspector area and directed the prosecutor's office area. In the Moscow region in military units Kantemirovskaya Division found 14 cases of unlicensed activity pharmacies, offices and reception rooms emergency department care. Also violated the requirements for technical strengthening of objects. Fact-Finding garrison prosecutor seeks information and views on the elimination of deficiencies. In Stavropol Pyatigorsk activities of the military hospital associated with the use of drugs and other drugs, was conducted without a license. In addition, there was no suitable conditions for their storage. Material test result was sent to the police decision to the military prosecutor of Pyatigorsk. In the Tver region in the warehouses of the District Military Clinical Hospital, Military Medical Academy and the State Enterprise "Medical Center" Reserve "discovered more than 50 thousand vials of drugs, the expiration date which has long expired. In stock emergency reserve in the military unit stationed in the Domodedovo district, Moscow region, investigators found a large number of individual first-aid kits, which were about 1,100 syrette with the preparation of Athens. The shelf life had expired back in 1993 on the results of examination in the same syringe-tube contains almost polgramma drug amphetamine. The issue of a criminal case. In conclusion we can say that although the operation "Doping" carried out by the Federal Drug Control Service for the first time, its goals and objectives were largely met. Narkopolitseyskih managed to present the scope of the problem, assess the current situation in the field of legal circulation of drugs, see a trend of interaction with other law enforcement agencies and health organizations. Such operations are decided to be held regularly. They will not only help restore order in the work of doctors with drugs, but also increase the responsibility for their use in the treatment of patients. Article published in Pharmaceutical Journal

Drug addiction - a chronic disease?

In the scientific community, and behind her, and in the public mind had the firm belief that drug addiction - an incurable disease.

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